「slower」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Fallout_76_perks - Fallout Wiki

ormal maximum condition.00000000Gunsmith.pngGunsmith111Guns break 10% slower and you can now craft Tier 1 guns (Plans required).000000002Gun

Fallout_76_consumables - Fallout Wiki

D +2300%15%16NoYesNo00529ddeCola perk bubblegum50Hunger and Thirst 5% slowerrad ingestion -5%20%0%0.255NoNoNo0037e0c2FO76_Mirelurk_softshell

「伏龍の木」の底 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

Icon Emoji 026 Qiqi Secretly observing.pngこの記事はあなたの編集を待っています!!編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう![能力と攻撃]の翻訳「伏龍の木」の底征討領域場所璃月、珉林、南天門説明長い歳月の間、棺桶のような

Mek - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

protected.A Mek with an empty fuel tank will regain health at an even slower rate.In PvP, Mek sword deals 25% less damage to tamed creatures

Braton_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

TopMisc.png Orokin Weapons PrimeAccessIconWhite.pngPrimeBraton PrimeStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR8装備プライマリMiniMapMod.pngタイプRifleトリガーオートU

Akbolto - Warframe日本語 Wiki

mpting to fire the weapon when it's not ready, causing an effectively slower fire). This allows the weapon to be fired in rapid bursts.参考[]T

Opticor - Warframe日本語 Wiki

TopEnemy.png Corpus Weapons OpticorCrpBFG.pngStatisticsMR14TopWeapon.png装備プライマリタイプRifleトリガーChargeUtilityノイズAlarming発射速度0 round per secマガジ

Strun_Wraith - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Strun Wraithファイル:WraithStrun.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR10装備プライマリMiniMapMod.pngタイプShotgunトリガーセミオートU

Twin_Gremlins - Warframe日本語 Wiki

nsコーデックスDesigned as a pair, these グリニア sidearms fire projectiles at a slower rate but with greater force and accuracy.The Twin Gremlins are

ジェビル - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

b, which fires 3 diamond bullets aimed at the SOUL, each one slightly slower than the previous, forming a straight line."やめやめ! わしゃ もう トヘトヘじゃ

Soma - Warframe日本語 Wiki

, lower recoil and a larger magazine size. Although the spin-up time, slower maximum fire rate and much lower status chance must also be tak

Kitgun - Warframe日本語 Wiki

KitgunKitguns, blasters, plasma throwers! Whatever you need to do horrible things to horrible people!—Rude ZuudKitgunsは部品を組み合わせて作成するプライマリとセカ

Ogris - Warframe日本語 Wiki

small area, but can also stagger the player if they aren't careful. A slower projectile version of this is used by the Bombard, though the h

Performance - Blender Cycles memo

hole image progressively. Note that progressive rendering is slightly slower than tiled rendering, but time can be saved by manually stoppin

Akbronco - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ronco, featuring higher fire rate and magazine size at the expense of slower reload speed.この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 5,000‍ 5,000。Manufacturing Require

Settings - Blender Cycles memo

sampling but conversely will take up more memory and render slightly slower. Higher values also may produce less noise when using high-res

武器 - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

とはできない。ブロードソード[]Broadswords are the two handed sword class. They are slower and more powerful than one-handed shortswords. They cannot be

Akbronco_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

t 増加 damage, 状態異常確率, and double the magazine capacity, at the cost of slower fire rate. The Akbronco Prime was added in Update 12.4 (03-05-2

Mutalist_Quanta - Warframe日本語 Wiki

TopEnemy.png Corpus Infested TopWeapon.png Weapons Mutalist QuantaStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR2装備プライマリMiniMapMod.pngタイプRifleトリガーオートUt

Cernos - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Critical Delay however will also result in the Cernos having an even slower 発射速度。 This can be countered with the usage of a fire rate mod,

Dual_Cestra - Warframe日本語 Wiki

rate and a larger magazine size and ammo capacity, at the expense of slower reload speed and lower accuracy.次の値段で売却できる。5,000Credits64.png‍

Angstrum - Warframe日本語 Wiki

TopEnemy.png Corpus Weapons Angstrumファイル:CorpusHandRocket.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR4装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプPistolトリガーChargeUt

Aklex - Warframe日本語 Wiki

zine size. However, they have no polarity slot, lower accuracy, and a slower reload speed.Manufacturing Requirements15,000Lex.png11OrokinCel

Akvasto - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Akvastoファイル:Dual vastos.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR8装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーセミオートUt

Afuris - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Afurisファイル:Afuris.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR4装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーオートUtilityノイズ

Tar - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwreckedTar燃焼時間360/180秒入手Tar_Slick.png ()スタック数40デバッグ用コード"tar"Wilson_Portrait.png“Do I have to hold it with my ba

Tin_Fishin'_Bin - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherTin Fishin' Bin"Keep fish as fresh as the day you net them."クラフトCut Stone.png×1 ×3

Akmagnus - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Akmagnusファイル:DEAkmagnus.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR12装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーセミオートU

Don't_Starve:_Hamlet - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Don't Starve: Hamlet開発者Klei EntertainmentプラットフォームWindowsMac OS XLinuxリリース日2019年5月14日販売形式ダウンロード(PC)Don't Starve: Hamletはシングル版Don't Starveで開発さ

Aklato - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons Aklatoファイル:Aklato.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR3装備セカンダリMiniMapMod.pngタイプDual PistolsトリガーセミオートUtilityノ

Baza - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons BazaBaza.pngStatisticsMR7TopWeapon.png装備PrimaryタイプRifleトリガーオートUtility弾薬RifleノイズSilent発射速度18 rounds per sec精度

Ignis - Warframe日本語 Wiki

TopEnemy.pngグリニア Weapons Ignisファイル:GrineerFlameThrower.pngStatisticsMasterySigilClear.pngMR5装備プライマリMiniMapMod.pngタイプRifleトリガーホールドUtility制限

Hikou - Warframe日本語 Wiki

LotusWhite.png Tenno Weapons HikouHikou.pngStatisticsMR2TopWeapon.png装備セカンダリタイプThrownトリガーオートUtilityProjectile Speed70 m/sノイズSilent発射速度6 r