






  • ドラエトヘルスVは居住不能状態にされる
  • UNSC艦隊は全滅し多くの生存者が惑星に降着
  • コヴナント艦隊は壊滅的大打撃を被る
  • X50のアーティファクトは失われる



  • メレグ・ヴォル
  • パラグ・ヴォル





  • 複数の迫撃砲型レイス
  • 複数の対空レイス
  • 大量の地上歩兵
    • グラント
    • エリート
    • ドローン
    • ジャッカル
    • ブルート


  • 被害甚大、戦力の60%以上を損失。

  • 被害甚大、戦力の60%以上を損失。

  • 被害甚大、主要部隊は壊滅状態に。

ドラエトヘルスV攻防戦は戦後時代に発生したコヴナントと人類との戦いの一つで、ドラエトヘルスVと月:X50一帯で発生した。[3] 戦闘は、2552年の停戦条約を完全に無視して戦い続けるコヴナントの一派とUNSCの間で発生。


小規模な戦闘は2552年以前から発生していたようだが、詳しいことは不明。2552年にコヴナント軍の本格侵攻が始まった。[4] コヴナントの一派は、磁気研究局と月面を中心として攻撃を行った。この戦闘はスパルタンIV初めての任務であったとされ、スパルタンIVサラ・パーマーとエドワード・デイビスが配備されたことが確認されている。[5]




戦闘はコヴナント・レムナント艦隊を率いたMerg Volによってドラエトヘルス星系に対する攻撃によって始まった。UNSC軍はドラエトヘルスVとその月であったX50に駐屯していた。しかし、UNSC側は2552年の停戦条約の存在から、完全に油断しており、現地に駐留していた数千のUNSC海兵隊と2名のスパルタンIV エドワード・デイビスとサラ・パーマーはこの襲撃に応戦することとなった。コヴナント軍の第一波がアルファ基地や他の主要駐屯地に押し寄せた際、UNSC軍はレギオン規模の敵軍を撃退するのに苦戦した。デイビスはアルファ基地から配備されたウルバリン対空戦闘車両を護衛、スピリット降下艇への攻撃を行った。ドラエトヘルスVは強力な磁気圏を発していたことが原因でUNSC戦闘集団は地上からの無線を受信できなかった。パーマーは2個海兵隊ファイアチームと共に北に存在したエアパッドへ向かうべく攻撃を行った。ごく僅かな生存者と共にホーネットによって撤退することが出来た。


— パスタナック中尉のファラデー基地防衛戦の回想

パーマーは敵襲により配備されたUNSCが展開中のファラデー基地へと到着した。この基地はドラエトヘルスVの砂漠地帯に存在した。此れに対してコヴナント側は墜落したUNSC戦闘集団を遥かに上回る大規模な艦隊を送り込んだ。少なくとも4隻のCAS級アサルト艦、5隻のCCS級巡洋艦が防衛線を突破し、ドラエトヘルスVへ戦力を投下した。4個機甲師団はファラデー基地北部に降下、基地外部の防衛線に攻撃を開始した。UNSC海兵隊はロケットランチャーとチェーンガン を使用してこれを撃退しつつあったが、4個編隊のバンシーがファラデー基地への空爆を開始。これの撃破にウルバリン小隊が緊急配備された。防衛は成功し、基地は一時的に安全が確保された。UNSCは第21偵察小隊を北部のコヴナントのランディング・ゾーンに向けて送り込んだ。これによって、Merg Volら6名のゼロットが厚い森の中から更なる攻撃を計画していることが判明した。パーマーと21小隊の面々はホーネットによる回収を前に全てのターゲットを暗殺することに成功した。これによってコヴナントに混乱をもたらしたが、コヴナントはイプシロンブリドリントと呼ばれた、大規模な渓谷地帯でUNSCを包囲した。そこへアサルト艦が超重砲 を配備、標的を掃射するため砲撃を開始した。



— チャーリー・スルタン二等兵の回想。X50における戦闘降下に関する記述

UNSCはコヴナントへの反撃において、ドラエトヘルスVの防衛には成功しつつあったが、X50では日に日に状況が最悪な状況に陥っていた。 X50 CF-32の北極大陸においてはコヴナントが圧倒し、現地には少数の海兵小隊が防衛のために展開していたが、余りに散開しすぎていた。戦いは、UNSC 戦闘集団に属するUNSC エミネント・ドメインによる防衛戦闘によって支援された。軌道上に残る敵艦を掃討し、ODST部隊を軌道上から投下した。まず投下されたのが第3ヘルジャンパー小隊であった。初期の戦闘でODST部隊は生き延びたがパーチに散開していた。コヴナント部隊を率いるサンヘイリ士官はこれを封じ込めるための行動を始めた。ポッドが大気圏に達した頃、デイビスがミラーフラッツからそれを確認し、降着地点に向け移動を始めた。その間エミネント・ドメインは低軌道上に留まり、スピリット目掛けてMAC攻撃を行った。エミネント・ドメインはコヴナント艦から攻撃を受け、損害を出すが第2波のODSTを投下した。この直後にエミネント・ドメインは墜落し、ミラーフラッツ地区にエミネント・ドメインは墜落し、艦は失われた。第2波のODST隊はスピリット降下艇の残骸が多数残る地域に降下した。第3ヘルジャンパー小隊はその頃デイビスと合流、コヴナントの何波かの攻撃を防いだが、すぐにコヴナント軍5個中隊の攻撃を受けた。Forerunner monolith deep within X50's arctic circle. UNSC command dropped two combat engineers on Mirror Flats and then ordered Edward Davis to take a detachment north and de-activate the artifact. The SPARTAN successfully punched a hole in the Covenant offensive and led the ODSTs west into the mountains as night fell.

The Monolith[]

“I still have nightmares about the Stealth Elites… they would come out of nowhere…”
— Pvt. Roger Alfarsi remembering nightfall on X50.

Unbeknownst at the time to UNSC command, the Forerunner artifact that Merg Vol had activated was being used as a weapon. In fact, the entire moon was an artificial construction used by the Forerunners to construct worlds... and disassemble them. Now a massive beam of light shot up from the monolith and into space, striking the equator of Draetheus V. This weapon had been Vol's target all along: his cult clung to the belief he propagated: that he was a saint personally ordained by the Forerunners to use X50's power against all unbelievers. The two combat engineers that had dropped onto Mirror Flats were trained in xeno-engineering, and it was Edward Davis' job to safely escort them to the monolith. However, UNSC forces were about to be cut off by two columns of Covenant armor, including AA Wraiths. As night fell, these columns began pushing through the mountains west of the Flats so as to circle around UNSC forces and set up a perimeter around the monolith. Davis took the engineers to a safe location, and then made his way to Basalt Maze: the canyon system south of Alpha Base. He took with him an ODST fireteam and then hid in the thick outcroppings of rock in the Basalt Maze. They waited for nightfall, when the column passed by. They then launched a devastating ambush, using chain guns and active camouflage. The SPARTAN destroyed the entire column, along with its infantry escort. The second column was also successfully destroyed by a second ODST fireteam. The monolith's perimeter was now cleared of armor, allowing Marine snipers to take up positions in the cliffs west of the artifact. Davis then retrieved the combat engineers and escorted them to the mouth of the monolith. The area was swarming with hundreds of Covenant reinforced with Shade turrets. Davis fought down to the entrance of the monolith with an ODST squad and one of the engineers. He cleared out all initial forces garrisoned there with the help of the aforementioned snipers, as well as the reinforcements that emerged from the monolith itself. After all initial forces were dealt with a Brute Chieftain emerged wielding a Gravity Hammer. This was the first Brute seen during the battle, but it finally fell and the ODSTs arrived with the combat engineer. The Covenant had erected an energy barrier over the entrance to the monolith which the engineer had to disable before gaining access to the interior of the artifact itself. Swarms of Drones rose from the canyon floors as the engineer attempted to hack into the alien technology. Davis and the ODSTs kept all Covenant forces at bay until the engineer entered the complex, and then held out for another two minutes as they were beset by Elite Majors and Grunt Heroes. The engineer de-activated the monolith and shut down the weapon, but the damage that Draetheus V had suffered was already catastrophic and X50's night sky was illuminated by the orange glow of the crumbling planet. Davis and the ODSTs were now completely cut off from any other UNSC forces and were surrounded on all sides by Covenant armies. Unable to escape, the SPARTAN and ODSTs fought to the last man, eventually being killed by Merg Vol's personal entourage in the courtyard of the dormant monolith.

Collapse of Draetheus V[]

“Minutes before we had been under siege. Now the Covenant soldiers were fleeing. It was still a long way from victory.”
— Lt. Han Quigley remembering the final hours of the battle as Draetheus V collapsed.

Despite the fact that the X50 artifact had been shut down, Draetheus V was highly unstable; its crust rent open and its tectonic plates sliding out of control. UNSC command was in chaos and the Marines were without any cohesive leadership. SPARTAN Palmer was cut off from the ruins of Faraday Base by a widening rift in what had formerly been the Red Slate Plateau. She fought through fleeing Covenant forces and fanatic Brute kill teams, eventually obtaining a jetpack and safely escaping as the entire plateau crumbled into pieces. Palmer reached the ruins of Faraday several minutes later. The few Marine squads still alive were cornered by suicidal Covenant squads intent upon killing all of the base's occupants, and the arrival of Brute reinforcements did not help matters for them. Palmer arrived and rescued the trapped Marines, escorting them to the eastern exit, where mechanics had repaired and outfitted a pair of Elephants for the wounded and civilian evacuees in the ruins of Faraday Base during the destruction of Draetheus V. Most of the UNSC battlegroup had been destroyed, with the remnants desperately fighting against the large Covenant fleet. This meant that no surface evacuation could be carried out; nevertheless, Palmer led the Elephants towards the Epsilon Expanse, away from the shattered remains of Faraday Base. Because of the chaos, the Covenant had left a large reserve of docked Spirits several miles to the east of Faraday Base. When Palmer learned of this she rerouted the Elephants and began escorting them to the makeshift landing zone. Leaving the protection of the Elephants to the Marines, she hastened ahead, where the final remnants of the 23rd Armored Cavalry waited in the shattered crags of the Epsilon Expanse. Commandeering a Grizzly heavy tank, she led several Scorpions and a pair of Wolverines through thick resistance in the form of Wraiths and Fuel Rod Cannons, clearing the way to the makeshift airstrip. Palmer then returned to the Elephants and escorted them across the Epsilon Expanse using a pair of crumbling bridges. Having reached the airstrip, she defended against the massive waves of Covenant forces as the Marines escorted evacuees onto the Spirits. When the last Spirit safely took off with its cargo of casualties, SPARTAN Palmer and the few surviving Marines retreated north. Palmer learned that Merg Vol still commanded the Covenant fleet from his camp on X50, meaning that no evacuees could safely enter orbit without confronting the capital ships there. Merg Vol's second-in-command, Parg Vol, was on Draetheus V directing Covenant forces. As an officer, his Phantom would be able to made it past the Covenant fleet and reach Merg Vol on X50. Palmer and the Marines escaped the airstrip and then radioed for a ride.

Hunt for Merg Vol[]

“The dense trees didn't make it easy. Luckily, they hid us from the Covenant patrols. Quietly following them, we found our objective in mere hours.”
— Pvt. Paul Vocain remembering the hunt for Parg Vol's camp.

Two Hornets carried SPARTAN Palmer, three Marines and two combat technicians north to the mountain forests east of Faraday, where Parg Vol's base was situated. They tailed Covenant patrols until they entered the camp. In addition to the thick forests, there were numerous Shades, Wraiths, Ghosts and Stealth Elites impeding the team. Nevertheless, in a matter of hours the SPARTAN and Marines had fully infiltrated the base, located Parg Vol's Phantom, and cleared the area. The combat technicians moved in and began hacking the gunboat's fail-safes. At this point Parg Vol returned from the frontline to discover his camp compromised. Guessing the UNSC's motives, he ordered all nearby units to return to base. Wave after wave of Grunts, Jackals and Elites moved in from all sides, but Palmer and the Marines survived until the Phantom was ready to leave. They escaped the surface and reached orbit unscathed. Merg Vol had ordered his ships and AA batteries to neutralize all non-officer aircraft, but Parg Vol's Phantom had clearance to fly unmolested. Palmer located Merg Vol's camp on X50 and landed the Phantom in a concealed rock outcropping several miles southeast. Vol was not at his camp, but was at the monolith in northern Mirror Flats. Palmer tasked the Marines with guarding the Phantom against waves of Covenant attackers while she herself fought west through a Tyrant battery. After neutralizing all immediate threats, she began to traverse the ice shelves of the Mirror Flats. Merg Vol had six personal lieutenants with him on X50. When he learned that his perimeter had been compromised, and by a SPARTAN no less, he sent his lieutenants to fortify the only possible route to the monolith with Elite officers, Wraiths, Fuel Rod Cannons, Brute Chieftains, and hidden Drones. Palmer killed all of the commanders and then finished off the defending troops. At this point she had reached the cliffs surrounding the monolith and prepared for the final battle with Merg Vol.

Merg Vol[]

“What happened that day between Commander Palmer and Merg Vol remains a mystery. We were just overjoyed when we saw her coming back to the Phantom; the realization that that was it. It was done.”
— Pvt. Amber Penzak remembering the final hours of the battle.
ファイル:Halo Spartan Assault Battle Of Draetheus V Palmer VS Merg Vol.png

SPARTAN Palmer facing off against Merg Vol on X50.

When Palmer reached the Forerunner monolith, she was confronted by dozens of Jackals, Elite officers and stealth Elites pouring from the monolith. She eventually killed the entire vanguard, just as Merg Vol appeared from the artifact. He used a console to activate a pair of turrets and then attempted to drain Palmer's shields with a plasma pistol. Palmer managed to break through his Forerunner-enhanced shields, but Vol used an advanced holographic decoy to elude Palmer while the artifact recharged his shields and reinforcements arrived. Vol engaged active camouflage and came after Palmer wielding a pair of energy swords. Dozens of lances of Jackals began to swarm from all sides and the turrets made traversing ground even more difficult, forcing Palmer to fight the cloaked, sword-wielding Vol at close-quarters. Vol was disarmed and lost his shields again, so he retreated to the artifact while Palmer fought the remaining Jackals. He returned once more equipped with a hardlight shield. Despite his strategic harnessing of Forerunner technology, Palmer managed to deal him a crippling blow that permanently knocked out his shields and fatally wounded him. He fell to the ice where Palmer executed him with her magnum. Palmer then returned to the deserted camp where the Phantom was docked and the technicians took them into space where the armada of evacuees waited. With Vol dead the Covenant battlenet was in confusion, allowing the crushed remains of the UNSC Navy battlegroup to retrieve the evacuees and the captured Phantom and escape. The fate of the Covenant fleet is unknown.


  • It is unknown exactly when the battle took place. The Marine BDU is nearly identical to the late-2552 variant, and numerous weapons from Halo 3 reappear. Due to the exclusion of the M6H PDWS which entered service in 2555, it is possible that the battle took place in 2553 or 2554.
  • When TACSIM was implemented into the War Games simulator on board the UNSC Infinity after the Second Battle of Requiem, the first simulation run was the Battle of Draetheus V.


  • Halo: Spartan Assault (First appearance)



  • Halo: Spartan Assault (First appearance)


  1. Halo Waypoint, Games, Halo: Spartan Assault Announcement Trailer
  2. Halo Waypoint, Games, Halo: Spartan Assault Cinematics
  3. Halo Waypoint, Games, Halo: Spartan Assault, Screenshots, Mission Select
  4. YouTube, Halo: Spartan Assault Interview
  5. YouTube, Halo: Spartan Assault Interview
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