ハンター装備_サンプル - ロード・オブ・ザ・リングスオンライン wiki
Far-arrow's Armour(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of Keen Sight(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Far-arrow's Armour - FrontFar-arrow's Armour - BackHunte
Far-arrow's Armour(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of Keen Sight(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Far-arrow's Armour - FrontFar-arrow's Armour - BackHunte
Shield-master's Armour(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of the Garrison(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Shield-master's Armour - FrontShield-master's Armo
Lore-keeper's Armour(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of the Erudite Teacher(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Lore-keeper's Armour - FrontLore-keeper's Arm
756 Frost Defence, +756 Shadow DefenceWrit of Health gives a bonus to armour value on criticals, +252 Tactical Offence Ratingof the Archivis
Battle-leader's Armour(Mirkwood - Level 65)Armour of the Officer(Ettenmoors - Level 65)Battle-leader's Armour - FrontBattle-leader's Armour
Armour of the Deathstorm(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of the Enforcer(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Armour of the Deathstorm - FrontArmour of the De
Armour of the Wall-warden(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of Laindehal's Watch(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Armour of the Wall-warden - FrontArmour of
Armour of the Shadow-walker(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of the Concealed(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Armour of the Shadow-walker - FrontArmour of
Armour of the Silver Voice(Mirkwood - Level 65) Armour of the Wayfaring Poet(Ettenmoors - Level 65) Armour of the Silver Voice - FrontArmour
Leather up to Level 11Jacket, Boots, Gauntlets and Shoulder GuardsLeather up to Level 11Shirt, Shoes, Gloves and Shoulder PadsLeather Level
Dwarf Leather Level 17, 20, 23 and 26Jacket, Boots, Gauntlets and Shoulder GuardsDwarf Leather Level 17, 20, 23 and 26Shirt, Shoes, Gloves a
Dwarf Steel Level 20, 23 and 26Breastplate, Boots, Gauntlets and Shoulder GuardsDwarf Steel Level 20, 23 and 26Jacket, Shoes, Gloves and Sho
Chainmail Level 15, 17, 20 and 23Breastplate, Boots, Gauntlets and Shoulder GuardsChainmail Level 15, 17, 20 and 23Jacket, Shoes, Gloves and
Amban's Cloth(Rift - Level 50) Limdur Armour(Angmar - Level 50) Amban's Cloth - FrontAmban's Cloth - BackLightS.JPGArmour of the Seven Stars
Amban's Leather(Rift - Level 50) Arthdur Armour(Angmar - Level 50) Amban's Leather - FrontAmban's Leather - BackMediumS.JPGNenuial's Armour(
Amban's Steel(Rift - Level 50) Daerdur Armour (Angmar - Level 50) Amban's Steel - FrontAmban's Steel - BackUHeavyS.JPGArmour of the West Tow
Elven Steel Level 29, 32, 35 and 38Breastplate, Boots, Gauntlets and Shoulder GuardsElven Steel Level 29, 32, 35 and 38Jacket, Shoes, Gloves
Breeland Bronze ArmourBreeland Bronze Armour - FrontBreeland Bronze Armour - BackDwarf-make Bronze ArmourBronzeDS.JPGElven Bronze ArmourBron
redainHelmetTauredainChieftain.pngタウレスリムの金の防具The ancient and original armour of the Taurethrim, this gilded version is very ornate and is de
Cloak of the Seven Stars (Annuminas - Light Set) Nenuial's Cloak (Annuminas - Medium Set) Cloak of the West Tower (Annuminas - Heavy Set) Cl
Breeland Superb Campaigner's ArmourBreeland Superb Campaigner's Armour - FrontBreeland Superb Campaigner's Armour - BackDwarf-make Superb Ca
Breeland Heavy Leather ArmourBreeland Heavy Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Heavy Leather Armour - BackHeavy Leather Armour Stats (Level 18 A
Breeland Hunter's ArmourBreeland Hunter's Armour - FrontBreeland Hunter's Armour - BackDwarf-make Hunter's ArmourHuntersDS.JPGElven Hunter's
Breeland Superb Hunter's ArmourBreeland Superb Hunter's Armour - FrontBreeland Superb Hunter's Armour - BackDwarf-make Superb Hunter's Armou
Breeland Campaigner's ArmourBreeland Campaigner's Armour - FrontBreeland Campaigner's Armour - BackDwarf-make Campaigner's ArmourCampaigners
Breeland Superb Outrider's ArmourBreeland Superb Outrider's Armour - FrontBreeland Superb Outrider's Armour - BackDwarf-make Superb Outrider
Breeland Superb Protector's ArmourBreeland Superb Protector's Armour - FrontBreeland Superb Protector's Armour - BackDwarf-make Superb Prote
Breeland Superb Leather ArmourBreeland Superb Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Superb Leather Armour - BackDwarf-make Superb Leather ArmourTou
Breeland Sturdy Leather ArmourBreeland Sturdy Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Sturdy Leather Armour - BackDwarf-make Sturdy Leather ArmourStu
Breeland Tough Leather ArmourBreeland Tough Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Tough Leather Armour - BackDwarf-make Tough Leather ArmourToughDS
Breeland Skirmisher's ArmourBreeland Skirmisher's Armour - FrontBreeland Skirmisher's Armour - BackDwarf-make Skirmisher's ArmourSkirmishers
Breeland Heavy Skirmisher's ArmourBreeland Heavy Skirmisher's Armour - FrontBreeland Heavy Skirmisher's Armour - BackDwarf-make Heavy Skirmi
Breeland Reinforced Sturdy Leather ArmourBreeland Reinforced Sturdy Leather Armour - FrontBreeland Reinforced Sturdy Leather Armour - BackDw
Breeland Outrider's ArmourBreeland Outrider's Armour - FrontBreeland Outrider's Armour - BackDwarf-make Outrider's ArmourOutridersDS.JPGElve
Breeland Protector's ArmourBreeland Protector's Armour - FrontBreeland Protector's Armour - BackDwarf-make Protector's ArmourProtectorsDS.JP
Breeland Forge-Crafted ArmourBreeland Temper-Crafted ArmourBreeland Forge-Crafted Armour - FrontBreeland Forge-Crafted Armour - BackCraftedC
Heavy Breeland Padded ArmourHeavy Breeland Padded Armour - FrontHeavy Breeland Padded Armour - BackHeavy Padded Armour Stats (Level 12 Armou
Breeland Knight's ArmourBreeland Knight's Armour - FrontBreeland Knight's Armour - BackDwarf-make Knight's ArmourKnightsDS.JPGElven Knight's
Breeland Crafted ArmourBreeland Well-Crafted ArmourBreeland Crafted Armour - FrontBreeland Crafted Armour - BackCraftedCBS.JPGDwarf-make Cra
Scout's ArmourScout's Armour - FrontScout's Armour - BackScout's Armour Stats (Level 54 Armour)Armour TypeArmourBootsGlovesHelmLeggingsShoul
Heavy Elven Soldier's ArmourHeavy Elven Soldier's Armour - FrontHeavy Elven Soldier's Armour - BackHeavy Elven Soldier's Armour Stats (Level
Strong Westernesse ArmourStrong Westernesse Armour - FrontStrong Westernesse Armour - BackStrong Westernesse Armour Stats (Level 41 Armour)A
Marchwarden's ArmourMarchwarden's Armour - FrontMarchwarden's Armour - BackMarchwarden's Armour Stats (Level 58 Armour)Armour TypeArmourBoot
Breeland Polished Knight's ArmourBreeland Polished Knight's Armour - FrontBreeland Polished Knight's Armour - BackDwarf-make Polished Knight
Strong Defender's ArmourSturdy/Solid Defender's ArmourStrong Defender's Armour - FrontStrong Defender's Armour - BackDefendersCBS.JPGDwarf-m
Defender's ArmourSturdy Defender's ArmourDefender's Armour - FrontDefender's Armour - BackDefendersCBS.JPGDwarf-make Defender's ArmourDwarf-
Elven Soldier's ArmourElven Soldier's Armour - FrontElven Soldier's Armour - BackElven Soldier's Armour Stats (Level 42 Armour)Armour TypeAr
Westernesse ArmourWesternesse Armour - FrontWesternesse Armour - BackWesternesse Armour Stats (Level 35 Armour)Armour TypeArmourBootsGlovesH
Herald's ArmourHerald's Armour - FrontHerald's Armour - BackHerald's Armour Stats (Level 56 Armour)Armour TypeArmourBootsGlovesHelmLeggingsS
Breeland Heavy Iron ArmourBreeland Heavy Iron Armour - FrontBreeland Heavy Iron Armour - BackDwarf-make Heavy Iron ArmourIronDS.JPGElven Hea