カンペキな結婚式 |
Candace_shows_off_her_bridemaid%27s_dress.png キャンディスは彼女のウエディングドレスを着用し、ティアナおばさんとボブおじさんの結婚式のためにウェディングプランナーである。 |
| シーズン | 2 | 作品番号 | 224B | 放送回 | 86 |
| 初放送 | ディズニー・チャンネル(ジャパン) | TBA | ディズニーXD(アメリカ) | 2010年2月6日 | 国際デビュー | 2010年5月8日(ディズニー・チャンネル・アジア) 詳細を見る… |
Candace is very busy planning the decor when...
"Hold please. Would you guys scram?"
"Looking good, Isabella!"
Phineas and Ferb's idea of 'flowers' is a bit different then what Candace expects.
Linda gets her usual call from Candace...
...and proceeds to continue her conversation.
"It's summer! It's hot! People want something with ice! Make ice, okay?" "Ferb, what do we have in the 'ice' file?"
Candace's cake has arrived, but it's not at all what she expected.
Candace takes the box off of the chicken cake.
Phineas and Ferb's tribute to their aunt and soon-to-be uncle's adventures, in ice, just like Candace specified.
"Phineas and Ferb always ruin everything!"
"Look at this cake! It has a chicken in it!"
"And my hair! I think it may also have a chicken in it..."
Phineas and Ferb are putting the finishing touches on the scorpions, whose poison has been replaced with sparkling apple cider.
Candace's bedraggled look is all the rage.
"Wow, you even made it snow!"
"They say the step you're about to take is the beginning of your greatest adventure yet!"
Ferb is simply teeing up the song.
Wedding Adventure
Gretchen and Ginger are ready to reveal Bob.
Ginger running the bulls with Buford dressed as a bull.
Isabella bungee jumping and Bajleet about to base jump.
Holly with a hang glider and Adyson in a skydiving outfit.
Katie in scuba diving gear.
Milly doing treasure hunting.
Buford banging his head to the music.
Isabella about to stomp her foot.
Gretchen ski jumping off the roof.
"Your marriage is the greatest adventure of your life!"
Bob and Tiana kiss each other.
Major Monogram is unsure why Doofenshmirtz signed this picture so many times.
Doofenshmirtz decides to play a trick on Perry by sending him down to the first floor of his building.
When Perry doesn't return in the same elevator, Doofenshmirtz gets confused...
...and Perry beats Doofenshmirtz at his own game.
Doofenshmirtz's ride was most certainly a lot longer than Perry's ride.
Perry waits for Doofenshmirtz to show up.
"Behold, the Junk Food-inator!"
Doofenshmirtz is the picture of health.
Doofenshmirtz is too lazy to refill the tanks, so he decides to take a nap instead.
Perry chatters to awaken Doofenshmirtz, who wonders...
Perry shows how he escaped from Doofenshmirtz's trap.
The ray from Doofenshmirtz's machine melts the ice in Phineas and Ferb's ice sculpture... and also causes it to snow.
"Wait, hold on a second."
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