
Heavy Rowan BowHeavy Rowan CrossbowHeavy Rowan Javelin

Heavy Rowan Bow

Heavy Rowan Javelin

Craftable Rowan Bows and Javelins

TypeLevelHeavy RowanHardened Rowan
Bow128.5 dps
16-25 common damage
2.4 Speed
+1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
9.9 dps
17-27 common damage
2.2 Speed
+1% Auto-attack Critical Hit Chance
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
Crossbow128.5 dps
17-23 common damage
2.4 Speed
Ranged Auto-attacks are 5% tougher to block
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
9.9 dps
20-27 common damage
2.4 Speed
Ranged Auto-attacks are 5% tougher to block
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
Javelin128.5 dps
16-25 common damage
2.4 Speed
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time
9.9 dps
17-27 common damage
2.2 Speed
Slightly reduces ranged skill induction time

Craftable Bow and Javelin Material Requirements

Weapon TypeMaterial ComponentsBase Material ComponentsCritical ComponentSkill gain per makeTotal Skill gain per make
Heavy Rowan / Hardened Rowan Bow1 Rowan Bowstaff, 1 Spool of Rough Thread, 1 Plank of Treated Rowan6 Logs of Rowan Wood, 1 Ball of Twine, 3 Lump of WaxDrop of Sticky Resin812
Heavy Rowan / Hardened Rowan Crossbow1 Rowan Bowstaff, 1 Bronze Plate, 1 Plank of Treated Rowan6 Logs of Rowan Wood, 2 Chunks of Copper Ore, 2 Chunks of Tin Ore, 3 Lump of WaxDrop of Sticky Resin812
Heavy Rowan / Hardened Rowan Javelin1 Rowan Haft, 1 Bronze Blade, 1 Plank of Treated Rowan6 Logs of Rowan Wood, 2 Chunks of Copper Ore, 2 Chunks of Tin Ore, 3 Lump of WaxDrop of Sticky Resin812

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