Dredge_Bomber - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
mberDredge Disaggregator.jpg種族ドレッジレベル2-80場所Shiverpeak Mountains(Tyria)Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコン
mberDredge Disaggregator.jpg種族ドレッジレベル2-80場所Shiverpeak Mountains(Tyria)Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコン
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
Swampland Fractal夜間Thaumanova Reactor Fractal日中Uncategorized Fractal日中Underground Facility Fractal夜間Urban Battlegrounds Fractal日中Volcanic Fr
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
ic_Challenge_Mote.png Volcanic Challenge Mote Cliffside Challenge MoteUnderground_Facility_Challenge_Mote.png Underground Facility Challenge
Champion RabsovichDredge Oscillator.jpg種族ドレッジレベル80ランクチャンピオン場所Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
Mining Laserこのオブジェクトの画像をアップロードします場所Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)対話可能はい破壊可能いいえ特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用
al26 - 10026 - 10026 - 10051 - 10051 - 100--26 - 100--76 - 10051 - 100Underground Facility Fractal26 - 10076 - 10026 - 10051 - 100--26 - 100
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
Tangled Depths 7Waypoint (tango icon).png 20 11Hero_point.png 6レベル80タイプゾーン範囲内Heart of Maguuma隣接地域Auric Basin (西)Dragon's Stand (南)ペットSmokesc
Teku Nuhoch 1Waypoint_%28tango_icon%29.png 2Teku_Nuhoch_map.jpgTeku Nuhoch の地図Tangled Depths 内の場所タイプエリア範囲内Tangled DepthsTeku_Nuhoch.jpgTeku
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
ispers in the Dark,Human_tango_icon_20px.pngBrute Force, Mortus Virge,Underground Scholar, Armaments,Sylvari_tango_icon_20px.pngSharpened Th
Veteran Dredge BomberDredge Disaggregator.jpg種族ドレッジレベル80ランクベテラン場所Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはC
Veteran Dredge ExcavatorRebel Isaak.jpg種族ドレッジレベル80ランクベテラン場所Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-S
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
ulation's Gloomドレッジが出没する断崖にある苦難の洞窟の凍った洞窟で暗闇を捉えるために、グルーミネーターを使用してください。 Underground Darkness地下施設フラクタルのラブソビッチの部屋の暗闇を捉えるために、グルーミネーターを使用してください。Tw
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
Ad Infinitum III: Unbound希少性Bベーシックバインドアカウントバウンド価値10 ゲームリンク[&AgHqIgEA]“Underground Facility Fractal で彼の遺骨から Rabsovich's Locker Key を得てください。Dr
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
.Revealed.pngRevealed 効果の種類効果スタックなしゲームリンク[&BuFfAAA=]“今はステルス能力を使うことはできません— ゲーム内の説明特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用可能です。
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
lance / Means to an EndPart III — Death from BelowDredge Technology → Underground Scholar / Armaments → The Dredge Hideout / Dredge Assault
Reinforced Doorこのオブジェクトの画像をアップロードします場所Underground Facility Fractal(Fractals of the Mists)対話可能はい破壊可能いいえ特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下
GloomTangled DarknessTequatl's GloomTribulation's GloomTwilight Vol. 3Underground DarknessUnderworld Murk報酬:Chest of Gloom特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコ
dary Dredge Powersuit または Legendary Rampaging Ice Elemental のいずれかを倒して Underground Facility Fractal の最後に宝箱を開きます。The Minstrel III: The Bard Co
Slay the Great Skelk Regurgitant場所Teku Nuhoch(Tangled Depths)タイプEvent boss (tango icon).pngグループイベントレベル80ボスChampion Great Skelk Regurgitant前提