「cause」を含むwiki一覧 - 8ページ

記章 - Memory Alpha wiki

 記章(Insignia)は階級や所属、功績や資格等を表すために使用される。付ける部位によって襟章、腕章、肩章、胸章、袖章、臂章、帽章、周章などと区別される。尚、記章は多くの勢力や組織によって採用されている。目次1 階級章1.1 階級章一覧1.2 タイプ1.2.1 Braid o

Angela_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

ts "many eyes". It is more accurate than any human in its job, having caused many humans before it to be replaced.Angela is the only charact

シーン08 - Leon the professional

["Back On The Crime Scene"][Mathilda goes to her former hotel; a policeman guarding the apartment is busy talking to his girlfrien

Panic_Level_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

アブノーマリティですAt the moment, WhiteNight is the only Abnormality which can cause an instant Panic Level 3.Gallery[]Facility Rapture Chaos 1WhiteN

Red_Shoes_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

icult to defeat, while possessed clerks will be more easy to defeat because of their lower health bar.最終観測 / Final Observation[]::Dialogue(記

Plague_Doctor - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

もわたしを煩わさないでいただきたい。わたしは、イエスの焼き印をこの身に帯びているのですから。From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.第12使徒(ヨハネ6章

シーン07 - Leon the professional

」TONY:「You need some money?」LEON:「No, just curious.」TONY:「Ah.」LEON:「Because I've been working a long time and I haven't done anythin

シーン05 - Leon the professional

lda]LEON:「Sleep well?」よく眠れたか。MATHILDA: [nods](うなずく)LEON:「Good. ‘cause after breakfast, you gotta take off.」よし、朝食を食べたらすぐに出て行くんだ。gotta=h

callcucon - kontferocのうぃき

Michael a treatise on the laws and practice governing the removal of causes from state courts to federal cou Freche Fee und lustiger b&ouml

v0.15.12.0 - Barotrauma日本語wiki

rs' face or body change color.- Physical injuries to the head can cause concussions.- Improvements to the blood particle effects when a

ドキドキライブ! - マイリトルポニー Wiki

Ambox notice.png情報不足:このページ「ドキドキライブ!」は、記事の情報が不足しています。翻訳・項目の追加などをして優先的に加筆してください。ドキドキライブ!シーズン №:1シーズンエピソード №:18合計エピソード №:18放送日:2011/3/4 (アメリカ)2

Mongoose - Halopedia日本語版

a rear platform that can be used to carry one additional passenger. Because it carries no armament of its own, having a passenger is usually

Zealot - Halopedia日本語版

ttack it from long range, as they are deadly in hand-to-hand combat because of their Energy Sword (and in Halo: Combat Evolved can kill the

Cortana_Letters - Halopedia日本語版

ecurity compromised)Source: BW-AI aboard (?) PoAThe interloper should cause no further problems. You – whoever you are (I am simply tracing