


ウィキペディア日本語版の記事Milky Way galaxyにはさらに詳しい情報があります。



天の川は銀河系の一つで、人類コヴナントが存在する。[1] 直径は100,000光年で、棒渦巻銀河 内部には多数の局部銀河が存在する。地球からは夜になると多数の光り輝く惑星が見ることができる。





天の川銀河はSBb又はSBcクラスの棒渦巻銀河であるとされる。Carina and Sagittarius Arm, is home to the Orion Arm. Splotches of intense star birth and formation can be seen in the arms. These areas are pink/red in hue and appear as wisps or clouds situated in the galactic plane. These are easily seen on any level featuring the Milky Way in the sky (Isolation, The Ark, etc.).


Main Article: Orion Arm

The Orion Arm is the origin of humanity and their home planet Earth, with at least 800 worlds inside human territory at one point. It is also the area of origin for the various races of the Covenant, with possibly even more worlds. It is the place of origin for the Forerunners as well.

The Orion Arm is the setting for the Human-Covenant war of the 26th Century and the far more ancient Forerunner-Flood War, witnessing at least two massive wars. It is also the home of at least two Halo Installations and the teleporter to the Ark or Installation 00.


The Milky Way is composed of a disk, in which all the arms and the majority of galactic matter lies, and the galactic bulge, essentially the center of a galaxy. The bulge is home to the galactic nucleus, the dead center of a galaxy and home to an extremely dense clustering of ancient stars. The nucleus is also thought to support a supermassive blackhole. Additionally, most known galaxies possess a halo of old and dying star clusters left over from the galaxy's formation. These clusters are situated up to 100,000 light years from the galactic bulge. Habitable planets may certainly lie within the halo, and some clusters may escape the range of the Halo Effect given their distance from the galactic center.



Main Article: Human-Forerunner War


Main Article: Forerunner-Flood WarHalo-7-coverage.jpg

Halo Arrayの投射範囲

97,448 B.C. (人類暦)頃、銀河系の支配者として君臨していたフォアランナーは非常に高度な技術を持ち、銀河系の殆どを支配下に置く大帝国を築き上げていた。しかし、彼らはFloodとの遭遇によって戦争に発展する。初期の研究によってヘイローアレイによる種族絶滅によってフラッドの脅威を食い止めるしかないと言う結論に至った。フォアランナーは生き延びるためにシールドワールドを多数建造しアークをヘイローアレイの射程圏外に建造した。ヘイローエフェクト発動後、フォアランナー以外の原生種族たちの一部がフォアランナーの手によって故郷に送られた。


Main Article: Human-Covenant war

それから100,000 年もの月日が流れ、人類はUNSCを組織し故郷の地球から外宇宙に進出を始めたが、コヴナントと遭遇する。フォアランナーを神として崇拝する彼らとの遭遇は平和裏に終わらず、戦争が勃発した。コヴナントは人類を凌駕する技術力を持って侵攻を始め、多くのコロニーと防衛戦力を焼き払った。戦時中、UNSCとコヴナントが偶然とはいえヘイローを発見したことによって、コヴナントは崩壊の道に転がり始めるのであった。


Main Article: Great Schism






Main Article: United Nations Space Command太陽系[]

天の川への入植を狙った国連であったが、2100年代に太陽系において内乱が発生した。この内乱に対応するために創設されたのがUNSCであった。火の手は火星から出てジョヴィアン・ムーン等に飛び火する。2160年 - 2164年の間に惑星間戦争と呼ばれる激しい戦いが行われた。 The war was fought between the UN naval and infantry forces, the Neo-Communist Koslovics (led by hardliner Vladimir Koslov), and the Frieden rebels (Jovian secessionists). Following the successful Marine deployments on Mars during the Argyre Planitia Campaign of 2163, the U.N. ultimately defeated both Koslovic and Frieden rebels throughout the Solar System, thus forming the United Nations Space Command.


The development of the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine in 2291 allowed humanity to leave the confines of its home star system for the first time and explore the wider galaxy, ushering in an age of rapid colonization and expansion. The first line of colony ships were unveiled in 2310, and on January 1, 2362, the Odyssey, the first colony ship capable of faster-than-light travel, was launched laden with troops and terraforming gear. Over the next 28 years, the UNSC began terraforming and colonizing more than 210 worlds, which would become the Inner Colonies.

Colonial expansion continued and by 2490, UNSC colonial space encompassed over 800 worlds, large and small, in the Orion Arm. The success of colonization of the Outer colonies made the Inner Colonies the primary stronghold, both military and economic, though they relied heavily on raw materials supplied by the Outer colonies. During this period, the planet Reach (orbiting Epsilon Eridani, right on Earth's metaphorical doorstep) became the UNSC's primary naval yard and training academy. Reach was a major producer of warships and colony vessels, as well as a training ground for covert operatives and Special Forces.

On April 20, 2525, contact with the Outer Colony, Harvest, was lost. After failing to re-establish contact with Harvest, the Colonial Military Administration sent a scout ship, the Argo, to investigate. Contact with the Argo was subsequently lost after the ship arrived in the Harvest system, plunging humanity into a deadly war with an alien race known as the "Covenant". Harvest was glassed from orbit, and marked the beginning of the war with the Covenant. The war was termed the Human-Covenant war, and was the most destructive conflict in the galaxy's history since the Forerunner-Flood War 100,000 year prior. Since the war's beginning, hundreds of human colonies have been destroyed and billions of civilian and military personnel have been killed by the Covenant.

At its peak, the UNSC encompassed a number of star systems, with hundreds of planets, moons and planetoids settled by colonists, some terraformed to greater degrees than others depending on the local conditions and presence of indigenous life. The Inner Colonies encompassed a region of space in at least a 10.5 light-year three-dimensional radius from Earth. Beyond that were the Outer colonies. Other colonies were established even further - Onyx in the Zeta Doradus system, at 38 light-years;[2]Coral, at 42 light-years;[3] and Madrigal, which lay in the 23 Librae system, 83.7 light-years from Earth.[4] In 2456, Harvest was the furthest Outer Colony, at six weeks of Slipspace travel away from Madrigal and two months from Reach.[5]Beta Centauri, at 525 light-years from Earth, is the furthest known human-occupied star system.[6] It is unknown how many colonies remain at the end of the war in 2553, although remarks made by Lord Hood suggested that UNSC territory has been reduced to Sol, and a mere handful of Inner Colonies.


Main Article: Covenant Empire

Because the Covenant have been space-faring for at least a thousand years,[7] and possess far superior slipstream navigation technology to humanity, they have explored a significantly larger portion of the galaxy than Humanity has. Based primarily in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, it is unknown if they maintain territories outside of the region, but there are several homeworlds and colonies located in the Orion Arm. Additionally, the Covenant have discovered and explored several Forerunner Shield Worlds, similar to one destroyed by human forces, from which they have acquired much of their advanced technology. Exactly how many of these worlds they have found, and their status, is unknown.

The Human-Covenant war has devastated numerous human worlds, but at least one Covenant world, Joyous Exultation, was devastated by Admiral Whitcomb's NOVA Bomb in retribution for the destruction of Reach. It is unknown if the Separatists and Loyalists destroyed worlds under the control of the other faction, but both Te and Balaho, the Lekgolo and Unggoy homeworlds respectively, were almost glassed during the Covenant's history.



The known Milky Way galaxy. The yellow dot represents the Solar System and the Orion Arm is labeled "Local Spur".

  • Perseus Arm
  • Norma and Cygnus Arm
  • Scutum-Crux Arm
  • Carina and Sagittarius Arm


Main Article: Orion Arm

The Milky Way, and the Orion Arm in particular, has a large number of inhabited or, at least, habitable, planets within it, with the Unified Earth Government and the Covenant Empire both maintaining distinct territories of their own. Other planets and systems were once home to the now-extinct Forerunners, whose interstellar empire spanned the galaxy until their disappearance.



  • Decided Heart
  • Weeping Shadows of Sorrow
  • Heian



  • The only known engagement or conflict to ever take place "outside" the Milky Way is the Battle of Installation 00.
  • The Milky Way can be seen from The Ark. The first time the player sees the Milky Way, is at the beginning of the level; The Ark.



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