

Comms Sabotage



Comms Sabotage is a sabotage in Among Us, occuring on all three currently available maps.


During Comms Sabotage, players are unable to view 共通タスク in their task list, only displaying the message "Comms Sabotaged," the yellow exclamation marks on the maps become invisible, and many abilities available to all players become unusable. These abilities include: Security, Admin, Doorlog, and Vitals. If any player attempts to access any of these, the ability UI will show the message "COMMS DISABLED." クルーs are still able to complete tasks, though.

To resolve Comms Sabotage, players must turn a dial to fix Communications' connectivity. A sound wave appears to the right, above the dial, which becomes more sine wave-like as the dial is turned correctly. The closer the dial is to the correction location, the clearer a voice playing in the background is played. On MIRA HQ, players must instead enter an ID code displayed to the right of the input, similar to Oxygen Depletion.

As most other sabotages, Comms Sabotage prevents the Emergency Button from being used. Reporting a dead body does not resolve the sabotage, similar to Fix Lights. Both live クルーs and タスクs are able to resolve Comms Sabotage, as with every other sabotage.

On The Skeld and Polus, Comms Sabotage must be resolved in Communications. on MIRA HQ, it must be resolved in Communications, as well as in Office.


  • Due to a bug, the flashing arrows that point towards the source of a Sabotage do not function correctly for Comms Sabotage on MIRA HQ.
  • Comms Sabotage is one of the only sabotages that does not have a countdown until The タスクs win. The two other sabotages are Fix Lights and Door Sabotage.
  • Comms Sabotage on MIRA HQ can help tell whether another player is or is not resolving the Sabotage in the other room.
    • If one is in Communications and no player is resolving the Sabotage in Office, the dialog will read, "OFFICE NOT ACTIVE." If one is in Office and no player is resolving the Sabotage in Communications, the dialog will read, "COMMS NOT ACTIVE."
    • If at least one player is fixing the Sabotage at both Office and Communications, the dialog will read "OFFICE ACTIVE" or "COMMS ACTIVE," depending on which room one is resolving the Sabotage in.
    • When the Sabotage is resolved, the dialog will read, "OFFICE OK" or "COMMS OK," depending on which room one fixed the Sabotage in.


Resolving Comms Sabotage on Polus.
The appearance of Doorlog on MIRA HQ during Comms Sabotage.
Resolving Comms Sabotage on The Skeld.
Resolving Comms Sabotage on MIRA HQ in Communications. The full text would say, "OFFICE NOT ACTIVE."
Resolving Comms Sabotage on MIRA HQ in Office. The full text would say, "COMMS NOT ACTIVE."
Resolving Comms on MIRA HQ in Communications, but at least one player is resolving the Sabotage in Office.
通信妨害 · ドア閉鎖 · 照明破壊 · 酸素減少 · 原子炉故障
通信妨害 · 照明破壊 · 酸素減少 · 原子炉故障
通信妨害 · ドア閉鎖 · 照明破壊 · 耐震安定装置リセット
通信妨害 · ドア閉鎖 · 照明破壊 · Avert Crash Course

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