「done」を含むwiki一覧 - 4ページ

Path To Carcosa - arkham horror lcg

velation abilities thatsecretly add them to your hand. This should be done withoutrevealing that card or its text to the other investigators

マール/せりふ - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

!墜落するー!KO 3Link▶️⏏️No, I can't last anymore.駄目っ! もたない!KO 4Link▶️⏏️I'm done for!やられたっ!Battle (Attacker)Challenging enemy 1Link▶️⏏️Hold it rig

カイ/せりふ - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

vingRevived 1Link▶️⏏️I've been revived!ふっかぁつ!Revived 2Link▶️⏏️I'm not done yet.まだやれる…っRevived 3Link▶️⏏️This is only the beginning.遅れを取り戻す!Re

Learn to Play - arkham horror lcg

pool. Advancingthe act in this way does not cost an action and may bedone during any investigator’s turn. The number of cluesrequired

マール - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

!墜落するー!KO 3Link▶️⏏️No, I can't last anymore.駄目っ! もたない!KO 4Link▶️⏏️I'm done for!やられたっ!Battle (Attacker)Challenging enemy 1Link▶️⏏️Hold it rig

Fallout_76 - Fallout Wiki

implemented post-release. Interaction with other player characters is done via the emote wheel[12] and voice chat.[10]Player characters who

煙緋/メディア - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

概要ストーリー服装塵歌壺メディア目次1 表情(写真撮影)2 ビデオ3 天賦のGIF4 画像5 脚注表情(写真撮影)[]Character Yanfei Expression 1デフォルトCharacter Yanfei Expression 2真面目Character Yanfe

第三章 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

g what was around the village, Shani tells them that there was an abandoned Eleazar hospital nearby and they go there to investigate.Arrivin

旅人/ボイス - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

koto wa, mada mada takusan aru.(There's still a lot that needs to be done.)放置(Character Idles)[注:世間話と天気のボイスは、放置状態でも聞くことができる。]Media:VO_JA_Ae

リサ/メディア - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

n to celebrate official releaseスタンプ[]ゲーム内スタンプIcon Emoji 009 Lisa Well done!Well done!Paimon's PaintingsIcon Emoji Paimon's Paintings Lisa 1そ

効果範囲 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

効果範囲種類戦闘Area of Effect (AoE)は、広い空間範囲に影響を与えるアビリティを表す用語である。これらのアビリティは、通常一定の半径内にいる複数のターゲットに影響を与えることができる。AoEには3つの形状がある。球体、円柱、箱。目次1 事例1.1 Cylinde

ケス - Memory Alpha wiki

ncapable of producing rain. The Nacene deeply regretted what they had done and left two of their kind behind to protect and provide for the

THE NETWORKER - Zero Sievert 日本語WIKI

rmation. I am the one who knows people, who knows how to get things done in this broken world. But who I am is not important. What is

ヴォルタ - Memory Alpha wiki

a Vorta. "I had no idea what a Vorta looked like until the makeup was done at 6:30 in the morning, when I looked in the mirror," he recalled

256-End - Basicsoftのうぃき

End (ステートメント)Formatend説明プログラムの実行を停止します。例print "I am done."endprint "Or am I?"出力I am done.こちらも見てBegin Case / Case / End C

ジェード - Battlerite(バトルライト) Japan 日本語wiki

ate発射時Take this! 食らいなさい!Time's up. 時間よ(もう死ぬ時間よ。的なニュアンス)You're done. これで終わりよ。Eat this! 食らいなさい!ラウンド勝利時We're not done here yet. まだ何

5800-2AHPH4R (MXQ+S) - SmileTabLabo

ko@droid05]OPS=0xc2cf 98 9a db 8c 27 d7 ed 89 b0 c cc [0.600439 Inits done]secure task start!high task start!low task start!ERROR: Error in

Music - Library Of Ruina 攻略

度胸を見せてもらえないでしょうか?When does it end for me?Hmm私の終演はいつ来るのかな?I think I am done with everythingNow I'm ready to leaveもう何もかも 飽きてしまった立ち去る準備は出来たDrag

トゥヴォック - Memory Alpha wiki

ough Janeway couldn't help but wonder about Tuvix and whether she had done the right thing.(VOY: Tuvix)When Kes went through her elogium, Ne

最優先指令 - Memory Alpha wiki

ad been known to order ships to save that world, provided it could be done without violating the Directive. (TOS: The Paradise Syndrome)The

Fallout_4_perks - Fallout Wiki

cCR Ranged DmgAdds the crAttackDamage actor value to the melee damage done by creatures.001504fcCR Set Ranged DmgSets the crAttackDamage act