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(1) デッドホース亭は村の中心にある宿屋です。宿屋の主人はホラドリックと呼ばれています。彼とは常に取引可能です。
(2) 鍛冶屋はクレズボルドと呼ばれています。彼の店は宿屋の南にあります。
(3) 商人はGluttony.pngにのみ出現します。彼は彼が経営しているtrade officeの前に立っています。
(4) The engineer コーリィ is located in the northwest of the village.
(5) The carpenter トレス is located north of the tavern.
(5a) The 木こり can be found a bit further north of the carpenter.
(6) The dairy trader ローサ is located directly north of the 宿屋.
(6a) Her husband, the 羊飼い a tiny bit north of her.
(7) Just an empty basket which trades some 鶏卵s and feathers, nothing weird. It's located next to the chicken farm, east of the 宿屋, on the road leading to the 灯台.
(8) The vagabond ディグ lives in a barrel east of the 宿屋. He sells hemp products like plants, seeds, rope and oil.
(9) The 灯台 is located east of the village. The 灯台守 lives there and the 占星術師 visits on .
(10) A camp of several waggons around a campfire at the northern edge of the village. An important character, the ジプシー族の族長, lives there.
(11) The mountain fort is located at the very northern edge of the village. The servant コーコル can be found west of the entrance in the woods.
(12) The road to the 町 is leading to the south and blocked by a barrier, guarded by town guards. You'll need a town pass to be granted access. Nevertheless, the 町 is not a desirable place to visit.
(13) The road to the west leads to the 麦畑. From here, you enter the village for the first time.
(14) 養蜂家は村の北西の麦畑の近くで見つけることができます。
(15) The village pond is found in the eastern part of the village, and can be used for fishing. The silver crucian can only be caught here.
(16) The pottery is in the southwest of the village near the wheat farm. This is, where アダム sells his marvelous earthenware.
(17) The cliffs are an interresting landscape found to the northeast of the village. One of the クエストs is located here.
(18) The beach is found east of the village, north of the lighthouse. It provides a broken bridge with unknown purpose, and a spot for fishing in the sea.
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