At the very beginning of the game, a faceless entity asks the player if they're connected, and after a moment a red SOUL appears that the player eventually uses to control Kris and their actions. After verifying that the player is indeed connected, the entity walks them through the process of creating a character to be used in the world and naming that character, after which the player is able to name themselves.
The proceedings are interrupted by what seems like another entity discarding the player's creation and assigning their connection to Kris rather than the vessel made by the player, and the game continues on with the player inhabiting Kris's body.
At the end of the adventure, the player's final action is to put Kris to bed, after which Kris wakes up (presumably in the middle of the night) and forcefully ejects the player's SOUL from their body, ripping it from themselves and throwing it into a rusty cage placed atop a rusty red wagon. This appears to thematically imply that Kris is rejecting the player's influence on the world and reclaiming their free will for their own intentions.
After the player has been placed in the SOUL cage, they are able to move around, although Kris will not seem to notice or react to their renewed presence. Kris pulls out a knife and smiles a slasher grin at the camera, and the game ends abruptly on a cliffhanger, bringing Chapter 1 to a conclusion.
テンプレート:Navbox mechanics
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