




⛄ Winter 27





Lives in

  Blue Moon Vineyard


 BlankNPC.png Robert (Father)

  Alice (Mother)


 Scarlett_Icon.png Scarlett

 Emily_Icon.png Emily
 Gus_Icon.png Gus



Best Gifts

"Ooo. A fairy stone! This is my most favorite thing in the whole world. Thank you!"

Sophia lives and works at the Blue Moon Vineyard. She is very shy and mostly keeps to herself. When not working at the vineyard, Sophia spends her time enjoying anime, manga, and cosplay. Sophia is a bachelorette option in Stardew Valley Expanded.


⭐   Weekend Days
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
9:00 AMGoes to the kitchen for breakfast.
10:30 AMVisits the bench outside and watches the sea.
1:00 PMReads manga in her room.
6:40 PMGrabs some dinner in the kitchen.
7:30 PMGoes back to reading in her room.
9:00 PMSleeps for the night.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:00 AMReads manga in her room.
9:50 AMGoes to Pierre's to shop.
3:00 PMGoes home for dinner.
5:30 PMReads by the fireplace.
7:10 PMSpends time in her room.
9:00 PMGoes to bed.
🌞   Spring & Summer
6:00 AMSleeping in her room.
7:30 AMGoes to the kitchen for breakfast.
9:00 AMWorks both grape trellis fields.
4:00 PMShips her product for the day.
5:00 PMGoes inside for dinner.
6:30 PMSpends time in the craft room.
8:30 PMReads manga in her room.
10:00 PMSleeping in her bed.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMHaving breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMWorks the left grape trellis field.
3:00 PMShips the day's product.
4:00 PMCrafting in her sewing room.
6:20 PMDinner in the kitchen.
8:00 PMGrieving in front of the board game.
9:00 PMGoes to sleep.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMBreakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMPuts grapes into kegs.
3:20 PMShips product for the day.
4:00 PMChecks her supply chest.
4:20 PMStretches outside the vineyard house.
4:40 PMVisits the cliff and watches the Gem Sea.
6:00 PMGets dinner in the kitchen.
7:40 PMChecks her order ledger.
9:00 PMGoes to bed.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMGets her breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMWorks both grape trellis fields.
4:00 PMShips the day's products.
4:30 PMStretches after work outside the vineyard house.
4:50 PMGrabs a quick dinner in the kitchen.
5:20 PMGoes to the fireplace.
5:50 PMOn her phone by the fire.
7:00 PMReads manga in her room.
9:30 PMGoes to sleep for the nighte
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMGets breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMWorks the left grape trellis field.
3:00 PMShips the day's product.
4:00 PMGets dinner and a glass of wine.
6:10 PMIn her craft room sewing and on her phone.
8:30 PMReads manga in her room.
10:00 PMGoes to sleep for the night.
🍂   Fall
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMHas breakfast with Scarlett.
9:00 AMWorks both grape trellis fields.
4:00 PMShips produce from the day.
5:00 PMMakes dinner with Scarlett.
7:00 PMIn the craft room.
8:00 PMReading manga in her room with Scarlett.
9:20 PMSleepover time!
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMMaking breakfast with Scarlett.
9:00 AMWorks both grape trellis fields.
4:00 PMShips produce from the day.
5:00 PMDinner with Scarlett in the kitchen.
7:00 PMVisits with Scarlett by the fire.
8:00 PMIn her room hanging with Scarlett.
9:20 PMSleepover time!
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMBreakfast with Scarlett.
9:00 AMWorks both trellis fields.
4:00 PMShips the day's produce.
5:00 PMMakes dinner with Scarlett.
7:00 PMVisits with Scarlett in the craft room.
8:00 PMReads manga in her room with Scarlett.
9:20 PMSleepover time!
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMMakes breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMPuts grapes into kegs outside.
3:20 PMShips the day's produce.
4:00 PMChecks her supply chest.
4:20 PMStretches after work outside the vineyard.
4:40 PMVisits the cliff to stare at the Gem Sea.
6:00 PMGoes home to make dinner.
7:40 PMChecks the order ledger.
9:00 PMHeads to bed to sleep.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMGets breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMWorks the left grape trellis field.
3:00 PMShips the day's product.
4:00 PMGets dinner and a glass of wine.
6:10 PMIn her craft room sewing and on her phone.
8:30 PMReads manga in her room.
10:00 PMGoes to sleep for the night.
⛄   Winter
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMGets breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMChecks the wine kegs outside.
4:00 PMChecks her mailbox.
5:00 PMGoes to the kitchen for dinner.
6:30 PMSpends time in her craft room.
8:30 PMReads manga in her room.
10:00 PMSleeps for the night.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMChecks the wine kegs outside.
3:20 PMShips the day's product.
4:00 PMSews in her craft room.
7:30 PMGoes to the kitchen for dinner.
8:00 PMGrieves in front of the board game.
9:00 PMHeads to bed to sleep.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:30 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
9:00 AMChecks the kegs outside.
4:00 PMVisits the cliff to watch the Gem Sea.
6:00 PMGets dinner in the kitchen.
7:40 PMChecks her order ledger.
9:00 PMGoes to bed.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:00 AMReads manga in her room.
9:50 AMVisits Pierre's shop for supplies.
2:30 PMGoes home and reads by the fire.
7:00 PMHas dinner in the kitchen.
8:30 PMWatches her tv.
9:00 PMGoes to sleep for the night.
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:00 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
8:30 AMWorks on cosplay in her sewing room.
2:30 PMEats and has a drink in the kitchen.
4:00 PMVisits the saloon.
8:50 PMGoes home to bed.
🎈   Deviations
Friday 5th
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:00 AMVisits to the hospital to pick up her medication.
12:00 PMSouth of Haley's house watching the vineyard.
2:40 PMGoes home to read manga in her room.
8:00 PMHas dinner in the kitchen
9:00Sleeps for the night.
Friday 19th
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:00 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
8:30 AMIn her craft room working.
2:30 PMHas a meal and a drink in the kitchen.
4:00 PMVisits the saloon in town.
8:50 PMHeads home for bed.
Sunday 21st
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:00 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
10:00 AMVisits to the hospital to pick up her medication.
1:30 PMSouth of Sam's house watching the vineyard.
4:30 PMHeads home for dinner.
7:30 PMReads manga in her room.
9:00 PMGoes to bed.
Fall 4th
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
7:50 AMCrying in her room.
9:00 AMSadly gets breakfast.
10:00 AMGrieves in front of the board game.
11:40 AMVisits the graveyard in town.
3:30 AMHas a meal in the kitchen.
8:30 PMGoes to bed early.
☔   Rain
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:30 AMIn the kitchen having breakfast.
10:00 AMChecks her order ledger.
11:10 AMSpends time in her craft room.
3:40 PMReads by the fireplace.
6:00 PMEats in the kitchen.
7:00 PMContinues reading by the fire.
8:00 PMOn her cellphone in her room.
9:20 PMGoes to sleep for the night.
⛵   Winter 16th, Night Market
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:50 AMIn the kitchen eating breakfast.
10:30 AMReads by the fireplace.
1:40 PMWorks in her craft room.
4:40 PMVisits the dock at the Night Market.
10:40 PMGoes home to bed.
🏫   Monday 22nd, Community Center Restored
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
8:00 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
10:00 AMVisits the Community Center to read manga.
6:20 PMGoes home to bed.
💎   Marriage
When married, Sophia stays on the farm Saturday and Sunday year-round, and Thursday in Fall. During the winter, Sophia does not leave the farm except on Friday. If it is raining, she will stay home instead of following her usual schedule.
🍷   Friday
9:00 AMLeaves the farm to shop at Pierre's store.
1:00 PMVisits at Haley's House.
3:30 PMDrinks at the Saloon.
8:10 PMHeads home to the farm.
🌞   Spring & Summer
7:30 AMLeaves for Blue Moon Vineyard.
11:00 AMWorks the left grape trellis field.
3:30 PMShips the day's product.
4:30 PMHeads home to the farm.
7:30 AMLeaves for Blue Moon Vineyard.
11:00 AMInspects the wine kegs.
3:30 PMShips the day's product.
4:30 PMHeads home to the farm.
7:30 AMLeaves for Blue Moon Vineyard.
11:00 AMWorks the left grape trellis field.
3:30 PMShips the day's product.
4:30 PMHeads home to the farm.
7:30 AMLeaves for Blue Moon Vineyard.
11:00 AMInspects the wine kegs.
3:30 PMShips the day's product.
4:30 PMHeads home to the farm.
🍂   Fall
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
7:30 AMLeaves for Blue Moon Vineyard.
11:00 AMWorks the right grape trellis field.
1:30 PMChecks the wine kegs.
4:00 PMShips the day's produce.
4:30 PMSays goodbye to Scarlett inside the vineyard.
5:30 PMHeads home to the farm.
🏫   Monday 22nd, Community Center Restored
10:30 AMGoes to the Community Center to read.
6:20 PMLeaves the Community Center to go home.
🧵   After 8 Heart Event
Saturday 6th, Visits Victor
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
6:50 AMHas breakfast in the kitchen.
8:30 AMHeads to the Jenkins' House.
10:50 AMWatches anime in Victor's room.
5:20 PMSays goodbye to Victor in the foyer.
6:20 PMGoes home and reads by the fire.
10:30 PMGoes to sleep.
Sum/Fall/Win, Wednesday 10th, Visits Susan
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
6:30 AMGets up early for breakfast.
9:10 AMLeaves to meet Susan at Emerald Farm.
1:20 PMCrafts with Susan at her table.
5:00 PMSays goodbye to Susan in her front room.
6:00 PMGoes home to sleep for the night.
Sunday 14th, Visits Haley
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
6:30 AMHas an early breakfast.
8:30 AMMeets Haley in her front room.
10:20 AMHangs out in Haley's room.
1:40 PMPractices makeup with Haley.
3:30 PMSays goodbye in Haley's living room.
4:10 PMGoes home to read manga by the fire.
9:00 PMHeads to bed to sleep.
Saturday 20th, Visits Emily
6:00 AMSleeping in bed.
6:30 AMHas an early breakfast.
11:50 AMGoes to sew with Emily at her house.
2:30 PMSews with Emily in her room.
4:20 PMGoes home to read by the fire.
9:00 PMHeads to bed for the night.

Gift Tastes


"Ooo! This is one of my favorite things. I'll always treasure it!"

Sophia.pngAll Universal Loves (Except Rabbit's Foot)
ファイル:Fairy Rose.pngFairy RoseAn old folk legend suggests that the sweet smell of this flower attracts fairies.

ファイル:Fairy Rose.pngFairy Seeds
ファイル:Fairy Stone.pngFairy StoneAn old miner's song suggests these are made from the bones of ancient fairies.

ファイル:Frozen Geode.pngFrozen Geode

ファイル:Omni Geode.pngOmni Geode

Grampleton Orange ChickenGolden and crispy chicken. Served with fresh rice.

Saloon after  Sophia_Icon.png 6 heart event
PuppyfishThis fish wants nothing but pets and snacks.

Forest West

Shearwater Bridge


"For me? Thank you so much!"

Sophia.pngAll Universal Likes
All Flowers (Except Fairy Rose, and Sweet Pea)
ファイル:Fairy Dust.pngFairy DustSprinkle on kegs, furnaces, and other refining equipment to instantly receive their product.

ファイル:Chocolate Cake.pngChocolate CakeRich and moist with a thick fudge icing.


ファイル:Bundle Red.pngChef's Bundle

ファイル:Wheat Flour.pngWheat Flour (1)

ファイル:Sugar.pngSugar (1)
ファイル:Egg.pngEgg (1)

ファイル:Pink Cake.pngPink CakeThere's little heart candies on top.


ファイル:Bundle Red.pngChef's Bundle
Letter from mom

ファイル:Melon.pngMelon (1)

ファイル:Wheat Flour.pngWheat Flour (1)
ファイル:Sugar.pngSugar (1)
ファイル:Egg.pngEgg (1)

ファイル:Rice Pudding.pngRice PuddingIt's creamy, sweet, and fun to eat.

Cookingファイル:Milk.pngMilk (1)

ファイル:Sugar.pngSugar (1)
ファイル:Rice.pngRice (1)

ファイル:Super Meal.pngSuper MealIt's a really energizing meal.


Volcano Dungeon Floor 5 Dwarf (random)

ファイル:Bok Choy.pngBok Choy (1)

ファイル:Cranberries.pngCranberries (1)
ファイル:Artichoke.pngArtichoke (1)

ファイル:Farmer's Lunch.pngFarmer's LunchThis'll keep you going.

Cookingファイル:Omelet.pngOmelet (1)

ファイル:Parsnip.pngParsnip (1)

ファイル:Cloth.pngClothA bolt of fine wool cloth.

Artisan Goods

Desert Trader

ファイル:Poppy.pngPoppyIn addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.

ファイル:Rabbit's Foot.pngRabbit's FootSome say it's lucky.


Serpent (Rare Drop)
Traveling Cart

Glazed ButterfishA very hearty meal.

CookingButterfish.png Butterfish (1)

ファイル:Wheat Flour.pngWheat Flour (1)
ファイル:Oil.pngOil (1)


"You're sweet. Thanks."

All Universal Neutrals (Except Coral)
All Animal Products
All Gems (Except Prismatic Shard)
All Fruit and Tree Fruit
All Cooking (Except Like and Dislike tastes)
All Artisan Goods (Except Beer, Pale Ale, Mead, and Cloth)
All Vegetables
All Forage
ファイル:Daffodil.pngDaffodilA traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.

ファイル:Diamond.pngDiamondA rare and valuable gem.

ファイル:Wine.pngWineDrink in moderation.

ファイル:Coffee.pngCoffeeIt smells delicious. This is sure to give you a boost.

ファイル:Maple Syrup.pngMaple SyrupA sweet syrup with a unique flavor.

ファイル:Sweet Pea.pngSweet PeaA fragrant summer flower.

Aged_Blue_Moon_Wine.pngAged Blue Moon WineSophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. It comes in a prestigious basket riddled with leaves, with a shiny bow to wrap it all together. Makes a wonderful gift!

Blue Moon WineSophia's hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard.

Haste_Elixir.pngHaste ElixirBrewed at Castle Village by Camilla. You'll feel lighter on your feet.

Hero ElixirBrewed at Castle Village by Camilla. Grants heroic attributes.


"Oh... I don't know about this."

Sophia.pngAll Universal Dislikes (Except Fish Category)
ファイル:Algae Soup.pngAlgae SoupIt's a little slimy.

ファイル:Coral.pngCoralA colony of tiny creatures that clump together to form beautiful structures.

ファイル:Pale Broth.pngPale BrothA delicate broth with a hint of sulfur.

ファイル:Sea Urchin.pngSea UrchinA slow-moving, spiny creature that some consider a delicacy.

ファイル:Parsnip Soup.pngParsnip SoupIt's fresh and hearty.

Cookingファイル:Parsnip.pngParsnip (1)

ファイル:Milk.pngMilk (1)
ファイル:Vinegar.pngVinegar (1)

ファイル:Pepper Poppers.pngPepper PoppersSpicy breaded peppers filled with cheese.

Cookingファイル:Hot Pepper.pngHot Pepper (1)

ファイル:Cheese.pngCheese (1)

ファイル:Dish o' The Sea.pngDish O' The SeaThis'll keep you warm in the cold sea air.

ファイル:Roots Platter.pngRoots PlatterThis'll get you digging for more.

Armor ElixirBrewed at Castle Village by Camilla. Fortifies the body.

Razor_Trout.pngRazor TroutAn invasive species released by someone... It has a pattern along its body that heavily resembles the letter 'J'.


"N-no! Get it away from me!"

All Universal Hate (Except Sea Urchin, Poppy, Fairy Dust)
All Fish
ファイル:Beer.pngBeerDrink in moderation.

ファイル:Pale Ale.pngPale AleDrink in moderation.

ファイル:Mead.pngMeadA fermented beverage made from honey. Drink in moderation.

Big_Bark_Burger.pngBig Bark BurgerThe Triple B. It has a chewy consistency and is very juicy.

ButterfishCommonly used in dishes around the Ferngill Republic.

Clownfish.pngClownfishLives in sea anemones for protection.

FrogIt's very slimy.

Frog_Legs.pngFrog LegsOne of the better-known delicacies of Gotoroan cuisine.

King SalmonA huge salmon, distinguished by its large scales.

Kittyfish.pngKittyfishA magical fish summoned by Camilla. It likes scratches under the chin.

MinnowA small river fish.

Rusty_Blade.pngRusty BladeIt once belonged to an adventurer...

StarfishReferred to as sea stars because of their star-shaped appearance.

Void_Eel.pngVoid Eel???

Void PebbleAlthough small, it's dense and hot to the touch.

Void_Salmon_Sushi.pngVoid Salmon SushiIs this safe to eat?

Void ShardThe stone is consumed by dark magic.


Movie Theater Tastes

"I hope this movie is good! I think there's a cute character in it!"


ファイル:'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.pngJourney Of The Prairie King: The Motion PictureSummer, Y1
ファイル:'The Brave Little Sapling'.pngBrave Little SaplingSpring, Y1
ファイル:'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.pngMiracle at Coldstar RanchWinter, Y1
ファイル:'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.pngNatural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant WorldSpring, Y2
ファイル:'Wumbus'.pngWumbusSummer, Y2
ファイル:'The Zuzu City Express'.pngZuzu City ExpressWinter, Y2
ファイル:'Mysterium'.pngMysteriumFall, Y1
ファイル:'It Howls In The Rain'.pngIt Howls in the RainFall, Y2


ファイル:Rock Candy.pngRock Candy Gold_Coin.png150g
ファイル:Cotton Candy.pngCotton Candy 50g
ファイル:Sour Slimes.pngSour Slimes Gold_Coin.png80g
ファイル:Jawbreaker.pngJawbreaker 250g
ファイル:Ice Cream Sandwich.pngIce Cream Sandwich Gold_Coin.png150g
ファイル:Chocolate Popcorn.pngChocolate Popcorn 1130g
ファイル:Star Cookie.pngStar Cookie Gold_Coin.png150g
ファイル:Apple Slices.pngApple Slices 100g
ファイル:Cappuccino Mousse Cake.pngCappuccino Mousse Cake Gold_Coin.png220g
ファイル:Stardrop Sorbet.pngStardrop Sorbet 1250g
ファイル:Panzanella Salad.pngPanzanella Salad Gold_Coin.png200g
ファイル:Truffle Popcorn.pngTruffle Popcorn 180g
ファイル:Personal Pizza.pngPersonal Pizza Gold_Coin.png150g
ファイル:Salmon Burger.pngSalmon Burger 150g
ファイル:Jasmine Tea.pngJasmine Tea Gold_Coin.png50g
ファイル:Hummus Snack Pack.pngHummus Snack Pack 90g
ファイル:Kale Smoothie.pngKale Smoothie Gold_Coin.png120g
ファイル:Nachos.pngNachos 100g
ファイル:Popcorn.pngPopcorn Gold_Coin.png120g
ファイル:Fries.pngFries 100g
ファイル:Salted Peanuts.pngSalted Peanuts Gold_Coin.png120g
ファイル:Joja Cola (large).pngJoja Cola (large) 40g
ファイル:JojaCorn.pngJojaCorn Gold_Coin.png10g
ファイル:Black Licorice.pngBlack Licorice 25g


You can buy these from Sophia at her ledger  SophiaLedger.png.

ファイル:Sophia's Ledger.png

Sophia's Ledger

ファイル:Blue Moon Wine small.pngBlue Moon Wine"Sophia's hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard."  3,000g
ファイル:Aged Blue Moon Wine smalltrans.pngAged Blue Moon Wine"Sophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. It comes with a prestigious basket riddled with leaves, with a shiny bow to wrap it all together! Makes a wonderful gift!" Gold_Coin.png 28,000g
ファイル:Sprinkler.pngSprinkler"Waters the 4 adjacent tiles every morning."  600g
ファイル:Quality Sprinkler.pngQuality Sprinkler"Waters the 8 adjacent tiles every morning." Gold_Coin.png 4,000g

警告: ネタバレ注意! ハートイベントの完全な説明は、折りたたみ要素の下に隠されています。

Heart Events

Hearts: 1/2

  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Time:6:00AM - 3:00PM
Map:Blue Moon Vineyard
Season:Spring or Summer
Extra:The player must have at least one free inventory slot. This event can only take place in year 1.

The player enters Blue Moon Vineyard and sees Sophia tending her crops. Sophia is startled by the player, but after realizing it is the new farmer, she gives the player a Quality Sprinkler. She will then tell the player about the ledger in her cosplay room, which will allow the player to buy more sprinklers and Blue Moon Wine.

Hearts: 2

  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Time:8:00AM - 4:00PM
Map:Blue Moon Vineyard
Season:Spring, Summer, or Fall
Extra:The player must have at least one free inventory slot.

The player enters Blue Moon Vineyard and sees a conversation between Sophia and Scarlett taking place. After they finish, Sophia asks if the player heard what they were talking about:

  • "I didn't hear anything" (+50 friendship) She'll say that if you heard anything the player should keep it to theirself. Sophia will then return to her house.
  • "Something about a medicine?" (-50 friendship) Sophia will start crying and run back to her house.

Hearts: 4

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Time:9:00AM - 3:00PM
Extra:The player must have seen Sophia's 2 heart event.
The Doctor's Appointment

The player enters Pelican Town and sees Sophia coming out of Harvey's Clinic. She greets the player and starts a conversation.

  • "Hey, how are you doing" (No effect on friendship) She'll begin to cry as she tries to keep the conversation going. The player receives the message "I should do something to cheer up Sophia..." and is given options for what to say next:
    1. "Wanna go pet Dusty with me?" (+50 friendship) Sophia will agree and have a good time petting Dusty and laughing. After the event ends Sophia will thank the player and say it helped in cheering her up.
    2. "Wanna go get food at the Saloon with me?" (+50 friendship) Sophia will agree and go to the Saloon with the player. There, she asks Gus for her favorite dish. Gus then will secretly tell the player it's on the house. After the event ends, Sophia thanks the player and says it helped in cheering her up.
  • "I want to know what you were doing at the hospital" (-50 friendship) Sophia will start crying and will run away, leaving the player behind.

Hearts: 6 (Part 1)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Time:8:00AM - 3:00PM
Season:Spring, Summer, or Fall
Extra:The player must have seen Sophia's 4-heart event.

The player finds Sophia crying in front of a tombstone. She meekly says hi and walks on. A message says, "Sophia was crying. I should check on her...".

Hearts: 6 (Part 2)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Map:Sophia's House
Extra:The player must have seen part 1 of Sophia's 6-heart event.
Crying at home

The player finds Sophia crying in her room. Sophia explains that this is something she lives with. The player has the option of saying that they are there for Sophia or that she'll get over this soon. If the player says they are there for her, they have the option of sitting and watching an anime with her.

Hearts: 7 (Part 1)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Map:Sophia's House
Extra:The player must have seen part 2 of Sophia's 6-heart event.
Her parents

The player finds Sophia checking on the wine cellar in the basement of her house. Sophia explains that she takes care of them after her parents 'left.' She then wants to explain to the player what happened to her parents. She takes the player to her parent's room and explains that during the 4th of Fall, Gus and Lewis tell Sophia that her parents were involved in a car crash. After the event, she wanted to take care of the farm for them. She tells the player she is glad that the player and Scarlett have been a great helped her during these times. She then asks the player if they wouldn't mind help finishing packing up their belonging. If the player says yes, Sophia says they can start packing the next day.

Hearts: 7 (Part 2)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png  Heart24B.png

Map:Sophia's House
Extra:The player must have seen part 1 of Sophia's 7-heart event.
Packing the bedroom

Sophia is in the foyer of the home when the player enters the home, she tells the player that she was so excited as soon as the player left. She and the player organize and clean the parents' room for several hours (Not in-game time). The room changes with boxes no longer there and a lot more decorated. After finishing, Sophia tells the player she couldn't begin how to express her thankfulness for the player's help. Sophia tells the player that she would be sending the player 'something really special' in the mail the next day as thanks for helping. After the scene is over, the player can interact with Sophia and she tells the player thanks again and that the bedroom is how it used to be. Interacting with her again Sophia will ask "Can I hug you?" and then a third Interacting a text box simply says "You hug Sophia." The next day, the player will receive a package from Sophia in the mail containing a thank-you letter and Aged Blue Moon Wine.

Hearts: 8

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24B.png

Time:10:00AM - 5:00PM
Extra:The player must have seen part 2 of Sophia's 6-heart event, and it must be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
Living Life

Sophia is shown in the town, clearly in a good mood. When she and the player come upon each other, she says that she's been getting out of the house more and seeing more people. Sophia is shown as coping very well with her depression.

Hearts: 10

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png

Map:Sophia's House
Extra:The player must have seen Sophia's 8 heart event.
The Prairie Queen

Sophia shows the player her Journey of the Prarie King cosplay and shows off the skit she's made to perform at the convention.

Hearts: 12 (Part 1)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png

Time:6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Extra:Player must be married to Sophia, event cannot occur on Fall 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, or 28.
A Healthy Breakfast

Sophia will tell the player she will make breakfast. Once the player eats the breakfast, they will receive +50 max energy and +2 farming for the next 7 minutes. Sophia will then ask the player to help her harvest grapes at her vineyard later that day.

Hearts: 12 (Part 2)

  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png  Heart24R.png

Time:6:00AM - 5:00PM
Map:Blue Moon Vineyard
Extra:The player must have seen the Part 1 event, and must still be married to Sophia.
A Bountiful Harvest

Upon arrival, Sophia will ask the player to start harvesting grapes in the field, and then to place the grapes in casks. After the work is completed, Sophia will take the player to her room, and tell them her family's fermentation secrets, making grapes and grape wine worth 2x their value. (This effect will activate starting the next day.)


Sophia's Room on the Farm
Sophia's Fairy Rose Garden


Sophia has over 150 lines of ordinary dialogue and over 80 lines of marriage dialogue. Here are some selected quotes:

"Eek! A stranger! W-wait. Aren't you [Farmer]? The new farmer of [Farm Name]? S-sorry. I get a little nervous around people I haven't met before. My name is Sophia. I'm the owner of Blue Moon Vineyard. Um... well, I'll see you around, I guess."
Spring, Tuesday, with 2 hearts
"Have you talked to Emily and Haley recently? I should visit them soon. Those two are really good friends."
Spring, Friday, with 4 hearts
"Maybe I should buy some farm animals from Marnie? I need cute animals in my life. Hmm... actually, I don't know if I could handle that much work by myself."
Spring 23rd
"*sigh* I don't enjoy dancing... I'm only going to the flower festival for the free cake."
Summer, Wednesday, with 2 hearts
"Gus has been a friend of my family ever since I was little.$0#$b#I like it when he comes to visit."
Summer, Saturday, with 8 hearts
"People come to the cliff in front of my house pretty often. The view of the Gem Sea is beautiful from that far up. It's a good date spot."
Summer 22nd
"One of my favorite anime characters has pink hair. I dyed my hair to match hers, and loved it so much I never changed it. Hey, did you know that Abigail never has to dye her hair? I know right? Strange."
Fall, Monday, with 4 hearts
"Scarlett's visiting soon. She always finds a way to cheer me up. I wish she came over more often. But I understand Grampleton is far away..."
Fall, Wednesday, with 6 hearts
"I'm planning my next cosplay. I think I wanna be a princess. Not like, a regular princess, a fierce warrior princess! With a gigantic sword, and a flowy red cape!"
Fall 27th
"Spirit's Eve is my favorite festival. The wizard outdoes himself every year with the maze. It's so spooky! Plus, I get to cosplay!"
Winter, Tuesday, with 6 hearts
"I went to a comic con last season in Zuzu City, [Famer]. Dressing up was so much fun! Everyone at the event looked amazing! I wonder what I should cosplay as next year."
Winter, Wednesday, with 4 hearts
"My favorite character in my tv show passed away last night. I'm so upset. I feel like locking myself in my room for the rest of the day."
Winter 18th
"I'll be at the saloon tomorrow night. Gus is making my favorite meal! It's orange chicken! What else would it be?"

Egg Festival
"I get nervous around large crowds of people..."
Flower Dance
"I'm here for the free cake."
The Luau
"I added aged Blue Moon Wine for the adult pot! I hope the other ingredients people put in are tasty!"
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
"The jellyfish are so pretty! I love watching them every year."
Stardew Valley Fair
"I'm presenting my best aged wine from Blue Moon Vineyard! I worked hard to make these! Oh. Um. So what's in your grange display?"
Spirit's Eve
"I went into the maze and gave up. Why? Oh. I was hungry. Have you tried Pierre's spiced pumpkin cider?"
Festival of Ice
"Mmm. So pretty here. There's no food, but that's okay. I brought snacks."
Feast of the Winter Star
To Dusty: "Who's a good boy!? You are! Did you get a present yet?"

Spring 1st, Morning
"Do you smell the pollen and nectar in the air!? Spring has arrived! I need to drop by the vineyard for the day. Gotta set up the grape trellises! Good luck today, silly! It'll be busy. Extra cuddles tonight!"
Spring 4th, Evening
"Blue Moon Vineyard is doing well. It's a bit tough managing it from here, but I don't mind."
Spring 11th, Morning
"Um. Sooo tell me that story again about how you got my mermaid pendant! A ghost at the beach! So spooky!"
Spring 18th, Morning
"I'm thinking about dyeing my hair again soon! Maybe I should change the color? Mmm... no, I'll keep it 'cotton candy pink'!"
Summer 2nd, Evening
"Do you want to live in Stardew Valley for the rest of your life, [Farmer]? I was thinking maybe we'd move somewhere else later. Maybe the Fern Islands? We can talk more about it later. I definitely don't want to move anytime soon! S-sorry! I'm really chatty today."
Summer 10th, Evening
"We should go to the cosplay convention in Zuzu City next year! You'd love it!"
Summer 15th, Evening
"You know, I feel like my parents would be proud of me if they saw my life now. Your grandpa would be, too."
Summer 24th, Morning
"If you want orange chicken sometime, I'll make you some. But not too much of it. You have to save some for me!"
Fall 1st, Morning
"Fall will be hectic as usual for me! Gotta harvest all the grapes. O-oh! It's okay. You need to focus on the farm work here. I'll be thinking about you."
Fall 9th, Evening
"Hey... I have a present for you. Here! Love you! [+1 Warp Totem Farm] I know you use 'light magic'. Thought maybe a totem could help you. Oh! I bought it from some wizard overseas."
"I lived alone in my parents' house for so long. It was a little scary, being there by myself when it got dark. So many sleepless nights... But now I actually look forward to the sun going down. Gives me an excuse to get close to you. Um. Want to cuddle tonight?"
Fall 25th, Evening
"I can't decide what material to use for my cosplay outfit... Hmm. Maybe I'll ask Emily, she's good at this stuff!"

Version History

  • 1.8: Introduced as marriage candidate.
  • 1.8.2: Grange display added to the fair.
  • 1.9:
    • Increased price of sprinklers in her ledger.
    • Removed music in her 6 heart event due to copyright.
    • Adjusted her 10 heart event to show more affection.
  • 1.9.2: Added 20 more entries for 10 heart dialogue.
  • 1.10:
    • Iridium sprinklers removed from her ledger.
    • Adjusted liked and neutral gifts.
    • Added more to her schedule.
    • Added tile-specific dialogue.
  • 1.10.11: Added configuration option to change her portraits to look older.
  • 1.11.5:
    • Added 12 heart event
    • Added dynamic schedule with Scarlett
    • Updated marriage schedule & dialogue
    • Grampleton Orange Chicken added to Saloon shop after reaching 6 hearts
    • She now participates in the egg hunt
    • She will now dance with players at the flower dance if they are married to her
    • Puppyfish, Fairy Rose, and Grampleton Orange Chicken added as loved gifts.
  • 1.12: Adjusted gift dialogue.
  • 1.12.3:
    • Added Sophia to intervention events.
    • Added same-sex marriage dialogue.
  • 1.12.5: Adjusted liked gift dialogue.
  • 1.12.8: Added older beach portraits.
  • 1.12.10:
    • Added special order quest.
    • Fairy Dust added to liked gifts, adjusted neutral gifts.
    • Added spouse patio to Grandpa's Farm and Immersive Farm 2 Remastered.
  • 1.12.11: Rewrote 10 heart event.
  • 1.12.13: Added prerequisites to getting Sophia's special order.
  • 1.12.14:
    • Resprited Sophia's home.
    • Added new animations.
    • Added new decorations to Sophia's home.
    • Redesigned Blue Moon Vineyard, Sophia's house, cellar, and spouse room.
    • Revamped schedules.
    • Changes special order items to fix an issue.
  • 1.13:
    • Increased special order monetary reward to 35000g (from 12000g).
    • Fixed farmhouse pathing issues.
  • 1.13.9: Lewis now judge's Sophia's grange display at the Stardew Valley Fair.


Gallery of pictures taken in game.

Site Navigation

SVE Villagers
BachelorettesClaireOlivia • Sophia
Non-marriage candidatesAndy • Apples • Gunther • Marlon • Martin • Morgan • Morris • Scarlett • Susan
Non-giftable NPCSAlesia • Camilla • Isaac • Jadu • Jolyne • Peaches • Suki
Additional CharactersCharlie • Hank • Treyvon

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