
Mastery Trophy (誉れの品) • Mastery Trophy (誉れの品) ドロップリスト
Beeswax CandleScholarTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Antique Vase
Bree Flax FiberTailorTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Ash Branches
Bright LampScholarTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Sage's Locker/Sage's Casket
Chunk of Blue Rock-saltJewellerTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Ancient Iron Deposit/Ancient Silver Deposit
Chunk of Bright BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Khazâd-copper Deposit/Khazâd-tin Deposit/Khazâd-iron Deposit/Khazâd-gold Deposit
Chunk of Clear Rock-saltJewellerTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Rich Iron Deposit/Gold Deposit
Chunk of Crude BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Copper Deposit/Tin Deposit
Chunk of Dark BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Rich Iron Deposit/Gold Deposit
Chunk of Dusty BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Ancient Iron Deposit/Ancient Silver Deposit
Chunk of Grey Rock-saltJewellerTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Copper Deposit/Tin Deposit
Chunk of Pale BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Barrow-Iron Deposit/Silver Deposit
Chunk of Pink Rock-saltJewellerTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Khazâd-copper Deposit/Khazâd-tin Deposit/Khazâd-iron Deposit/Khazâd-gold Deposit
Chunk of Prilled BrimstoneMetalsmithTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Dwarf-Iron Deposit/Platinum Deposit
Chunk of White Rock-saltJewellerTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Barrow-Iron Deposit/Silver Deposit
Chunk of Yellow Rock-saltJewellerTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Dwarf-Iron Deposit/Platinum Deposit
Clump of ChivesCookTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Green Onion Field/Bluebottle Field
Common Flax FiberTailorTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Rowan Branches
Crude WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Copper Deposit/Tin Deposit
Dim CandleScholarTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Shattered Pitcher
Drop of Amber ResinWoodworkerTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Yew Branches
Drop of Ashy ResinWoodworkerTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Ash Branches
Drop of Black ResinWoodworkerTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Lebethron Branches
Drop of Hard ResinWoodworkerTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Ilex Branches/Mallorn Branches
Drop of Soft ResinWoodworkerTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Black Ash Branches
Drop of Sticky ResinWoodworkerTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Rowan Branches
Fairy Flax FiberTailorTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Ilex Branches/Mallorn Branches
Flat WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Rich Iron Deposit/Gold Deposit
Golden Flax FiberTailorTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Black Ash Branches
Hard WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Khazâd-copper Deposit/Khazâd-tin Deposit/Khazâd-iron Deposit/Khazâd-gold Deposit
Ornate CandleScholarTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Ancient Vase
Pale Flax FiberTailorTier 3 - ExpertHumanoid mob: Levels 24-34Yew Branches
Round WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Dwarf-Iron Deposit/Platinum Deposit
Rushlight CandleScholarTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Broken Urn
Small WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Barrow-Iron Deposit/Silver Deposit
Soft WhetstoneWeaponsmithTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Ancient Iron Deposit/Ancient Silver Deposit
Sprig of AllspiceCookTier 1 - ApprenticeHumanoid mob: Levels 1-12Lily-of-the-Valley Field/Spring Barley Field
Sprig of MugwortCookTier 2 - JourneymanHumanoid mob: Levels 13-23Iris Field/Oat Field
Sprig of ParsleyCookTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Amaranth Field/Winter Barley Field/Strawberry Field
Sprig of ThymeCookTier 5 - MasterHumanoid mob: Levels 44-50Bloodwort Field/Elder Field
Sprig of Woolly MintCookTier 6 - SupremeHumanoid mob: Levels 51-60Tea Field
Tallow CandleScholarTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Forgotten Text
Yellow Flax FiberTailorTier 4 - ArtisanHumanoid mob: Levels 35-43Lebethron Branches

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