翻訳中途 | この項目「ミスティア・ローレライ」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:[1]) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。詳細はこの項目のノートや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインなどを参照してください。翻訳情報の要約欄への記入をお忘れなく。 このタグは2010年8月に貼付されました。 |
名前: | ミスティア・ローレライ Mystia Lorelei | |
種族: | ||
能力: | Confusion song, night-blindness | |
年齢: | Unknown, but implied to be young. | |
職業: | Grilled lamprey vendor, tricking humans into getting lost. | |
住んでいるところ: | Some forest path near the Human Village | |
人相: |
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出演作品: |
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テーマ曲: | {{{テーマ曲}}} |
Mystia is a little Night Sparrow with an egocentric personality - at least she sounds arrogant - that enjoys infusing confusion and terror into the hearts of humans using her ability: a song that creates confusion in those who hear her. Her song seems to attract nearby monsters as well. She roams a road near the Human Village that Keine tries to protect, in search of humans to frighten. She is indeed feared by the locals as people around her become blinded by darkness.
During the events of Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mystia aimlessly wanders around singing, hoping to catch and eat humans attracted by the flowers. Instead, she attracts (or rather, annoys) the other protagonists and ends up fighting each in turn.
Mystia Lorelei IN | ○ミスティア・ローレライ |
Mystia LoreleiStage 2 boss. A Night Sparrow.Has the ability to drive people mad with her song. Seeing as humans have only heard her cry, her true form is unknown.From her cry she's called a sparrow, but it's hard to say if she is actually a sparrow.As humans don't know her form, they fear her, and it's unclear what they would think if they saw her. She's known to give humans night-blindness (an illness where one's eyesight degenerates a lot in dark places) to hide her form. |
○2面ボス夜雀の怪 ミスティア・ローレライ Mystia Lorelei
ら夜しか出ない上に、人間は何も見えなくなるからである。その姿を 見てしまえば、雀とは呼ばなかったかもしれない。
自分の姿を隠す事もある。 | |
Stage 2 Boss, Night Sparrow Mystia Lorelei Species: Night SparrowAbilities: Can drive people mad with her song. Stage 2 Boss. In addition to her song of confusion, she can make people night-blind. Humans call her the Night Sparrow, but few have ever seen her appearance. This is because she only plays during nighttime, and humans around her become blinded by darkness anyway. Had they seen what she actually looks like, they probably wouldn't have called her a sparrow. Her song can cloud a person's judgment; humans who walk into the night in that condition inevitably disappear without a trace. This confusion ability is the main reason people lose their way at night so easily. She can also make people night-blind in order to hide better within the darkness. |
Th09mystia_manual.jpg | ○夜雀の怪ミスティア・ローレライ 夜道で人をさらう鳥の妖怪。 歌で人を惑わす程度の能力を持つ。 昼間は大して驚異ではないが、彼女の歌が途絶えることはない。 花見のバカ騒ぎの中で、最もハードで騒がしい歌声が聞こえた ら、彼女の仕業である。 |
Night Sparrow, Mystia Lorelei A youkai bird that abducts people off night paths. Has the ability to confuse people with her song. Although nothing special during the day, her song never ceases. While fooling around viewing flowers, she has the noisiest singing voice. |
○夜雀の怪 ミスティア・ローレライ Mystia Lorelei
幻想郷は、彼女にとっては格好の遊び場だった。 | |
Wonder of the Night Sparrow Mystia Lorelei Species: Night Sparrow Abilities: The power to drive people mad with her song. A troublesome spirit who doesn't do much else than sing. People go mad if they hear her song. She loves festivals and events with lots of noise and action, so she got caught up in the "flower incident" this time. She thinks Gensokyo is a good playground for her. |
Mystia has started a new business. Even though yakitori (grilled chicken) stands are popular, Mystia decided to make a grilled lamprey stand instead. Lampreys improve night vision and are good for night-blindness. Because Mystia causes night-blindness with her songs, humans that have been affected by her are subtly pressured into eating her lampreys. She also sings for them while they eat, which may not be appreciated considering the effect. The lampreys don't actually work that well or that fast though, Mystia just releases the night-blindness effect from the customers and pretends it was the food that did it.
Mystia was the first one who had no interest in the article written about her. It's at least partly because she can't read. Aya didn't like the fact that Mystia is cheating customers with that trick, but did agree that the food was good and grilled lampreys should be more popular than grilled chicken.
シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
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