
The Water-works / 浄水場

The Rotting Cellar 腐った地下貯蔵室
Chamber of Wheels 水車の部屋
Harâzgund ハラーズグンド
Durin's Beard ドゥリンの顎鬚
Gabil-munz ガビル=ムンズ
Narag-kheleb ナラグ=ヘレブ
The Drowned Deep 水浸しの深淵
The Great Wheel 大水車
The Lost Palace 失われた宮殿
The Lost Treasury 失われた宝庫
The Deep Way 深い道

Waterworks map.jpg

インスタンスThe Drowned Treasury 水浸しの宝物庫Chamber of Wheels 水車の部屋レイドインスタンス

The Vile Maw 邪悪な腑
Filikul フィリクル

街 • 村 • 集落 • 野営地
Dolven-viewThe Orc-watchAnazârmekhemMezer-serejHadudbâbDurin's Threshold
The Chamber of the CrossroadsThe Twenty-first HallThe Shadowed RefugeThe Deep Descent
The Rotting CellarJazârgundThe First Hall
Nud-MelekThe Silvertine Lodes • The Water-works • The Great DelvingThe Redhorn Lodes
Durin's WayThe Flaming DeepsThe Foundations of StoneZelem-MelekZirakzigil
ランドマーク • インスタンス
Black LakeChamber of MazarbulHalls of CraftingLumul-narNâla-dûmThe Endless StairThe Forges of Khazad-dumLamâb-dûmThe Cooling ChamberThe Dwarf-lords' GateGazatmurThe Great Hall of DurinHarâzgundSigin-tharâkhDurin's BaneThe Bridge of Khazad-dûmKhadar-zarâmTharâkh BazânBuzun-ghârManarbulHadâd-dûmFehem-dûmTith-maudhûlSkoiruzgGríshurbhrumKhulturgDâr-rukhThe Hall of the High StairGloku-ruNinknakh FaltorSalab NurjundulUflûmp-murThe Second hallKhurjezerThe Deep CrossroadSudulthurkhGamil FilikDurin's BeardChamber of WheelsGabil-munzThe Great WheelNarag-khelebThe Drowned DeepThe Lost PalaceThe Lost TreasuryThe Deep WayThe Stone CouncilKatûb-zaharShemeldurjSnaga-maudhûlAshpar's CommandBudkhul-bekenClaw HollowGharâf-fehemMalmezelThe Chittering HoleThe Gate of RuinThe Ore-houseThe Tailing PitThe Way of SmithsNud-hedenThe Grand StairHudnul-medenBhraf-ruDurin's CourtGate of the Seven FathersHadâd-mezerThe Burning StairThe Crossroads of AshUmukh-ghârFil GashanThe Bridge-shardZabad-fakâkDalgum-ruHall of Flowing WaterThe Lonely SpanThe Searchers' EyrieThe Broken CleftVault-keeper's BunkerThe Peaceful Path

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