For a list of all ponies appearing or mentioned in the show, see list of ponies. MLP_Facebook_%27One_Million_Friends%27_poster.jpgキャラクターのページでは、主なキャラクターを一覧でまとめています。詳細は該当ページを参照してください。
アップルファミリー |
Hayseed Turnip Truck | Apple Strudel | Auntie Applesauce | Apple Rose | Goldie Delicious |
アップルファミリー |
パイファミリー |
ライムストーンパイ、 マーブルパイ | イグニアスロックパイ、 クラウディークオーツ | モードパイ |
主要ヴィラン |
その他ポニーのヴィラン |
The_Shadowbolts_annoyed_S1E02.png The Shadowbolts | トリクシー | Boy Bullies |
Flim and Flam | Daring_Do_warns_Caballeron_S4E04.png Dr. Caballeron and henchponies | The Mane-iac and henchponies |
Suri Polomare | Wind Rider | Spoiled Rich | Svengallop |
ポニー以外のヴィラン |
お医者さん |
Nurse Redheart | Doc Top | Mane Goodall | Doctor Horse | Nurse ponies |
その他のポニー |
Davenport | Twilight Velvet and Night Light | Joe | Star Swirl the Bearded[note 1] |
Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles | Jet Set and Upper Crust | Fancy Pants' entourage |
Fleur Dis Lee | Junebug | Train conductors | Filthy Rich | Cherry Jubilee | Roma* |
Gizmo | Thunderlane | Cloudchaser and Flitter | Blossomforth | Bulk Biceps |
Lightning Dust | Ms. Peachbottom | Ms. Harshwhinny | Flash Sentry | Coco Pommel | Cheese Sandwich |
The Pony Tones | Randolph | Silver Shill | Teddie Safari* | Claude | Night Glider |
Party Favor | Double Diamond | Sugar Belle | Weather Control Pegasi | Trouble Shoes |
Tree Hugger | Moon Dancer | Sassy Saddles | Hooffield and McColt families | Sunburst |
コミックに登場するキャラクター |
Sweetcream Scoops | Sugar Grape | September | Jade Singer | MandoPony |
Flax Seed and Wheat Grass | Ponyacci | Barber Groomsby | Tealove | Inkwell |
Bumblesweet | Diamond Rose | Hoofbeard | Charity Sweetmint[note 2] |
Kibitz | Minty | Friends_Forever_issue_9_Firecracker_Burst.png Firecracker Burst | Power Ponies |
Gallant True | PheNOMNOMenons cart ladies | Radiant Hope |
コミックに登場するヴィラン |
Buck Withers | North Star[note 2] | King Longhorn |
無生物、架空のキャラクター |
Bloomberg | Pinkie Pie's imaginary friends | Tom | Smarty Pants | The Headless Horse |
過去の首領たち |
Chancellor Puddinghead | Smart Cookie | Commander Hurricane | Private Pansy | Princess Platinum | Clover the Clever |
エクエストリアガールズ |
Fluttershy | Pinkie Pie | Applejack | Rarity | Rainbow Dash |
DJ Pon-3 | Cutie Mark Crusaders | Principal Celestia | Vice Principal Luna |
Photo Finish | Trixie | Miss Cheerilee | Snips and Snails | Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops |
Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz | Sandalwood | Micro Chips | Derpy | Sci-Twi |
Sunny Flare | Sour Sweet | Indigo Zap | Sugarcoat | Lemon Zest |
他種族 |
Fruit bats | Parasprites | Phoenixes | Quarray eels |
Timberwolves | Ursas | Vampire fruit bats | Windigos |
神話の生物 |
Cerberus | Chimera | Cockatrice | Hydra |
Manticore | Cragadile | Orthros | Tatzlwurm |
Other animals | Other creatures |
Main article:
Earth poniesこちらも参照: List of Earth ponies
Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos
Main article:
Pegasiこちらも参照: List of Pegasi
Main article:
Unicornsこちらも参照: List of unicorns
Main article: Crystal Poniesこちらも参照: List of Crystal Ponies
Main article:
Foalsこちらも参照: List of foals
Main article: AnimalsMain article: Creaturesこちらも参照: List of non-pony characters
- ↑ Mentioned one or more times in the show but never shown live; however, well present in one or more of the IDW comics.
- ↑ 2.02.1 Never officially pictured outside of chapter book text.
- These names are placeholder names that have not been used on the show, by Hasbro, or stated to be official by the show's crew.
特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用可能です。
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