翻訳中途 | この項目「アリス・マーガトロイド」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:[1]) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。詳細はこの項目のノートや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインなどを参照してください。翻訳情報の要約欄への記入をお忘れなく。 このタグは2010年8月に貼付されました。 |
| 名前: | アリス・マーガトロイド (♫) Alice Margatroid |
種族: | 魔法使い (元人間だが高い器用さと鍛錬を経て種族変化) |
能力: | 魔法を扱う程度の能力、人形を操る程度の能力 |
年齢: | 不明、 ただし妖怪としては若い |
職業: | 魔法使い |
住んでいるところ: | 魔法の森 |
人相: | - (緋想天) 萃夢想の頃と同じであるが、緑色の瞳がわずかに軽い色合いになっている。
- (永夜抄) オレンジの瞳でブロンドのショートヘアー、黒くて大きい本を持ち、赤い服を着た人形を連れている。ピンクと赤のリボンを髪に飾り付けており、水色のドレスを着ている。
- (萃夢想) ほぼ上記と同じ。瞳はとても濃い緑でほぼ黒。人形は黒いドレスと白いエプロンを着ていた。
- (妖々夢) ほぼ上記と同じ。瞳は濃紺でブーツを履いておらず、長袖を着ていた。また、台詞パートでは挿絵に人形が同伴されていなかった。
- (怪綺談) 瞳はゴールドでブロンドの髪。リボンが横に付けられており、青いエプロンを巻いたピンクのドレスを着ている。白いソックスを履いていた。
人物関係: | |
出演作品: | |
テーマ曲: | {{{テーマ曲}}} |
She is a doll specialist, but dolls are more like a hobby in comparison to her full power. Alice is always seen with a locked grimoire in her hands, which is thought to be the same "Grimoire of Alice" that she fought the protagonist with as the Mystic Square Extra Boss.
Because Alice, unlike Marisa, is much more interested in strategy and hates having to win a fight from sheer overwhelming power, she always holds back even if it means losing.
In Touhou Hisoutensoku she creates a giant doll and tests it in battle against Cirno at the end of the latter's Story Mode.
- Alice appears on the cover of Mystic Square.
- The name Alice is a reference to the main protagonist in Lewis Carroll's famous novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, as the majority of enemies in Mystic Square's extra stage are card soldiers of the same type seen in the Walt Disney animated movie version of the novel. The title of the BGM used in that stage also directly translates to "Alice in Wonderland".
- Alice's last name is based on the character Miss Murgatroyd from Agatha Christie's book "A Murder is Announced".
- Because of Shinki's dialog, in which she mentions that everything in Makai is her creation, it is thought that Alice is Shinki's daughter (although this definition would also extend to the other Makai residents). However, there's been no further mention of this since then, and Perfect Memento states that Alice was once a human who became a youkai magician. It is unknown whether this is a retroactive change of continuity, merely a mistake by Akyu, or if fans were mistaken from the beginning when thinking Alice was Shinki's daughter. Since there has yet to be any official statement by ZUN, this is merely speculation. However, it is interesting to note that her title is "Witch of Death."
- Two of the dolls she carries are called Shanghai and Hourai. Shanghai has appeared with several different outfits, but is always depicted with a red ribbon tied in a bow in its hair. No official artwork of Hourai exists (it appeared only as Alice's final spell card), and thus all fan depictions of Hourai are original. In Imperishable Night, Alice uses Shanghai to assist firing her shots. Both dolls are used as weapons by Alice in Immaterial and Missing Power in spell cards; their sprites appear to be identical. However, in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, while both Shanghai and Hourai are still spell cards, the Hourai spell card summons multiple dolls at the same time, all with the same sprite as Shanghai. The treatment of Shanghai and Hourai as unique dolls is strangely at odds with Perfect Cherry Blossom, where there were many copies of the dolls, used in the spell cards Curse: Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls and Curse: Hanged Hourai Dolls. It is almost certain that the dolls were originally not meant to have names, and that "Shanghai" and "Hourai" are references to countries where the dolls were made, much like Alice's other dolls, such as the "Foggy London Dolls" or "Red-Haired Dutch Dolls".
- Alice is often portrayed in fanon as having an obsession for dolls. In some doujin, she is often depicted making or playing with dolls. It is also widely assumed that she makes dolls of other characters for fun (such as putting on a puppet show with them). This might be somewhat official, as she has at least made dolls representing the Three Mischievous Fairies and used those to mock them in Strange and Bright Nature Deity. She has also used them, in some doujin, like voodoo dolls in a more sadistic manner.
- Despite being mistreated often in fanworks (or perhaps because of it), Alice is one of the most popular characters.
- Likewise in fanworks, because of her perceived cold exterior and cowardly true persona, she is frequently depicted as a down-on-her-luck tsundere. In other cases, she's also been depicted as a yandere.
- Being known as the "Seven-Colored Puppeteer" or "Rainbow Puppeteer", Alice apparently believes in a correlation between color and power level. During her dialogue with Reimu, she asserts Reimu's powers are only equal to 28.5714% (or 2/7) of her own powers, due to Reimu's outfit only consisting of two colors. This appears to be a recurring theme in Perfect Cherry Blossom, as Yukari, Ran and Chen are all named after colors and have relative power levels equivalent to their colors' place on the visual spectrum.
- According to Aya Shameimaru during her interview with Eirin Yagokoro, Alice has been a recurring customer of Eirin's, coming to see her to buy a medicine she developed called Kochoumugan (Butterfly Dream Pill). The medicine guarantees its imbiber to have pleasant dreams once they fall asleep, and was even featured in an article in Aya's newspaper. The reason for purchasing this medicine or even what kinds of dreams Alice is trying to have were never revealed, but instead are left purely to speculation. However, this might be a reference to "Alice in Wonderland", from which the concept of her character is derived.
- In some official material, like Imperishable Night's Prologue and Strange and Bright Nature Deity #5, Alice's dolls appear to be able to act and talk independently, but according to her Perfect Memento article, she hasn't yet succeeded in creating an independent doll, and a conversation between Marisa and Rinnosuke in CoLA #15 suggests that Alice just controls the dolls and pretends they are alive for her own amusement and for showing off.
- Alice's alternate palette from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody resembles Hina-Ichigo, a doll from the manga series Rozen Maiden. In Touhou Hisoutensoku, she has palettes resembling the other Rozen Maiden dolls: Suiseiseki, Souseiseki, Suigintou, Shinku, Kanaria, and Kirakishou. Add the fact that, in Rozen Maiden, the aforementioned dolls are battling for the title of "Alice", the perfect doll.
- Alice is the only boss who appears 3 times in a single stage (2 times as midboss and 3rd as actual boss in her Perfect Cherry Blossom appearance).
- A closer look at Alice's book in her character portrait for Imperishable Night reveals that the writing possibly spells out "Grimoire". This further proves the theory of it possibly being the same Grimoire which Alice used back in the Mystic Square Extra Stage.
- Her dolls are filled with gunpowder, as said in many of the games she appeared in.
東方怪綺談 - 怪綺談.TXT[]
東方妖々夢 - キャラ設定.txt[]
Alice Margatroid PCB | ○七色の人形使い アリス・マーガトロイド 3面のボス、わりと普通の魔法使い。
主に魔法を扱う程度の能力を持つ とりあえず万能の魔法使いであり、これといって属性に得手不得手は
無い。強いて言えば魔理沙に近く、言わば妖怪版魔理沙である。 アリスも蒐集家であり、本等のマジックアイテムを収集する癖がある。
蒐集家同士、魔理沙とかち合う事も多く、割と犬猿の仲だったりする。 最近はいわく付きの人形集めに嵌っている。 霊夢達と戦う明示的な理由は無い。そこに居たから魔法の相手になっ
ただけである。圧倒的な力で勝つことは、アリスにとって楽しくとも なんとも無いので、常に相手の様子見て、それより少しだけ上の力で 戦おうとする。負けても全力は出さない。 全力で戦って負けると、本当に後が無い為である。
ここらへんの性格は霊夢に似ている。 |
東方萃夢想 - 上海アリス通信.txt[]
| ○七色の人形遣い アリス・マーガトロイド 種族:魔法使い
住処:魔法の森にあるそれなりの家(固有名称はない) 能力:魔法を扱う程度の能力 生粋の魔法使いさん。見た目は人間と殆ど同じだが、人間ではない。
所謂、人妖のたぐいである。 彼女の家には所狭しと大量の人形が置かれている。その不気味さは、
たまに迷い込む人間を恐怖に陥れる。不気味な森の中にある、余りにも 異質な人形の家。それは、森がいくら不気味だとしても逃げ出したくな るのも当然の事だ。 性格は、他人に無関心で、魔法に執着しやすい。強気を張っているが
実は臆病な面もある。 体術は至って普通。体を動かすのも魔法も使うのも人並みである。器
用さはかなり高く、大量の人形をあたかも生きているかのように操る事 が出来る。その器用さは幻想郷の中でもピカイチである。 |
AliceIN-.png | ○七色の人形遣いアリス・マーガトロイド 魔法の森に住む魔法使い。 魔法を操る程度の能力を持つ。人形を遣うのも魔法の一種である。 基本的に自分から出かける事は少ないが、今回はしぶしぶ。 魔法の森に住み、魔法使いで収集家、と魔理沙と共通点が多いが、 魔理沙は人間、アリスは魔法使いという決定的な違いがある。 ちなみに、魔法の森に生えるきのこを好んで使う、使わない、の違いもある。 もちろんアリスは使わない方。だからという訳では無いが、二人は仲が悪い。 武器は魔法。魔法使いの魔法は常に術者オリジナル。 備考
今回は魔理沙と組む。 高速移動は単独使用時のみの性能である。 レーザーは貫通するのと出っ放しなので、思いのほか強い。雑魚戦ボス戦共に重宝する。 撃っているのは人形だが。 せっかくだから速攻で、と言う人に。 |
東方永夜抄 - キャラ設定.txt[]
| ○七色の人形遣い アリス・マーガトロイド Alice Margatroid 種族:魔法使い
能力:魔法を扱う程度の能力 魔法の森に住む魔法使い。
魔理沙の魔法使い(職業)と異なり、種族が魔法使いである。 魔法使いという言葉のイメージ通り、インドア派である。基本的には
一人でいる事が多い。魔法の森には人間が余り来ないので、非常に快 適である。ただ、森は嫌な湿度が高く、人形の手入れをしないとすぐ に痛んでしまう。その為、人形の手入れを自動で行う人形を作ろうと 思っている。 |
東方緋想天 - chara.html[]
Swr_alice.png | ○七色の人形遣い アリス・マーガトロイド 種族:魔法使い
職業:魔法使い 住家:魔法の森にあるマーガトロイド邸 能力:魔法を扱う程度の能力 性格:他人に無関心で、魔法に執着しやすい |
東方地霊殿 - キャラ設定.txt[]
○七色の人形遣い アリス・マーガトロイド Alice Margatroid 種族:魔法使い 能力:人形を操る程度の能力 森に住んでいる人形遣い。
間欠泉から不穏な空気を感じたが、妖怪が地底に行く事は憚れていたの でどうしようか悩んでいた。 そんな時、魔理沙が間欠泉に興味津々だったのを見て、魔理沙を唆して 地底に調査に行かせる事にしたのである。 魔理沙には温泉が楽しめるゲームだと言って、間欠泉の根元に向かわせ たのだ。紫に作ってもらった遠隔操作できる人形を持たせて。 |
東方文花帖 ~ Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red[]
主な記事: Article and Interview: AliceAlice has been making straw effigies and nailing them to trees in the forest behind the shrine, a ritual usually done in order to curse someone (similar to the use of a voodoo doll.) However, she claims that she is only doing it to further her research in creating an independent doll.
During the following interview, Alice complains that since Aya spied on her nailing the effigies, the effectiveness of the ritual was reduced. She talks about how although such effigies don't look like anyone in particular, they symbolically represent someone, then evades the question of who that someone might be. Finally, she mentions that she thinks she saw an independently moving doll "a long time ago", and has been trying to create one ever since.
東方求聞史紀 ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense[]
PMiSS_alice.jpg 主な記事: Perfect Memento: Alice Margatroid- Alice is known among humans for doing performances with her dolls during festivals.
- Alice was once human and became a youkai magician through training. She is young as a youkai, so she is considerate towards humans and still behaves as one of them would.
- Anyone is welcome to stay over at her small house in the Forest of Magic, but as she never makes conversation and only carries on with her research, she is unsettling company.
- Most of Alice's dolls are made by her. They do the household chores, but since she is controlling them, this isn't really any easier for her.
- Alice is believed to rarely attack humans, however she will gladly accept challenges. During battle, she is busy controlling her army of dolls, so her weak point is being unable to defend herself alone.
The Grimoire of Marisa[]
主な記事: The Grimoire of Marisa: Alice Margatroid's Spell Cards
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