

Umín (34.02S, 40

Why are you down here? / 何故ここに降りてきたのですか?

Well...I...felt a draft coming from the bookshelf, then I must have accidentally triggerd the door mechanism. My curiosity got the better of me, I suppose....


Who are you? / あなたは誰?

Umín at your service, I travel the world in search of ancient relics and the like. As you can imagines, a find like this has me extremely intrigued!

ご自由に、ウミーンで。私は古代の遺物やその類のものを求めて世界を旅している。 あなたが創造するような、このような発見はとても興味をそそらせるよ!

Could you help us get past this door? / このドアを通り抜けるのを助けてくれませんか?

Actually, I was just about to ask you if you minded if I tagged along on your little excursion down here. I will not be much help in a fight, but I possess knowledge obtained through countless excavation across Middle-earth that might be of use to you....

実は、ついて行くかどうか、それを気にしてたかどうか、尋ねようとしていたよ。 戦うのに助けにならないけど、私は中つ国で様々な発掘で得た知識をを持っているから、それが役に立つかもしれないよ...

Wait here while I check things out / 私が調べている間、ここで待っていて

Very well...let me know when you need my assistance!


Tell me about runed plaques / ルーン文字の刻板に関して教えてほしい

Runed plaques usually contain useful information about your surroundings. It could be anything from a sign making the location of a grave to the location of a nearby secret door. If you were a 'lore' class such as a lore-master, rune-keeper, or minstrel, you might be able to translate these runes....

ルーン文字の刻板は周囲に役に立つ情報を持っている。墓の位置を示す標識から近くの隠し戸の位置までに何かであるかもしれない。 伝承知識を持つクラス、例えば、ロアマスター、ミンストレル、ルーンキーパーなら、刻み込まれたルーン文字のメッセージを解読できるかもしれない....

Tell me about trap mechanism / 仕掛け罠の装置に関して教えてほしい

Trap mechanisms are exposed portions of inner workings of nearby traps. I find it is easy to determine the location of a trap mechanism by listening for the sound of moving gears. If you were an 'aware' class such as a burglar, captain, or hunter, you might be able to figure out a way to temporarily disable them....


Tell me about riddle doors / なぞかけの扉に関して教えてほしい

Riddle doors are doors which only open upon solving a riddle. First, you must read the inscription on the door... this will give you a hint as to how you can open it. These particular types of riddle doors are fascinating as they do not accept spoken passwords as other riddle door do. Instead, these doors seem to stare at you... very unsetting indeed! It is almost like they are waiting for you to 'emote" the answer to their riddle....

なぞかけの扉はなぞかけを解くと開く扉だ。まず初めに、扉の碑文を読まなければならない… 扉は、どうやって開くことができるかのヒントをあなたに与えるだろう。このなぞかけの扉は特定のパスワードだけを受け入れるが正しくないと他のなぞかけを求めてくるだろう。扉は正しい答えが出るまでじっと見つめてくるだろう。何かしらのエモートがなぞかけの答えとして意味を持っているようだ....

Tell me about incantation stones / 呪いの石に関して教えてほしい

Incantation stones usually have some sort of incantation or written spell inscribed on their surface in runic form. When read aloud, these incantations can have incredible effects! Based on my translation of the runes in these incantation stones, these appear to have been created to ward off the Dead. Unfortunately, like the runed plaque, only someone trained in the lore of runes such as a lore-master, rune-keeper, or minstrel can possibly read these incantations....


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