メニュー Halo ユニバース キャラクター 組織 場所 武器 乗り物 テクノロジー掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編...
デイジー-023 was a SPARTAN-II commando of the UNSCNavalSpecial Warfare Command.[1][2][3]
2517年、当時6歳のデイジーはキャサリン・ハルシー博士の進めるスパルタン-II計画の候補者として誘拐・徴兵された。彼女はその後惑星リーチへと送られ、そこで他の子供達と共にAI Déjàとフランクリン・メンデス曹長による訓練を受けた。2525年、彼女と他の候補者は能力増進の為の一連の強化措置を受ける。デイジーは重大な障害を負うことも無く、強化措置を生き残ることが出来た。[1][4]
Daisy-023 as a teenager.
A few weeks after the augmentations, Daisy and four other Spartans rebelled against their trainers, holding them at gunpoint in front of Dr. Halsey herself, in order to escape. Halsey granted them freedom, and they fled Reach as stowaways, hoping to return home to their parents. When Daisy arrived home at her home planet of Sargasso, the UNSC were already actively searching for her. She evaded patrols and found her home. There, she found a person nearly identical to herself, wheelchair-bound in her home's garden.[1]
Daisy was then approached by a Hornet VTOL with Dr. Halsey onboard. Halsey explained via COM that all the Spartans had been replaced by flash-clones when they were abducted, so as not to arouse suspicion of the missing children. Halsey urged Daisy to return to her and the rest of the Spartans. Daisy, shocked, drew her pistol and approached her clone. Her clone, confused and bewildered, stared at Daisy as she held her gun to her clone's face. After much hesitation, Daisy lowered her weapon, and began to leave. Her clone however, called after her, and offered her a small teddy bear on a chain, not knowing why she wanted to give it to Daisy, only thinking that she should do so. Daisy returned to UNSC custody and was transported back to Reach. However, her clone died soon after on Sargasso, as flash-clones did not live very long. Indeed, it was extremely unusual that this one had lived as long as it had.[1]
Daisy later participated in the Harvest Campaign, where she assisted several Marines pinned down by Covenant fire. She then assisted the Marines in getting to the evac point, where she met up with Ralph-303, a Spartan who had escaped with her in 2525, now as a serving Marine after his dismissal from the program.[5] As their evac Pelican landed however, Daisy was impaled by Needler rounds. Ralph, who was now aboard the Pelican with the Marines, tried to help Daisy, but she told him to go. Daisy used her pistol to fire on a Covenant Sangheili, but the Pelican was destroyed by Fuel Rod Gun fire, killing all aboard. Daisy, wounded and helpless, died where she lay, unable to move. Her body was later found by John-117[6], who laid Daisy's teddy bear chain in her hands and closed her eyes.[1]
SPARTAN-II部隊構成員(既に知られている) | ||
ジェームズ-005 • ジャイ-006 • リー-008 • ナオミ-010 • ジョシュア-029 • ヴィン-030 • サミュエル-034 • イサック-039 • ダグラス-042 • ウィリアム-043 • アントン-044 • ケイイチ-047 • カート-051 • リンダ-058 • マルコム-059 • マリア-062 • ファジャド-084 • ケリー-087 • ジェローム-092 • グレース-093 • フレデリック-104 • アドリアナ-111 • ジョン-117 • アリス-130 • ニコル-458 • カサンドラ • Kirk • Mike • René • Randall • Sheila • Unnamed Spartan • Yasmine Zaman |
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メニュー Halo ユニバース キャラクター 組織 場所 武器 乗り物 テクノロジー掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編...
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