アサシンクリード:エンバース - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki
ch. Afterwards, Ezio would take her to the plaza of the Palazzo della Signoria, where half of his family were killed. He would then lecture
ch. Afterwards, Ezio would take her to the plaza of the Palazzo della Signoria, where half of his family were killed. He would then lecture
3%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E5%BA%83%E5%A0%B4.jpgThe Piazza della Signoria.シニョーリア広場(Piazza della Signoria) はシニョーリア宮に隣接するフィレンツェの中心的広場である。
to Florence, and was incarcerated in the cell atop the Palazzo della Signoria; the same cell that had held Ezio's father twenty-eight years
ing pursued by Ezio, Francesco de' Pazzi leapt from the Palazzo della Signoria into a haystack for a quick escape. This was the only known e
had him pick up a letter from a pigeon coop near to the Piazza della Signoria.While his son was away, however, armed guards sent by Uberto
メリアーノ城に住んでいた。ジェノヴァのノリ家は、13世紀までにすでに政府に加盟しており、1261年には「Consigliere della Signoria」として参加していた。1382年、アントニオ・デ・ノリの祖先であるジャコモ・デ・ノリは、ニコラス・デ・グアルコ公爵の命令でジ
ta Campanile di San Marco Santa Maria della Visitazione Palazzo della Signoria Torre del Diavolo Cannaregio District Santa Maria Gloriosa de