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登場作品:Hamlet icon.pngHamletこの記事はゲームから削除された、もしくは実装されなかった内容について記述されています。参考程度にお読みください。Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正
Ryota Matsumoto is an artist, educator, designer, cultural programmer, urban planner, and architect based in the United States and Japan. As
Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多) is the Japanese philosopher and visual artist known for the postdigital theory and hybrid art. He is a principal and
A Parody Anthology by Carolyn WellsCONTENTSAfter Omar Khayyam PageThe Golfer's Rubaiyat H. W. Boynton 3An Omar for Ladies Josephine Dask
Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多) is the Japanese philosopher and visual artist known for the postdigital theory and hybrid art. He is a principal and
Matsumoto’s work reflects the morphological transformations of our ever-evolving urban and ecological milieus, which could be attribut
As a transmedia artist and author, Ryota Matsumoto is internationally recognized as one of the progenitors of the postdigital art movement.B
Ryota Matsumoto is one of the pioneers of the postdigital art and network culture theorist in Tokyo. He is often referred to as the godfathe
Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多) is one of the most prominent philosophers of postdigital theory and visual artist known for the hybrid art. He is a p