「implication」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Lone_Wanderer - Fallout Wiki

cut content of a Vault 101 jumpsuit in the game's files. The possible implication is that at some point, the Lone Wanderer or one of the oth

ケス - Memory Alpha wiki

id friendship. Kes was aggravated by Neelix' jealousy and hurt by the implication that he didn't trust her or would suspect her friends of g

艦娘が艦これRPG@2-1603 - 艦これTRPG部 Wiki

ぞ損傷3つで轟沈だ」23:48:深雪改@1-1356:『へっへ~んどうよ~』ドヤァ23:49:金剛@2-1646:「これはtactical implicationが大きいネー。」23:49:大和@2-866:「『あら、道を開けてくれたのね……礼を言うわ!』」23:49:大和@2-

アメリカ合衆国 - Memory Alpha wiki

the references are solely geographical or if they retain a political implication as well.The 52-star flag seen in The Royale is unusual in

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