左メニューサンプル左メニューはヘッダーメニューの【編集】>【左メニューを編集する】をクリックすると編集できます。ご自由に編集してください。掲示板 雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウ...
翻訳ミスやタイプミスがあるかもしれないことに注意してください。例:Spider BudはREDタイプとして分類されていますが、精神ダメージのみ発生します。
Damage Type is the classification of the harm that an Abnormality, Employee, or weapon will afflict on employees and other Abnormalities. While employees are capable of dealing different kinds of damage to one another, the color classification is almost exclusively used in-game for Abnormality documentation purposes. However, it should be noted that there is no difference between a panicking employees screams and afflicted WHITE damage. The player must do at least 1 Observation with an Abnormality to know its Damage Type. In case an Abnormality escapes, and the player has yet to unlock the first Observation of that Abnormality, its Damage Type will be classified as 'Complex'.
The damage types are classified in 4 types, identifiable by their colors:
Some Abnormalities may have 2 Damage Types. Said damage types are usually in pairs because a separate damage type is enacted during an ability instead of the usual damage type used during working.
For example, if an Abnormality deals psychological damage while an employee works with it, but deals heavy physical damage while it is escaping, it would have a classification of WHITE/RED.
Be aware that there may be mistranslations or typos. Example: Spider Bud is classified as RED Type but she only inflicts Psychological Damage.
REDダメージタイプには、対象の体力に対してさまざまなダメージ、もしくは圧倒的な一撃の物理ダメージのいずれかを対象に対して物理的ダメージ、対象の殺害などを与えます。例:血の風呂/ Bloodbathは職員を溺れさせることにより物理的なダメージを与えていると見なします。幸せなテディ/ Happy Teddy は職員を抱擁で窒息させ、女王蜂/ QueenBeeは胞子を拡散し影響を受けた職員に物理的なダメージを与えます。
このタイプに属するアブノーマリティ: オールアラウンドヘルパー/ All-Around Helper, 美女と野獣/ Beauty and the Beast, 大鳥/ Big Bird (第2タイプ), 血の風呂/ Bloodbath, 夜明けのハンマー/ Hammer of Light, 幸せなテディ/ Happy Teddy, 魔法少女/ Magical Girl, 無名の胎児/ Nameless Fetus (第1タイプ), 「何もない」/ Nothing There, 女王蜂/ QueenBee, 赤い靴/ Red Shoes (第2タイプ), マッチガール/ Scorched Girl, 白雪姫のりんご/ Snow White's Apple (第1タイプ) and 母なるクモ/ Spider Bud.
The RED Damage Type involves Physical Trauma dealt to an entity, be it either varied amounts of damage to an entity's health, or an overwhelming amount of health damage, killing them. Examples: Bloodbath drowning an employee is considered physical trauma, Happy Teddy choking an employee with a hug, QueenBee spreading spores which deal physical damage to the affected employees.
Abnormalities belonging to this type: All-Around Helper, Beauty and the Beast, Big Bird (Secondary Type), Bloodbath, Hammer of Light, Happy Teddy, Magical Girl, Nameless Fetus (Primary Type), Nothing There, QueenBee, Red Shoes (Secondary Type), Scorched Girl, Snow White's Apple (Primary Type) and Spider Bud.
WHITE ダメージタイプは、精神的ダメージまたは効果を与えます。それは職員への単純な精神的な健康被害から自分で体を動かすことができなくなるアブノーマリティによる支配 までさまざまです。例:廊下を歩き回る そりのルドル・タ/ Rudol-ta of Sledは近くの職員に精神的なダメージを与えます。職員に固執するオールドレディ/ Old Ladyの孤独、職員を洗礼する ペスト医師/ Plague Doctor 。
このタイプに属するアブノーマリティ:オールドレディ/ Old Lady, たった一つの罪と何百もの善/ One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds, ペスト医師/ Plague Doctor, 赤い靴/ Red Shoes (第1タイプ), そりのルドル・タ/ Rudol-ta of Sled, 歌う機械/ Singing Machine and 壁に向かう女/ Woman Facing the Wall.
WHITE Damage Type involves Psychological Trauma or Effects, which vary from simple damage to the mental health of an Employee, or the varied types of possessions caused by Abnormalities unable to move on their own. Examples: Rudol-ta of Sled roaming the hallways, dealing constant psychological damage to nearby employees, Old Lady's Loneliness sticking to an employee, Plague Doctor baptizing an employee.
Abnormalities belonging to this type: Old Lady, One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds, Plague Doctor, Red Shoes (Primary Type), Rudol-ta of Sled, Singing Machine and Woman Facing the Wall.
BLACK ダメージタイプは何らかの形で施設に影響を与えます。通常は負の影響を与えます。効果は、ゾーン、施設全体、または特定の部門に適用されます。例:逃げようとするときの大鳥/ Big Bird は現在の部門の照明を止める、白雪姫のりんご/ Snow White's Apple が廊下や小さな部屋につるを広げる、触れてはならない/ Don't Touch Me は職員全員を殺したり施設内のあらゆるアブノーマリティの気分を枯渇させたりします。
このタイプに属するアブノーマリティ: 大鳥/ Big Bird (第1タイプ), 触れてはならない/ Don't Touch Me, 無名の胎児/ Nameless Fetus (第2タイプ) and 白雪姫のりんご/ Snow White's Apple (第2タイプ).
BLACK Damage Type affects the facility in some way, usually negatively. The effects are applied to a zone, the entire facility, or just a certain department. Examples: Big Bird when escaping, shutting down the lights in the current department where it is, Snow White's Apple spreading vines in hallways and small rooms, Don't Touch Me killing all the employees or depleting the mood of every Abnormality in the facility.
Abnormalities belonging to this type: Big Bird (Primary Type), Don't Touch Me, Nameless Fetus (Secondary Type) and Snow White's Apple (Secondary Type).
BLUEダメージタイプには即死が含まれます。即座の死は心理的または肉体的な手段のような直接的なものではありません。これは、影響を受ける職員に対して「死」を保証します(または時には同じく解除不可能な「制御不能」)状態効果です。例:蓋の開いたウェルチアース/ Opened Can of Wellcheers が悪い気分の状態で職員がそれを飲んだ後、漁船に職員を送り込んだ。 白夜/ WhiteNight.は、その能力をきっかけにして、祝福された職員のすべてを使徒/apostlesに変化します。
今までに述べられたとして、このタイプに属するアブノーマリティ :belonging to this type, as previously mentioned:蓋の開いたウェルチアース/ Opened Can of Wellcheers 、 白夜/ WhiteNight.
BLUE Damage Type involves Instant Death. An instant death isn't through psychological or physical means. This is a guaranteed 'dead' (or sometimes an equally unremovable "Out of Control") status effect to the affected employees. Examples: Opened Can of Wellcheers sending an employee to the fishing boats after drinking it in a bad mood and WhiteNight, triggering its ability and turning all the blessed employees in apostles.
Abnormalities belonging to this type, as previously mentioned: Opened Can of Wellcheers and WhiteNight.
Instead of Damage Type, the Damage itself is separated of the mentioned types. Different Abnormalities can deal different type of damage, which are separated in 3 kinds: Physical Damage, Psychological Damage and Compound Damage. This damage is dealt when employees fail when working, when Abnormalities or employees attack or by their effects, include panicked employees.
オールアラウンドヘルパーは物理ダメージをエージェントに与える All-Around Helper dealing Physical Damage to an agent
特殊なケースでは、敗北した「召使い」(使徒/Apostlesと/ 働き蜂/Bee Workers)は、???(the rest of the run)の為死ぬでしょうが、使徒たちは白夜/ WhiteNight経由で復活します。
Physical Damage decreases the health of the employees and Abnormalities. This is commonly produced by attacks of escaped Abnormalities, by failing a work or by agents trying to suppress a breaching Abnormality or panicked employee, with their weapons. When the health of an employee is depleted, it will die. When the health of an Abnormality is depleted, it will be defeated and after a short time, it will return to its containment room.
In a special case, any 'Minions' (Apostles and Bee Workers) who are defeated will die for the rest of the run, but Apostles return upon resummoning via WhiteNight.
歌う機械はエージェントに精神ダメージを与える Singing Machine dealing Psychological Damage to an agent
精神ダメージは、職員の精神ゲージを減少させます。このダメージはアブノーマリティに影響を与えることはありません。職員の精神ゲージが使い尽くされると、パニックに陥り、コントロールできなくなり、すぐにパニック反応 を引き起こします。このダメージは脱走したアブノーマリティ(事務員はそれに直面するとすぐにパニックになる)、その影響、作業の失敗、パニックに陥った職員によって与えられる。職員が誰かが死ぬ、殺人、パニック中の徘徊、自殺を職員が見たとき、目撃者もまた精神的なダメージを受けます。
Psychological Damage decreases the mental gauge of the employees. Abnormalities aren't affected by this damage. When the mental gauge of an employee is depleted, it will panic, being uncontrollable and react to its current panic response. This damage is produced by breaching Abnormalities (Clerks will panic instantly when seeing one), by their effects, by failing a work or by panicked employees. When an employee see someone else dying, by being murdered, wandering panicked or by suicide; the witness will also suffer psychological damage.
マジカルガールはエージェントに複合ダメージを与える。 Magical Girl dealing Compound Damage to an agent
Compound Damage is exclusive for Abnormalities. Some Abnormalities will deal compound damage when an agent fails when doing a work with it. Compound Damage deals Physical and Psychological Damage in the same attack. The amount of each damage may vary, meaning that sometimes aren't equal and that one of them is higher than the other.
Game Mechanic ゲームメカニック | 一日のサイクル - ダメージタイプ - 装備 - 雇用 - LOBポイント - パニックレベル - ランダムイベント - 研究 - ステータス - チャレンジモード |
Departments 部門 | コントロールチーム - 情報チーム - 教育チーム - 安全チーム - 中央本部チーム - 懲戒チーム - 福祉チーム |
Main Characters キャラクター | 職員 - アンジェラ - X(プレイヤー) - A - B |
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