「startles」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

シーン12 - Leon the professional

が、同じイタリア風の殺し屋だ。ぜひとも彼に会いたい。morgue:死体置き場(モルグ)[in their apartment]LEON: [startles as he wakes up on the bed]MATHILDA:「Relax, everything's f

Swordmaster_Morale - Warhammer Online Wiki

Lv3-30ft内に居る全ての敵の攻撃力を50%さげる?(相手の受damageが50%増えるという気も)A loud shout that startles your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them, reducing

Chosen_Morale - Warhammer Online Wiki

Lv330ft内に居る全ての敵の攻撃力を50%さげる?(相手の受damageが50%増えるという気も) A loud shout that startles your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them, reducing

SwordmasterAbilitys - Warhammer Online Wiki

Lv3-30ft内に居る全ての敵の攻撃力を50%さげる?(相手の受damageが50%増えるという気も)A loud shout that startles your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them, reducing

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