
Smooth Ash BowSmooth Ash CrossbowSmooth Ash Javelin

Smooth Ash Bow

Smooth Ash Javelin

Craftable Smooth Ash Bows and Javelins

TypeLevelSmooth AshPolished Ash
Bow2013.7 dps
26-40 common damage
2.4 Speed
+1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
14.2 dps
27-42 common damage
2.4 Speed
+1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance
+3 Damage to Orc-kind, Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time,
Crossbow2013.7 dps
28-38 common damage
2.4 Speed
Ranged Auto-attacks are 5% tougher to block
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
14.2 dps
29-39 common damage
2.4 Speed
Ranged Auto-attacks are 5% tougher to block
+3 Damage to Orc-kind, Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
Javelin2013.7 dps
26-40 common damage
2.4 Speed
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
14.2 dps
27-42 common damage
2.4 Speed
+3 Damage to Orc-kind, Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time

Craftable Bow and Javelin Material Requirements

Weapon TypeMaterial ComponentsBase Material ComponentsCritical ComponentSkill gain per makeTotal Skill gain per make
Smooth Ash / Polished Ash Bow (one-use)1 Ash Bowstaff, 1 Spool of Fine Thread, 1 Ash Brace, 1 Sapphire Shard10 Logs of Ash Wood, 1 Spool of Fine Thread, 5 Lumps of Wax, 1 Sapphire ShardMaster Journeyman Woodworker's Journal1018
Smooth Ash / Polished Ash Crossbow (one-use)1 Ash Bowstaff, 1 Steel Brace, 1 Ash Brace, 1 Sapphire Shard10 Logs of Ash Wood, 4 Chunks of Barrow-iron Ore, 5 Lumps of Wax, 2 Lumps of Coal, 1 Sapphire ShardMaster Journeyman Woodworker's Journal1018
Smooth Ash / Polished Ash Javelin (one-use)1 Ash Haft, 1 Steel Blade, 1 Ash Brace, 1 Sapphire Shard10 Logs of Ash Wood, 4 Chunks of Barrow-iron Ore, 5 Lumps of Wax, 2 Lumps of Coal, 1 Sapphire ShardMaster Journeyman Woodworker's Journal1018

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