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A trigger is defined as a spell that casts another spell after it has hit an object or terrain during its animation cycle and/or done its damage. There are many types, the vast majority of which also come with normal variants without triggers.
Another type of trigger is called a Timer. These will cast spells after a set time limit if it doesn't hit anything, otherwise it'll act as a trigger and cast on impact.
When firing a spell with a trigger or timer attrbute, the game checks for the combined mana drain of the trigger spell and the spell after it. If the wand have enough reserves to fire the whole combination, it's all cast as expected: first the trigger spell, then the spell after it when the conditions are met.
If the wand does NOT have enough mana reserves to fire the whole sequence, the trigger spell itself is prioritized and (some or all) spells after it are omitted. An exception is if the trigger spell is too expensive even by itself, in which case cheaper spells after the trigger will cast instead without the trigger (this can potentially be dangerous).
You can increase the amount of spells a trigger will cast by using a multicast modifier like Double Spell in between the trigger and the spells you want it to cast.
Spark Bolt with Trigger
Spark Bolt with double Trigger
Firebolt with Trigger
Energy Orb with a Trigger
Bubble Spark with Trigger
Magic Arrow with Trigger
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