

The Valley Gang are the main antagonistic faction of the 2022 Disney film Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers. They are a group of toons led by Sweet Pete who kidnap others toons and bootleg them so they can be used to star in knockoff films.


The Valley Gang are a group of toons who are known for kidnapping many Disney and non-Disney characters and bootlegging them to make bootleg films. The group was founded years ago by Sweet Pete, a former Disney actor who played "Peter Pan" in the film of the same name. However, when he reached puberty, he was fired. Angered, Pete made a bootleg version of his own film called "Flying Bedroom Boy." He then became a crime boss who kidnapped toons who fell behind on payments and used a machine to turn them into bootleg versions of themselves, forcing them to star in knockoffs of their original productions.

Years after "Rescue Rangers" was cancelled, one of the actors, Monterey Jack got himself in debt to the Valley Gang because of his cheese addiction. He then called his old buddies and co-stars, Chip and Dale for help. However, after asking them for their help, Monty is soon kidnapped. Eager to help their friend, Chip and Dale try to find clues to his location. However, the duo are kidnapped and taken to Sweet Pete, who tries to bootleg them as well.

After escaping, the chipmunks go to Detective Ellie Steckler for help. Using rat disguises, they infiltrate the bath house Sweet Pete goes to to steal his step tracker, which keeps track of everywhere he goes. After successfully stealing it, they traces Pete's movements to the San Pedro Docks, where they and the police discover Sweet Pete's bootlegging facility, but learn they are too late to save Monty.

Later at the police station, Chip and Dale smell Monty cologne, which is hard to get off, and learn it was coming from either Ellie or her boss, Captain Putty. Learning one of them could be working for the Valley Gang, they go to the convention center to ask Dale's friend Ugly Sonic to use his FBI contacts to help them. However, Sweet Pete and his gang track them down using Dale's social media posts. After a chase through the convention, Bob is captured and arrested, but Pete and Jimmy capture Chip.

Ellie returns to the docks to rescue Chip, but Captain Putty reveals he was working for Sweet Pete the whole time and captures her as well. They then force her to call Dale to come, but she sends him a secret message. Dale manages to piece together that they were in trouble, and calls his old friends Zipper and Gadget to help him. With their help, Dale breaks into the facility and destroys the machine, but not before Jimmy is turned into a small fairy and Sweet Pete into a combination of multiple toons.

Sweet Pete chases Chip and Dale while Ellie deals with Putty. During the chase, they discover the bootleg movies were being made at the docks as well, not overseas as they thought. Meanwhile, Putty manages to overpower Ellie and nearly kills her, only to be frozen by a fire extinguisher. As Pete closes in on Chip and Dale, the chipmunks use a scene from one of their episodes to capture him. When Sweet Pete tries to finish them off, Ugly Sonic and the FBI arrive to capture him, distracting him long enough for Dale to drop some hanging cargo on top of him.

As Chip and Dale celebrate their victory, Sweet Pete tries to kill Chip, but Dale takes the hit, using a pog to shield himself. Afterwards, all the Valley Gang members are arrested, and all the kidnapped toons, including Monty, are freed, ending their bootlegging operations for good.


  • Sweet Pete: A man dressed in green who is the ringleader of this group. He is the brains of the operation that lead to the kidnapping of at least six toons. The kidnapping of Monterey Jack is what lead to Chip and Dale getting involved in this case, leading to him sending Jimmy after them.
  • Jimmy the Polar Bear: A polar bear who dresses in a sleeveless ugly sweater who functions as a henchman. He took charge of the kidnappings with Bob the viking at his side. He was soon ordered to go after Chip and Dale when they get involved in the kidnapping business.
  • Bob the Viking: A dwarven viking who wields an axe and has the appearance of someone out of the uncanny valley. He accompanied Jimmy in the kidnappings that Sweet Pete ordered. He also joined in trying to capture Chip and Dale when they manage to get away.
  • Captain Putty: A sentient clay animation figure who appeared to be an ally to the heroes but is actually one bad egg.
  • Bjornson the Cheesemonger: A cheese chef Muppet working for Sweet Pete. When Dale insisted that he and Chip are actors, Bjornson binds their hands together and sends them to the district via a truck of cheese.

Kidnapping victims[]

Toons kidnapped by the group including but not limited to the likes of:

  • “Tinker Bell → = “ : Possibly their earliest victim.
  • “Flounder → =": Kidnapped by Jimmy with the assistance of Bob.
  • “Monterey Jack → Dumbo” A very recent kidnapped victim.
  • “Chip → Snoopy and Maleficent (?)” : By accident and failed attempt.
  • Gumball Watterson → =
  • The Simpsons → Their Old Designs from The Tracey Ullman Show
  • Samurai Jack → John Blacksad
  • Phineas Flynn → Gogo Dodo
  • Daffy Duck → Launchpad McQuack
  • Winnie the Pooh → =
  • Tigger → =
  • Piglet → =
  • Woody Woodpecker → Casper the Friendly Ghost
  • Jimmy Neutron → ???
  • Jonny Quest → Johnny Test
  • Marceline → =
  • Mr. Potato Head → ???
  • Sora → ???
  • Naruto → Dr. Wily
  • Sneezy → Stanley from A Troll in Central Park
  • Garfield → His Buff Garfield Internet Meme
  • Abu → Diddy Kong
  • Bambi → Pegasus
  • Dipper Pines → =
  • Jiminy Cricket → Turbo
  • Gus → Henery Hawk
  • Toucan Sam → Zazu
  • Mighty Mouse → =
  • The Cheshire Cat → Shere Khan
  • Barry The Strawberry → Kirby (?)
  • Kaa → Randall Boggs
  • Cow & Chicken → Each Other
  • GIR (?) → ???
  • Heffer Wolfe → ???
  • A Care Bear (possibly Share Bear) → Mickey Mouse (?)
  • Baby Groot → ???
  • Rocky The Flying Squirrel → ???
  • Tweety Bird → Bullwinkle J. Moose
  • Syndrome → Sideshow Bob
  • Mad Hatter → Elmer Fudd
  • Elmer Fudd → ???
  • Foghorn Leghorn → ???
  • Bartok the Magnificent → ???
  • Robin Hood → ???
  • Ickis → ???
  • Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny or others with Toon gloves (?) → ???
  • Pinocchio → ???
  • Bonkers D. Bobcat → Unknown Walrus Character
  • Felix The Cat → Pink Panther
  • Pink Panther → ???
  • Mike Wazowski (?) → Boo (?)
  • Finn The Human → Jiminy Cricket
  • Belle → =
  • The Beast → =
  • Lady → =
  • Simba → =
  • Timon → =
  • The Tramp → =
  • Ariel → =
  • Ursula → =
  • Animated Pumbaa → =
  • King Triton → =
  • Mrs. Potts → =
  • Cogsworth → =
  • Prince Eric → =
  • Scuttle → =
  • Toby The Turtle → A Member of TMNT
  • Allstar Seaworthy → Lucky Luke
  • Princess Tiana → ???
  • Detective Pikachu → ???
  • BoJack Horseman (?) → ???
  • Susie Carmichael → ???
  • Barney the Dinosaur (?) → ???
  • Baby Bop (?) → ???
  • Dora the Explorer → ???
  • Robin → ???
  • Peppa Pig → ???
  • Jaq → Timothy Q. Mouse
  • CGI Casper the Friendly Ghost → =
  • The Reluctant Dragon (?) → Obelix
  • Bigfoot → Fred Flintstone
  • Goofy → ???
  • Star Butterfly → Bubbles
  • Patrick Star → Animated Wembley Fraggle
  • Gerald Johanssen → =
  • Raymond the Firefly → ???
  • One of the 101 Dalmations (?) → An MLP Pony (G4)
  • An MLP Pony (G3) (?) → ???
  • 2 Trolls from Trolls → ???
  • Red Guy → ???
  • Fievel Mousekewitz → ???
  • Morgana → Jessica Rabbit
  • Geoffrey the Giraffe → ???
  • Usagi Tsukino → =
  • Dexter’s Mom → ???
  • Flower from Bambi → ???
  • Elliot the Dragon → Mr. Smee
  • Louise Belcher → ???
  • SpongeBob SquarePants → Gene Meh (?)
  • Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee → Gus and =
  • Pete → Aladdin
  • Road Runner → ???
  • Dexter → Pepe Le Pew
  • Various Stranger Things Characters → =
  • Mr. Krabs (?) → ???
  • Fix it Felix Jr. → ???
  • Dorothy Ann Hudson → ???
  • Wonderbot → ???
  • Frankenstein → Felonious Gru
  • A Bubba Gump Restaurant and Shrimps → =
  • Huckleberry Hound → ???
  • Shenron → ???
  • One of the Flamingos from Little Mermaid (?) → Freddy The Flamingo (?)
  • Jumba Jookiba → Baymax (?)
  • Fozzie Bear → ???
  • Jerry → =
  • Boo Boo Bear → ???
  • Gideon → ???
  • A Smurf → ???
  • PAW Patrol → ???
  • Numbah 5 → ???
  • Tom → =
  • Strike → Professor Venomous
  • Galeem → Dharkon
  • Sir Tophamm Hat → Thomas
  • Randy Cunningham → Black Hat
  • Emperor Zurg → Agent Trout
  • Mr.Wolf → Chief Luggins

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