Midsummer_Cawnival - Don't Starve攻略Wiki
ze Booth6.1 Trinket Trove Filter7 Prize Tickets8 Seed Clusters9 Corny Slush10 Carnival Vest10.1 Chirpy Scarf10.2 Chirpy Cloak10.3 Chirpy Cap
ze Booth6.1 Trinket Trove Filter7 Prize Tickets8 Seed Clusters9 Corny Slush10 Carnival Vest10.1 Chirpy Scarf10.2 Chirpy Cloak10.3 Chirpy Cap
one!"Seed Clusters- "We should've gotten the popcorn instead..."Corny_Slush.pngCorny Slush- "Is Ms. Wickerbottom trying to trick us into eat
ccessible beneath the ocean floor.メイン材料サブ材料地質材料 WaterIce_Icon.png Ice SlushCopper_Ore_Icon.png Copper Ore Silver OreGold_Ore_Icon.pngGold Or
l_Statue_2.pngCawnival_Statue.pngCawnival StatuetteSeed ClustersCorny_Slush.pngCorny SlushChirpy ScarfChirpy_Cloak.pngChirpy CloakChirpy Cap
いとか -- 名無しさん (2014-05-28 15:56:08) そういや海外版では何て訳されてるんだろう?Dragon Crow Slush とか? -- 名無しさん (2014-05-28 17:26:53) ↑Dragon Swarm 竜の群だそうだ -- 名
"ACCEPTABLE"Seed_Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "MEAGER SUSTENANCE"Corny Slush- "THIS IS COLD SOUP"Chirpy_Scarf.pngChirpy Scarf- "I PREFER THE
d_Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "'Tis fööd för birds, nöt Vikings."Corny Slush- "Nay."Chirpy_Scarf.pngChirpy Scarf- "Blööd red, tö strike fear
_Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "They could use a bit of seasoning."Corny Slush- "It really shouldn't work, yet somehow it does..."Chirpy_Scarf.
"I'm sure they won't be offended if I dump these on the ground."Corny Slush- "I think I'll go find a nice refreshing soul instead."Chirpy_Sc
ermis_Icon.png Ruin Dermis SandSandstone_Icon.png Sandstone Slime GlobSlush_Icon.png Slush Smooth IceSnow_Icon.png Snow Stomach LiningStone_
ryopreservation. Protect yourself from the cold.材料[]メイン材料サブ材料地質材料 SnowSlush_Icon.png Slush Smooth IceFrozen_Dirt_Icon.png Frozen Dirt IceCop
Table_Blueprint_Icon.png Stone Table Blueprintプライマリマテリアル[] Grassy RockSlush_Icon.png Slush IceSnow_Icon.png Snow野生動物[]ユニーク モンスターRingramCapri
_Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "About as pleasant as you'd expect."Corny Slush- "Surely you're not serious?"Chirpy_Scarf.pngChirpy Scarf- "Far