ウォルフ359の戦い(Battle of Wolf 359)に参加した連邦宇宙艦のリストの一部。この戦いで39隻の宇宙艦が破壊され、約1万1千人の人命が失われた。(TNG:疑惑、TNG: 浮遊機械都市ボーグ・後編)
艦名 | レジストリ | クラス | 状態 | |
USSアワニー | NCC-71620 | シャイアン級 | 致命的なダメージを受け漂流するも、2368年時点でサルベージ後任務復帰している。 | |
USSベレロフォン | NCC-62048 | ネビュラ級 | 破壊 | USS Bellerophon - USS Yamaguchi, profile.jpg |
USSボーンステル | NCC-31600 | オーベルト級 | 破壊 | |
USSブラン | NCC-57580 | チャレンジャー級 | 破壊 | USS_Buran.jpg |
USSチェコフ | NCC-57302 | スプリングフィールド級 | 破壊 | |
USSエンデバー | NCC-71805 | ネビュラ級 | 生存 | |
USSファイアブランド | NCC-68723 | フリーダム級 | 破壊 | USS_Firebrand.jpg |
USSゲージ | NCC-11672 | アポロ級 | 戦没 | |
USSキュウシュウ | NCC-65491 | ニューオーリンズ級 | 破壊 | |
USSリベレーター | NCC-67016 | 不明 | 破壊 | |
USSメルボルン | NCC-62043 | エクセルシオ級 | 破壊 | USS_Melbourne_attacked.jpg |
USSプリンストン | NCC-59804 | ナイアガラ級 | 破壊 | |
USSルーズベルト | NCC-2573 | エクセルシオ級 | 破壊 | |
USSサラトガ | NCC-31911 | ミランダ級 | 破壊 | ファイル:Uss saratoga 2367 aft.jpg |
USSトルストイ | NCC-62095 | ライジェル級 | 破壊 | |
USSヤマグチ | NCC-26510 | アンバサダー級 | 破壊 | USS_Bellerphon_-_USS_Yamaguchi%2C_aft.jpg |
The script of "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" states Admiral J.P. Hanson's ship was a Galaxy級 starship. [1] This would be supported by the fact that his message to the crew of the USSEnterprise-D came from a Galaxy-class battle bridge.
A scene cut from the aired episode DS9: Emissary mentions the USS Gage in dialogue, ordered to attack the Borg Cube with the Melbourne and the Kyushu. [2]Star Trek Encyclopedia states she was an Apollo級 starship with the registry NCC-11672. The USS Roosevelt is stated to be an Excelsior-class starship with the registry NCC-2573 and the USS Tolstoy is stated to be a Rigel-class starship with the registry NCC-62095. The statement quoted by Captain Kathryn Janeway in VOY: Scorpion from Captain Amasov leaves it open to interpretation if the USSEndeavour was involved in this battle or another skirmish with the Borg prior to 2371. Star Trek Encyclopedia speculates it was in fact the Battle of Wolf 359.
Text commentary on the Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Special Edition) DVD states that the models built for the auto-destruct scene of the USSEnterprise were re-used to portray some of the wreckage. The Art of Star Trek states the concept models used to portray the B-24-CLN and a ship first seen on-screen at Earth Spacedock in スタートレック3:ミスター・スポックを探せ were also photographed as part of the debris field seen in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"
According to the short story Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt You in the novel The Sky's the Limit, the Nebula-class wreckage seen in the debris field in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" and "Emissary" was in fact a second USS Melbourne, launched early while still under construction. This Nebula-class Melbourne was the ship offered to Commander Riker. According to William Shatner's novel The Return, one starship at the battle was the Miranda級 USS Hoagland. Peter David's novel Vendetta mentions that a Galaxy級 ship was among the destroyed vessels.
In the 1994年 Malibu Comics Star Trek: Deep Space Nine issue #6 the USS Kyushu and the USS Melbourne were depicted as an Excelsior-class and a standard configuration Nebula-class starships. It was not stated which was intended to be which. Also starships USSHood, USSPotemkin, USS Reliant and USS Yorktown were stated to having been at the battle. In the 1997年 Marvel Comics Star Trek: Voyager issue #10 three Miranda-class ships (one with "roll bar"), one Nebula-, one Galaxy-, one Excelsior-, and a dozen or so unidentifiable class Federation starships were depicted at the battle. Also at least one Klingon Bird-of-Prey, at least three K't'inga級 and one Vor'cha級 starships were seen fighting the cube. The USS Melbourne was stated to having been Admiral Hanson's ship.
According to the video game Star Trek: Borg, the Excelsior-class USS Righteous was also in the battle, and was assumed at the time to have been destroyed. According to the video game Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time, the Ambassador級 starship USS Kadosca was destroyed in the battle.
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