重装鎧_古_サンプル - ロード・オブ・ザ・リングスオンライン wiki
Breeland Knight's ArmourBreeland Knight's Armour - FrontBreeland Knight's Armour - BackDwarf-make Knight's ArmourKnightsDS.JPGElven Knight's
Breeland Knight's ArmourBreeland Knight's Armour - FrontBreeland Knight's Armour - BackDwarf-make Knight's ArmourKnightsDS.JPGElven Knight's
Armour of the GaladhrimArmour of the Galadhrim - FrontArmour of the Galadhrim - BackArmour of the Galadhrim Stats (Level 60 Armour)Armour Ty
Light Forge-Crafted Kite ShieldForge-crafted Warden's ShieldHeavy Forge-Crafted Kite ShieldLight Forge-Crafted Kite ShieldHeavy Forge-Crafte
Light Defender's Kite ShieldBalanced Warden's Shield of the DefenderHeavy Defender's Kite ShieldLight Defender's Kite ShieldHeavy Defender's
Light Iron Kite ShieldBalanced Iron Warden's ShieldHeavy Iron Kite ShieldLight Iron Kite ShieldHeavy Iron Kite ShieldIron Shield Stats (Leve
Light Steel Round ShieldBalanced Steel Warden's ShieldHeavy Steel Round ShieldLight Steel Round ShieldHeavy Steel Round ShieldSteel Shield S
trength increased by 35%.Enhanced HealingIncreases all party members' incoming healing bonus by 25%.Item_Fractured_Fruit_Fragment.png Fractu
Breeland Hunter's ArmourBreeland Hunter's Armour - FrontBreeland Hunter's Armour - BackDwarf-make Hunter's ArmourHuntersDS.JPGElven Hunter's
layer using melee attacks, raises a shield around her that blocks all incoming melee DMG. After being attacked a certain amount of times in
Amban's Leather(Rift - Level 50) Arthdur Armour(Angmar - Level 50) Amban's Leather - FrontAmban's Leather - BackMediumS.JPGNenuial's Armour(
PC2.1 仲間2.1.1 サービス2.2 敵3 オブジェ4 クラフトのリソース場所と目的[]レナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment (80)ウェイポイントWaypoint_%28tang
Historic content quaggan icon.pngこのページには、導入以来更新されているギルドウォーズ2のアイテムに関する情報が含まれています。このページの情報の一部は、現在存在するゲームには適用されません。このアイテムの現在のバージョンについては Superio
ベル80場所Allied Encampment(Domain of Kourna)サービスレナウンハート部分Help distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampmentカディールは、連合軍の陣地のすぐ外にいるヒューマンのレナ
Resilient Body-icon Resilient BodyTraining (訓練)士気治癒量をより多く得ることができるよう兵士を訓練します+x 受ける治療価格: 3 25 Copper coin-icon Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Rank 5
Forged Dwarf-craft GreatswordSmooth Lebethron Great ClubForged Dwarf-craft HalberdForged Dwarf-craft GreatswordForged Dwarf-craft HalberdFor
t the Kids Table!UFO Umbrella Patio TableUnidentified Friendly Object incoming! Have your friends over with this space themed patio table!FO
Invigoration-icon InvigorationPersonal (個人)スカーミッシュで兵士を導いている間、受ける治療量が増加します+x 受ける治療価格: 35 75 Copper coin-icon Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Rank 5R
Maul-icon Maulワーグのストーカー近接スキル射程: 2.5m鋭い鉤爪で敵を激しく攻撃し、鮮血を流して Incoming Healing (受ける治癒) を減少させる後ろから攻撃するとダメージが増加する345 一般ダメージ10秒間、2秒毎に 85 - 121 一般ダメー
s them flying .Additional Effect: Chase(Switch Attack) Vaan blocks an incoming attack, then delivers a quick slash with his sword.Additional
Forged Elven-steel GreatswordSmooth Black Ash Great ClubForged Elven-steel HalberdForged Elven-steel GreatswordForged Elven-steel HalberdFor
Breeland Protector's ArmourBreeland Protector's Armour - FrontBreeland Protector's Armour - BackDwarf-make Protector's ArmourProtectorsDS.JP
Breeland Outrider's ArmourBreeland Outrider's Armour - FrontBreeland Outrider's Armour - BackDwarf-make Outrider's ArmourOutridersDS.JPGElve
control usually resulting in a crash, leaving the pilot vulnerable to incoming ground fire. During a match with Banshee spawns, it is advisa
Warrior's Great AxeWarrior's GreatswordMallorn Great ClubWarrior's Great AxeMallorn Great ClubWarrior's HalberdMallorn StaffMallornstaff.jpg
Breeland Tough Leather ArmourBreeland Tough Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Tough Leather Armour - BackDwarf-make Tough Leather ArmourToughDS
Warrior's Great AxeWarrior's GreatswordMallorn Great ClubWarrior's Great AxeMallorn Great ClubWarrior's HalberdMallorn StaffMallornstaff.jpg
Polished Ancient Steel GreatswordCarved Black Ash Great ClubPolished Ancient Steel HalberdPolished Ancient Steel GreatswordPolished Ancient
Polished Westernesse GreatswordCarved Lebethron Great ClubPolished Westernesse HalberdPolished Westernesse GreatswordPolished Westernesse Ha
Sellsword's Great AxeSellsword's GreatswordHolly Great ClubSellsword's Great AxeHolly Great ClubSellsword's HalberdHolly StaffHollystaff.jpg
Sellsword's Great AxeSellsword's GreatswordHolly Great ClubSellsword's Great AxeHolly Great ClubSellsword's HalberdHolly StaffHollystaff.jpg
自分の電子メールをバックアップして、自分だけのコピーを持ちたいと思ったことはありませんか?仕事のメールを保存する場合は、IT部門にこの方法について尋ねることをお勧めします。方法1Gmailメッセージを保存する"設定 "にアクセスする。Gmailアカウントで、右上の歯車アイコンをク
dividually blown to push away nearby enemies and change the course of incoming projectiles. $5 - 3 MINES Mine Rack T
。着信接続を許可または拒否するように設定されたアプリやサービスのリストを含む設定が開きます。アプリやサービスに緑色の点があり、「Allow incoming connections(着信接続を許可する)」と表示されている場合は、そのポートが開いていることを意味します。赤い点で「着
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
アの目的Allied EncampmentComplete_heart_%28map_icon%29.pngHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampmentAllied Encampment WaypointPo
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short
ldrunner Drifts • Western Front • Yohlon BluffsレナウンハートHelp distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment • Respond to the food short