



"「みんなと同じようにやって先祖から戦い方を学んで、それでも私は狂わなかった。」"―Galina on her use of the Animus, 2014.[src]




30 July 1983
Protvino, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union







Patricia Summersett

ガリナ・ヴォロニナ(Galina Voronina) (1983-) はロシアのアサシンで、モスクワ、プロトヴィノにある古いアサシンの研究所でアニムスを研究していたアサシンの科学者の娘に生まれる。i





"What happened to us? What happened to our future? What kind of world am I leaving to my twin girls?"―Galina's mother on the deteriorating Russian Brotherhood, 1991.[src]



2012年12月 突如起こった電力サージが見せたイヴのビジョンは母親にはこある種の啓示だった。彼女は一層研究にのめり込んでいった。



Galina consoling her sister

2013年6月28日 ロシア政府はロシア科学アカデミーの

On 28 June 2013, the Russian government announced its plans to put all of the Russian Academy of Sciences' remaining property and facilities under its control, putting the remaining Russian Assassins in danger.

施設で最後まで正気を保っていたガリナと姉妹は強制的にアニムスに入れられた。[1]他の人たちとは違い精神は安定していたガリナは流入現象によって祖先の技を学んだ。 [2]




―エメットのレポートより, 2014.[src]









Working with the Assassins[]

On 24 April, Galina, along with the rest of the Altair II's crew, was tasked with deciphering the riddles in William Miles' codex, in an effort to determine William's whereabouts. Eventually, they located a hidden cove in Norway, where the Altair II docked on 1 May 2014.[2]

When Rebecca Crane began upgrading the systems on the Altair II, she discovered that a spy on the ship was uploading reports to a database run by a group called the Initiates. Unlike the rest of the crew, Galina was above suspicion, since she had only been with them for roughly a month; too short a time to have planted the bugs used by the Initiates. While the others were confined to their quarters on the ship until they could be interrogated and cleared of suspicion, Galina stayed in the bunker.[2]


Galina preparing to kill Stephanie

On 23 May, William finally gathered the crew members to announce the identity of the spy, naming Stephanie Chiu as the culprit. On William's command, Galina moved to kill Stephanie, but Eric Cooper intervened, revealing he was the spy instead. The two eventually confessed they worked together, with Eric writing the reports while Stephanie uploaded them to the Initiates database. William then revealed he had no intention of having them killed, as the Initiates appeared "fairly reasonable". Shaun then sent a video to the Initiates, offering them to join the Assassins.[2]

In October, an Assassin group led by Gavin Banks, Galina among them, attacked and destroyed the Abstergo facility in Paris, which was dedicated to the research and study of the Sage John Standish.[4] She and Shaun Hastings personally confronted Álvaro Gramática, with Galina attempting to kill the scientist with a grenade; however, Gramática survived thanks to the Shroud of Eden that he was wearing.[5]

After the attack, the Assassins were followed by Templar agent Juhani Otso Berg and his right hand, Sorkin. Galina faced Sorkin and overpowered him, stabbing Sorkin multiple times before the Assassins escaped with the ships that were waiting them.[4]

Member of Chen's cell[]

"We kill him. A traitor almost ended the Brotherhood... and now you want to open the door for another one to finish the job?"―Galina voicing her doubts about Joseph to Xavier, 2015.[src]

By 2015, Galina was assigned to a new Assassin cell in California, which was led by Xavier Chen. When a respected Assassin called Joseph, who had been thought dead, resurfaced in the Templar headquarters in September, the group felt conflicted over whether or not to trust him; Xavier was inclined to believe Joseph, but Galina thought it better to kill him, wanting to avoid a repeat of the Daniel Cross debacle.[6]

Joseph claimed that he had been working with the Templars in order to lure out one of their top agents, by promising to help them find a Piece of Eden purportedly located in Salem at the time of the witch trials. To verify whether or not his story about the artifact was a setup, the Assassins decided to search for an individual with the necessary genetic memories. Kody, the cell's technician, hacked Abstergo Industries' Helix databases and found Charlotte de la Cruz, an employee at Malta Banking Corporation in San Diego.[6]


Galina leaping out of Charlotte's apartment

Galina and Xavier then went to San Diego to recruit Charlotte, who was enthusiastic about the prospect of aiding the Brotherhood. During their meeting, a group of men sent by the Templars arrived at Charlotte's apartment and attacked them. The two Assassins eliminated the attackers and took their unconscious new recruit to their hideout located near the Salton Sea, where they put Charlotte into an Animus in order to relive the memories of her ancestor, Tom Stoddard, an Assassin active during the witch trials.[6]

Later, witnessing the idealistic Charlotte having trouble to synchronize with her ruthless ancestor, Galina expressed her doubts about Chen's judgement and the new recruit's ability to accomplish the mission that the Assassin assigned to her.[7]

Finding the Shroud[]

"Bishop tells me Otso Berg is here. I will kill him for you!"―Galina to Shaun Hastings, 2015.[src]

In late October 2015, Galina was contacted by Bishop, who asked her to meet up with Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane in London and help them locate a Shroud of Eden. Arriving at night, she snuck up on Shaun, who had been reminiscing about an old friend, and made him jump. When Shaun recalled their mission in Paris, Galina teased him for "screaming like a baby". She then eagerly told him she would kill Berg.[5]

Once the Shroud's location was found by an Assassin initiate, Galina, Shaun and Rebecca traveled to Buckingham Palace's vault and immediately engaged Berg, Violet da Costa and Isabelle Ardant, who had arrived there ahead of the Assassins. For a while, Galina and Berg were evenly matched, with Berg managing to break her Hidden Blades, though she eventually gained the upper hand.[5]

Just as she was about to kill Berg, the rest of Sigma Team arrived, forcing her to abandon her target and take out the reinforcements. Once they had been dealt with, she returned to Shaun and Rebecca, with the latter having been shot during the struggle, and told them it was time to go.[5]


  • Galina is derived from the Ancient Greek galene, meaning "calm". It is also used as a Russian variant of Helen, a Greek name that means "shining brightly". The root voron from her surname means "raven". Another possible origin of her surname is the Russian word vorona, which means "crow".
  • Galina wears a pendant in the shape of the Russian Assassins' insignia.
  • Notably, she is one of the few modern Assassins known to wield dual Hidden Blades.
  • Rebecca Crane once caught Galina talking to herself during their time in Norway. Curious, the former asked her about it, only to find Galina saying that she was conversing with her dead sister.


Concept art of Galina with her hood
Concept art of Galina without her hood
Galina Voronina in Russia
Galina discussing plans with Gavin and Emmanuel
Galina being welcomed by the Altair II's crew
Galina as she appears in the comics
Galina using her throwing knives to defend Charlotte de la Cruz


  1.'s Creed: Initiates – Modern Times
  2.'s Creed: Initiates – Surveillance
  3. Assassin's Creed: Initiates (Twitter) - "A monster in the machine"
  4. 4.04.1Assassin's Creed: Rogue
  5.'s Creed: Syndicate
  6. Assassin's Creed #001
  7. Assassin's Creed #002

ギャヴィン・バンクス • エマニュエル・バラッザ • ステファニー・チウ • エリック・クーパー • レベッカ・クレイン • ハーラン・カニンガム • スーザン・ドレイトンショーン・ヘイスティングス • Eエメット・リアリー • アドリアーノ・マエストランツィ • デズモンド・マイルズ • ウィリアム・マイルズ • モチズキ・サエコ • アカーキ・ニニッゼ • ノーダル・ニニッゼ • タカクラ・キヨシ • ガリナ・ヴォロニナ | Guillaume Beylier • Georges Biassou • Dutty Boukman • Jeannot Bullet • Eseosa • Toussaint Louverture • Jean-François Papillon
ユナニ・オッツォ・ベルグ • ダニエル・クロス • レティシア・イングランド • Ctibor Hašek • エリカ・ニコルズ • Nancy Nilop • アラン・リッキン • Theodore Rizzo • デミアン・サラヴァコス • ルーシー・スティルマン • ソン • ウォーレン・ヴィディック
Jennifer Tam • ジュノー • ミネルヴァ • Philippe Chartrand | Charles Leclerc
アサシン教団 (陰摩羅鬼組) • エルディート • 第一文明 • 入門者テンプル騎士団 (アブスターゴ社)
ブラジル (サンパウロ) • カリブ海 • エジプト (カイロ) • イギリス (ロンドン) • フランス • イタリア (フィレンツェ | グロッセート | モンテッリジョーニ | ローマ) • 日本 (大阪) • ノルウェー (William Miles' bunker) • フィリピン • ロシア (プロトヴィノ) • スイス • アメリカ (フィラデルフィア | ニューオーリンズ | ニューヨーク | ボストン) | ダベンポート・ホームスデッド • Haiti
アニムス • エデンのリンゴ • 暗殺対象 • 流入現象 • タカの眼 • Eseosa's Codex • 第一文明 • 衛兵 • エデンの果実 • プロジェクト・セイレーン


ビショップ • レベッカ・クレイン • ショーン・ヘイスティングス • Initiate • ガリナ・ヴォロニナ | リディア・フライ | Cecily Frye • Ethan Frye • エヴィー・フライジェイコブ・フライ • レンリー・グリーン • ジョージ・ウェヅトハウス | Michel Reuge
イザベル・アーダント • ヴァイオレット・ダ・コスタ • アルヴァーロ・グラマティカ • ユハニ・オッツォ・ベルグ | Master Spy | パール・アタウェイ • Bloody Nora • デイビッド・ブルースター • カーディガン伯爵 • ジョン・エリオットソン • ルパート・フェリス • Lilla Graves • Rexford Kaylock • Victor Lynch • マルコム・ミルナー • Octavia Plumb • Crawford Starrick • クロフォード・スターリック • Edith Swinebourne • ルーシー・ソーン • フィリップ・トゥーペニー
ジュノー • コーンスス | Winston Churchill | Jack the Ripper • Nellie • Weaversbrook | フレデリック・アバーライン • Edward Bayley • アレクサンダー・グラハム・ベル • ナイジェル・バンブル • チャールズ・ダーウィン • チャールズ・ディケンズ • ベンジャミン・ディズレーリ • メアリー・アンナ・ディズレーリ • アーサー・コナン・ドイル • ウィリアム・グラッドストン • アグネス・マクベイン • カール・マルクス • フローレンス・ナイチンゲール • クララ・オディー • リチャード・オーウェン • ヘンリー・レイモンド • マクスウェル・ロス • ドゥリープ・シング • ロバート・トッピング • ヴィクトリア女王 • ネッド・ワイナート
アサシン教団 (British Assassins) • ギャング (ブライターズ • Clinkers • ルークス) • ゴーストクラブ • 最初の意思の使徒 • ガーター騎士団 • ロンドン警視庁 • テンプル騎士団 (アブスターゴ社 • シグマチーム | British Rite of the Templar Order)
Crawley • Croydon • London (City of London | Lambeth | Southwark | The Strand | Westminster | Whitechapel | River Thames)
産業革命 | ヴィクトリア朝 (切り裂きジャック) | 第一次世界大戦
実績 • Customization • Eagle Vision • Genetic memory • Helix • メモリー • Outfits • エデンのかけら (イージス • エデンの布) • Treasure chests • Viewpoints
銃 • 拳 (Brass knuckles) • アサシンブレード (アサシンのガントレット) • 毒矢 • 剣 (ケインソード • ククリ) • 投げナイフ
The Darwin and Dickens Conspiracy • Runaway Train • The Dreadful Crimes • Jack the Ripper • The Last Maharaja • A Long Night Out on the Town

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