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ドゥカーレ宮殿 (Palazzo Ducale)2.1.4 大鐘楼 (Campanile di San Marco)2.1.5 ため息橋 (Ponte dei Sospiri)2.1.6 カフェ・フロリアン (Caffè Florian)2.2 ARIAカンパニー2.3 姫屋/ホ
ドゥカーレ宮殿 (Palazzo Ducale)2.1.4 大鐘楼 (Campanile di San Marco)2.1.5 ため息橋 (Ponte dei Sospiri)2.1.6 カフェ・フロリアン (Caffè Florian)2.2 ARIAカンパニー2.3 姫屋/ホ
carrying the invitation, and met up with a group of courtesans on the Ponte Sant'Angelo, instructing them to steal the paintings he would ma
Paolo Palazzo Pitti Torre Rognosa District of San Polo Santo Stefano Ponte Vecchio Torri dei Salvucci Dorsoduro District Scuola Grande di S
テレサの一人っ子ジョアン・ソアレス(医師)が、サンタマリア島とサンミゲル島の指導長の後を継いだ。*1 現在のポンテ・ドス・カヴェトランテス[Ponte dos Cabestrantes]*2 Povoação Velha[古い集落]と命名*3 初期の入植者の多くはポルトガルの異端
echnologie#Holodecken:Holodeckes:Holocubiertafa:عرشه بدلfr:Holodeckit:Ponte ologramminl:Holodeckpl:Holodeksl:Holokrovsr:Холодек特に記載のない限り、コミュ
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:探検家の記録/Gaius Marcellus Nerva}}.Do not add section header
Forlì Glyph mapSan Polo District[]Facing west beneath the east end of Ponte di Rialto.Facing east between the dome and bell tower of San Gia
, about personally attending the meeting.[src]BoF_9.pngRodrigo on the Ponte di Rialto with the other TemplarsSoon after the Pazzi Conspiracy
y with his son Ezio.In 1476, following a brawl between the two on the Ponte Vecchio, Giovanni scolded his son for his behavior, although he
andrai farfallone amoroso(Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492)」作詞 - Lorenzo Da Ponte / 作曲 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / 歌唱 - Paolo Andrea Di Pietro / 演