「nearby」を含むwiki一覧 - 7ページ


services from then on, usually instructing them to seduce a group of nearby guards in order to allow him to slip past unseen. Alternatively


spot.アルノ: I live to serve.After killing three guards and sabotaging a nearby alarm bell, アルノ eavesdropped on a Templar meeting.シヴェール: Lord G

リリーホワイト - 東方Project Wiki

anted to announce that spring had finally arrived above the clouds to nearby humans, but to Reimu and her companions, it unfortunately appea

シャオ・ユン - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ter killing Qiu, Jun was forced to escape with a leap of faith into a nearby river.[3]Vengeance_China_%286%29.jpgZhang Yong's assassinationI

上白沢慧音 - 東方Project Wiki

n she first noticed an abnormality in the moon, she decided to seal a nearby Human Village during the night in order to protect it from youk

セント・ヘレンズ山 - Gravity Wiki

数存在していた。北側に位置するスピリット湖は、有史以前の噴火によって谷が堰きとめられてできた湖である。ファイル:St Helens and nearby area from space.jpgセント・ヘレンズ山とその周辺地域の衛星写真セント・ヘレンズ山から流れている主要な河川は3

犬走椛 - 東方Project Wiki

enjoys playing a rather time-consuming game called Dai shogi with the nearby kappa.It's hard for the especially long-lived youkai to find go

藤原妹紅 - 東方Project Wiki

anent end to her. When not fighting with Kaguya, though, she aids the nearby villagers by exterminating youkai and will even guide them safe

伊吹萃香 - 東方Project Wiki

or sake. Aya seems to accept and invites Suika to drink with her at a nearby food cart, with hilarious results as Suika talks about silencin

小野塚小町 - 東方Project Wiki

t in Gensokyo, and in this puzzled state these dead spirits possessed nearby flowers.Komachi thought that it was just a temporary issue, and

Fort_Constantine - Fallout Wiki

disintegrate the target, but the body is mostly intact other than the nearby blood trail.Appearances[]Fort Constantine appears only in Fallo

Feral_ghoul_(Fallout_4) - Fallout Wiki

led by it, as can be seen when a glowing one uses its radiation blast nearby other ghouls. M.A.R.Go.T. also states that feral ghouls have no

Lavae - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

s anything near it on fire and deals constant fire damage to anything nearby.ドロップRocks.png × 1-5 (If frozen)出現元デバッグ用コード"lavae"Wilson_Portrai

Grasp_of_Lohk - Warframe日本語 Wiki

lly twitch in a glitching-like fashion, and rotate themselves to face nearby enemies.Void entity object resembles a dark sphere with swirlin

Detron - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ses enemies killed by it to explode, dealing radial 磁気 damage to all nearby enemies.トリビア[]Colloquially, a "hand cannon" often refers to an

Glaive - Warframe日本語 Wiki

e the Glaive is in-flight will cause it to explode, dealing damage to nearby objects. This will also make the Glaive immediately return, eve

Ignis - Warframe日本語 Wiki

uipped to the Ignis, causing enemies to deal damage on death to other nearby enemies. This aids in crowd control and quicker elimination of

Ash - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ct of Shuriken can be used to seek out any hidden units that might be nearby. By casting the ability in the general direction of hidden enem

Halikar - Warframe日本語 Wiki

_20px.png Whirlwind when aiming past a lined-up group of enemies at a nearby wall and following up with a quick sidestep.Using Whirlwind Whi

Lanka - Warframe日本語 Wiki

rojectile will shoot off in a random direction when the バレル is "in" a nearby enemy, due to the length of the weapon's バレル.メディア[]CBNefLanka.j

武器 - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

ing Rocket (instead of you guiding the rocket, the rocket locks on to nearby enemies and guides itself).Despite what logic might suggest, yo

Spores - Warframe日本語 Wiki

VenomModU15.jpegENERGY25KEY1Spores腐食の胞子を対象にかける。胞子を破壊するか宿主を倒すこ事で胞子が付近の的に拡散する。長時間Sporeが持続しているとダメージも増加していく。再発動エネルギー割引: 50%威力:6 / 8 / 8 / 10 (初期

Shuriken - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ct of Shuriken can be used to seek out any hidden units that might be nearby. By casting the ability in the general direction of hidden enem

Spectra - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ton while using Shade or a Huras Kubrow will cloak you if enemies are nearby, letting you potentially deal large amounts of damage without r

Retrieve - Warframe日本語 Wiki

owards the Chesa クブロウ Retrieve functionality when retrieving items in nearby crates and when in the Plains.Hotfix 18.6.3 (03-23-2016)Improve

Opticor - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Also fixed the hits sometimes not taking effect if other geometry was nearby.Fixed rare cases of Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors creating a permane

Redeemer - Warframe日本語 Wiki

r finishers from the front will discharge the shotgun blast and alert nearby enemies. Finishers on enemies who are knocked down will also di

Ack_&_Brunt - Warframe日本語 Wiki

g 毒 damage with combine it into 腐食ダメージを与える。Elemental damage taken by nearby allies via Electromagnetic ShieldingMod_TT_20px.png Electromagn

惑星 - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

重力、難易度、植物、樹木、およびその生息動物の外観と動作が含まれています。When on the surface of a planet, nearby planets within the currently occupied star system can occasiona

クバ・リッチ - Warframe日本語 Wiki

one.ParanoidAttacks allied Grineer troops; prevents the conversion of nearby Grineer into thralls.Retreats after kneeling down and without s

Sharkitten - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked icon.pngShipwrecked この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Sharkitten体力150特殊能力Tiger Shark guardianドロップ ×2-3, Shark Gills.png ×0-2

Plants - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

have identical spawning requirements to Brambles and will only spawn nearby them. They behave identically to Brambles, though do not spawn

Salt_Formation - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ning a full Salt Formation.Walter_Portrait.png“Maybe there's a Medusa nearby... a salt Medusa...”–Walter, when examining a full Salt Formati

Mini_Sign - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

sort several chests.MiniSign2The prompt that appears while drawing a nearby item on a sign.DSRoGSWHamDSTDon't Starve クラフトアイテム一覧閲覧Icon_Tools

Stalagmite_Terrain - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

talagmite Biome with a bunch of Guano, indicating there are Batilisks nearby.バイオーム閲覧地上Chess • Grasslands • Graveyard • Forest • Marsh • Mosa

Life_Giving_Amulet - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ら出現するのは、ある意味皮肉なのかもしれません。 ギャラリー[]WilserrectWilson resurrecting while a nearby Redbird is put to sleep.AmuletThe old version of the Life Givin

Spider - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

.Spiders_Tentacle.pngWhen a spider is attacked, all wandering spiders nearby will become aggressive to the enemy.Spiders_fighting_each_other

Tentacle - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t.png ギャラリー[]Swamp_monster_bulge.pngTentacle bulge when the player is nearby.Tentacle_attacking_Wilson.jpgTentacle attacking Wilson.Battle_f