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試練システム。 円が書かれたセクションは、その日の特定のイベントがその日に発生する可能性があることを意味しますOrdeal System. Sections marked with a circle means that certain events of that time can occur in that day
Random Events are a mechanic introduced in the game May's Update (later refined in June's Update) which take place in the Management Phase. Random events is meant to add more variety to the days in terms of gameplay, making the players to overcome the events instead preventing them. The events can occur after day 21 and so on, at random times, breaking order and peace of the facility and giving surprise to the unaware and unprepared players.
The events or entities taking place in the random events are called Ordeals, different from the Abnormalities, because these beings can't be locked in containment rooms and float around the facilities, showing up from time to time.
At the moment, there's 4 Random Event in-game, with one removed but going to be implemented in a later update.
The events occur during certain times, following the order of the Ordeal System. At Day 21 and onward, there's a cycle of 5 days, increasing the difficult and time with each passing day, giving the chance to different events happen in certain days. After 5 days, it will restart the cycle, going to the conditions of day 1. There are 4 times, going in order as the day increases: Dawn, Noon, Dusk and Midnight. In the Deployment Phase, the player can check in the Goal List the maximum time can take place. Events of different times can trigger in the same day.
Ordeals' type are classified by colors, and their Risk Level could be the times where they took place, with Dawn being the easiest and with Midnight being the most dangerous. Ordeals of the same colors are different in each time. Ex: Amber Dawn Ordeal isn't the same as Amber Midnight Ordeal.
Midnight Ordeals, instead of randomly triggering, they will have a timer from the start of the day, at the top left of the screen; around 13 or more minutes long. Once it reach 0, the Midnight Event will trigger. These events are meant to be penalties and causing a 'Game Over' scenario.
Dawn starting
黎明は一番初めで一日において出現する一番早い時間です。この時間のイベントは全体的に難しくなく、またプレイヤーや施設に多くの問題には至りません。 現在、この時間には1つのイベントがあります。
Dawn is the first and most early time to appear in the day. The events in this time aren't difficult overall and don't bring much trouble to the player and the facility.
Currently, there is 1 Event in this time.
ボンボンりんごとボンボンオレンジのイベント BongBong Apple and Orange's event
BongBong_Fruits.pngボンボンりんごとボンボンオレンジの試練 BongBong Apple and Orange Ordeals
- イベント開始
"The perfect food, the perfect substitute."
- Event Starting
ボンボンりんごとボンボンオレンジ(BongBong Apple and Oranges)としても知られている琥珀色の黎明の試練(Ordeal of Amber Dawn)は この時間で初めて発表されたイベントです。イベントが始まると、スクリーン上にメッセージが現れ、小さいナメクジまたはカタツムリのような生き物が個々の部門の廊下に現れます。彼らは緑とオレンジの2種類の色で出現します。これらの生き物が廊下を這い、ゆっくりと移動します。職員は それらに物理、精神ダメージを与えたり、殺すことによりそれらを止めてもかまいません、もう一つの方法として、プレイヤーがナメクジを一度クリックすることにより殺すこともできます。
The Ordeal of Amber Dawn, also known as BongBong Apple and Oranges, is the first event released for this time. When the event starts, a message will appear on the screen, and small slug or snail-like creatures will appear in different hallways of some departments. They come in two colors, green and orange. Those creatures crawl on the floor, moving very slowly. Employees might step on them, inflicting Physical and Mental damage to the employee, thus killing the slug. Alternatively, the player can kill the slugs by clicking on them once.
This is a simple event which might cause trouble if is not taken care of correctly, specially to the new agents. Due to the small size, they might pass unnoticed if the facility is big enough, and most of the time, clerks are hurt instead agents. The player can pause to spot their locations and get rid of them more easily.
正午の開始 Noon starting
Noon is the second time to appear in the day. The events in this time increase the difficult and not putting much attention to them might lead to severe problems.
Currently, there is 1 Event in this time.
救いの手の雨イベント Rain of Hands of Redemption's event
"Only helpless hand of the weak could reach us, and fled for mercy and love of them."
- Event Starting
進行している時にプレイヤーはこのイベントに気がつかなければなりません。、なぜならこれを無視しているといくらかのエージェントの死を引き起こしてしまうからです。プレイヤーは待機中のエージェントの死を避けるために主にメインルームに発生したポータルを除去しなければなりません。彼らが出現できる他の部屋はコントロールチーム と 情報チームのその他のルームです。
The Ordeal of Violet Noon, also known as Rain of Hands of Redemption, is the first event released for this time. When the event starts, a message will appear on the screen, and soon, dark purple portals will start to appear on the ceiling of the rooms, except the hallways; at different lapses of times. The portal starts from small and transparent, growing bigger and becoming more visible. When the portal reach its maximum size, a dark hand will come out of the portal quickly, grabbing or smashing the employees below it, killing them instantly. The player can click on the portals several times to close the portals before they hands take action.
After a while of the portals spawning across the facility, the event will end, showing a message.
Players must be aware of this event when is in progress, because ignoring this will cause the death of several agents. The player must eliminate mainly the portals which spawn in the main rooms to avoid the death of their idle agents. The other rooms where they could spawn are the minor rooms of Control Team and Information Team Department.夕暮の開始 Dusk starting
Dusk is the third time to appear in the day. This bring difficult events, trying to disrupt the order of the facility very quickly. This is the last time to trigger without any previous warning, without counting Midnight's timer.
Currently, there's 1 Event in this time. Another event was added previously but was removed to refine it.
シルク・ドゥ・サンのイベント Cirque du Sang's event
- イベント開始
"Let us abandon our old flesh. We shall become one and continue this red march."
- Event Starting
シルク・ドゥ・サン(Cirque du Sang)とも呼ばれる深紅の夕暮の試練は今回、二番目にリリースされたイベントです。イベントが始まると、画面にメッセージが表示され、続いて各部門の1つの廊下に赤と黄色の線が描かれた縞模様のテントが表示されます。テントからは、2体の肉塊の大きな生き物、彼らの体の部分が一緒に縫い合わされたような風貌で、二つの腕と1本の脚があり、脱げたピエロの衣装とハーレークインキャップを身につけています。ピエロたちは施設内を歩き回り、職員または脱走しているアブノーマリティを探そうと試みます。一度、彼らのうちの1つに近づくと、停止して膨張し、赤に変わり、すぐに爆発し、近くの職員達と(または)アブノーマリティー達に大量の物理的ダメージを与えます。プレイヤーはそれらをクリックしてターゲットに到達する前に前もって爆発させることができますが、爆発する前の短時間で満タンにする必要があります。
The Ordeal of Crimson Dusk, also known as Cirque du Sang, is the second event released for this time. When the event starts, a message will appear on the screen, followed by striped tents with red and yellow lines spawning in random 1 hallway of each department. From the tents, 2 big fleshy creatures, appeared that their body parts were stitched together, they possess two arms and one leg, wearing stripped clown overalls and a harlequin cap. The clowns will roam the facility, trying to seek for employees or breaching Abnormalities. Once they get closer to one of them, they will stop and inflate, turning red, and soon exploding, dealing a high amount of Physical Damage to the nearby employees and/or Abnormalities. The player can click on them to make them explode prematurely before reaching any target, but still they need to charge for a short time before exploding.
When all the clowns are dead, the event will end, showing a message.
This event could bring a serious threat to the employees if this happen when the facility is in peace. Checking where they spawn will help to locate them and shot them before they reach the employees. If they appear when the facility is under the breach of one or multiple Abnormalities, the clowns will also target them and try to explode near them.
"神, 邪悪なもの, 連中。 彼らは休息日に我々を取り囲んだ"
- Event Starting
"A god, an evil, them. They embraced us on the day of rest."
- Event Starting
「夕暮れの試練 」イベントは初めに発表されたのイベントです。それは、 大変な一日の中間にアトランダムに、一日ごとに一度だけ、発生する恐れがあります。配備フェーズ の目標リストでは、 その日に発生する機会があるとき「夕暮れの試練が発見されました(Dusk's Ordeal detected)」と示されるかもしれません。 ランダムな時間経過後、運営フェーズでイベントの知らせが表示されるでしょう。そのうちに、イベントが開始した時もう一つのメッセージも現れるでしょう。
一般的に、これは生き延びるのが難しいイベントです、何故ならば一度それが始まると、 三匹の鳥たちの脱走を誘導するようないくつかのアブノーマリティの他の能力を引き起こす恐れがあり、また触手は全員に範囲攻撃をします。メインルームは職員にとってましてなおさら危険になります。
The 'Dusk's Ordeal' event was the first event released but was removed with the addition of the new ones in the June's Update, but mentioned that will come back in a later update.
It might occur in middle of long days at random times, just once per day. In the Deployment Phase, in the goal's list, it may show 'Dusk's Ordeal detected, having the chance to occur in the day. After a random lapse of time, a warning message will appear to announce the event in the Management Phase, and after sometime, another message will appear when the event starts.
This event makes that different purple tentacles or appendages, named FloodTentacles; come out from the floor in every department's main room and almost every hallway in the facility. The tentacles may be different in appearance but does the same actions. The tentacles possess decent health and deals an average amount of damage, which increases when are more of them together attacking the same target. In the main rooms always appear more tentacles than the hallways. The player can suppress the tentacles individually to defeat them.
Overall, this is a difficult event to survive through, because once it start, it may trigger other effects of some Abnormalities, like leading the breach of thethreebirds; and the tentacles will attack everyone in range, while the main rooms become even more dangerous for the employees.
Midnight starting
深夜は、その日に現れる最後で最強の時間です。 深夜のイベントが発生する日は、12-13分間程度のタイマーが画面上の左上に現れます、日が経つにつれ増加していきます。タイマーはゲームの時間が一時停止しているときや速度アップ/ダウン中であっても、実際の秒数で正常に継続します。
Midnight is the last and strongest time to appear in the day. In a day where a Midnight event will take place, a timer will appear at the left top of the screen, around 12 - 13 minutes long, and increasing in later days. The timer will continue normally by actual seconds even when the game's time is paused or speeds up/down.
Once the time runs out, a Midnight Event will trigger. These events are the most dangerous of the game, meant to end in a 'Game Over', due to being time penalties, so the player must rush through the day to end before the time runs out.
Currently, there is 1 Event in this time.
The Ultimate Buffet's event
"We fought to eat each other."
- Event Starting
The Ordeal of Amber Midnight, also known as The Ultimate Buffet, is the first event released for this time. When the timer ends, a message of the event will appear, and a giant worm covered with an armor of rocks and earth, with rocky teeth and with several big lumps on some parts of them; will rise from the floor in a random main room of the facility. When appearing, it will start to spawn big worms similar in appearance to the previous creature, and these creatures can spawn smaller worms at random intervals. The giant worm will change of location after an amount of time, moving to different main rooms across the departments, spawning more worms.
The giant slugs deal a drastic amount of damage to the employees and Abnormalities in front them, killing them almost instantly. They travel across the facility, burrowing when reach the end of the room, and spawning in another random room of the facility in one side. When appearing in another room, they might stop and spawn a couple of minor worms. The smaller worms jump to the nearby employees or Abnormalities in front them to deal high damage, moving in a straight line. These worms burrow themselves when the room where they are doesn't have any more targets, and appear in another room with employees or Abnormalities in them. The player can click on the big worms to slow them down for a short time and in the smaller worms to kill them. The giant worm can't be suppressed.
When the 'Game Over' message appears, the event will end, showing a message, although the giant worm and the other creatures of the event will not move out of the facility when ending.
This is an extremely difficult event, which once it starts, it can't be stopped or suppressed. The ability of the worms to spawn in any part of the facility makes it hard to keep the agents alive. Even when it will cause a Game Over, the player can still end the day if taking quick actions in the early part of the event. Just the smaller worms can be suppressed by clicks but is still difficult to do since all the bigger worms can spawn them constantly and the smaller worms go to where are targets to damage.
Game Mechanic ゲームメカニック | 一日のサイクル - ダメージタイプ - 装備 - 雇用 - LOBポイント - パニックレベル - ランダムイベント - 研究 - ステータス - チャレンジモード |
Departments 部門 | コントロールチーム - 情報チーム - 教育チーム - 安全チーム - 中央本部チーム - 懲戒チーム - 福祉チーム |
Main Characters キャラクター | 職員 - アンジェラ - X(プレイヤー) - A - B |
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