Job Overview
During the Crystal War, these military tacticians often served as high-ranking officers in allied forces across Vana'diel. Extensive knowledge of ancient martial theory granted Scholars (SCH) the ability to wield dual schools of magic, between which they would alternate depending on the situation at hand. Available after completing the quest, A Little Knowledge.
Job AbilitiesLevel | Name |
01 | 連環計 | 10 | 白のグリモア | 10 | 黒のグリモア | 35 | 机上演習 | 65 | 以逸待労の計 |
| Job TraitsLevel | Name |
10 | レジストサイレス | 20 | クリアマインド | 25 | コンサーブMP | 30 | MPマックスアップ | 35 | クリアマインドII | 40 | レジストサイレスII | 50 | クリアマインドIII | 65 | クリアマインドIV | 70 | レジストサイレスIII |
Displays グリモア abilities available when using Light Arts or Dark Arts.
- The abilities available within Stratagems correspond to the type of Arts the scholar currently has activated.
- No abilities will be displayed if neither Light Arts nor Dark Arts has been selected.
- Stratagems do not have a recast time.
- However, the use of these abilities is restricted by the number of "charges" available, with each ability consuming one charge per use.
- When using the "/recast" text command, it is necessary to nominate a specific Stratagem to which the scholar currently has access, such as "/recast Celerity".
This command will display the amount of time remaining until a new charge is generated, as well as the current number of charges available.
- The number of charges available depends on the level of the scholar.
- When set as main job, a scholar has one charge available at level 10, two at level 30, three at level 50, and a maximum of 4 at level 70.
- When set as support job, a scholar has a maximum of two charges available.
- Each charge takes 4/n minute(s) to recharge, where n is the number of charges available. So:
- 4 minutes below 30
- 2 minutes from 30-49
- 1 minute, 20 seconds from 50-69
- 1 minute from 70+
- When the Stratagems Addendum: White or Addendum: Black are active, the Scholar gains access to additional white or dark magic spells respectively.
- Spells cast that are incompatible with an activated Strategem will have their normal effect. The activated Strategem(s) will not be used up until it wears off, or until the proper spell type is cast.
Level | White Grimoire |
10 | 簡素清貧の章 | 10 | 白の補遺 | 25 | 電光石火の章 | 40 | 女神降臨の章 | 55 | 意気昂然の章 |
| Level | Black Grimoire |
10 | 勤倹小心の章 | 25 | 疾風迅雷の章 | 30 | 黒の補遺 | 40 | 精霊光来の章 | 55 | 気炎万丈の章 |
See 学者の魔法とアビリティ for where to find spells as well as other information.
| Level | Spell |
30 | ケアルIII | 30 | プロテスII | 30 | スリープ◙ | 30 | ストーンII | 32 | カーズナ○ | 32 | ディスペル◙ | 34 | ウォータII | 35 | レイズ | 36 | [[アスピル] | 37 | リジェネII | 38 | エアロII | 39 | イレース○ | 40 | リレイズ○ | 40 | シェルII | 41 | 砂塵の陣 | 42 | ファイアII | 43 | 豪雨の陣 | 45 | 烈風の陣 | 46 | 虚誘掩殺の策 |
| Level | Spell |
46 | ブリザドII | 46 | ウィルナ○ | 47 | 熱波の陣 | 49 | 吹雪の陣 | 50 | プロテスIII | 50 | ストナ○ | 51 | サンダーII | 51 | 疾雷の陣 | 53 | 妖霧の陣 | 54 | ストーンIII | 55 | 極光の陣 | 55 | ケアルIV | 57 | ウォータIII | 60 | エアロIII | 60 | シェルIII | 61 | 土門の計 | 63 | 水門の計 | 63 | ファイアIII | 65 | 風門の計 |
| Level | Spell |
65 | スリプルII◙ | 66 | ブリザドIII | 66 | プロテスIV | 67 | 火門の計 | 69 | 氷門の計 | 69 | サンダーIII | 70 | レイズII○ | 70 | リレイズII○ | 70 | ストーンIV◙ | 71 | 雷門の計 | 71 | ウォータIV◙ | 71 | シェルIV | 72 | エアロIV◙ | 73 | ファイアIV◙ | 73 | 闇門の計 | 74 | ブリザドIV◙ | 75 | 光門の計 | 75 | リレイズII○ | 75 | サンダーIV◙ |
○Gained while under the effects of 白の補遺.
◙Gained while under the effects of 黒の補遺.
Skill Caps
Combat Skill Ratings Skill | Skill Ranking | Cap at Level 1 | Cap at Level 37 | Cap at Level 75 |
片手棍 | C+ | 5 | 105 | 230 | 両手棍 | C+ | 5 | 105 | 230 | 短剣 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | | | | |
投てき | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | | | | |
回避 | E | 4 | 94 | 200 | 受け流し | E | 4 | 94 | 200 |
| Base Magic Skill Ratings Skill | Skill Ranking | Cap at Level 1 | Cap at Level 37 | Cap at Level 75 |
暗黒魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 神聖魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 精霊魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 弱体魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 強化魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 回復魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 |
Magic Skill Ratings (Light Arts) Skill | Skill Ranking | Cap at Level 1 | Cap at Level 37 | Cap at Level 75 |
暗黒魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 神聖魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 精霊魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 弱体魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 強化魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 回復魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 |
| Magic Skill Ratings (Dark Arts) Skill | Skill Ranking | Cap at Level 1 | Cap at Level 37 | Cap at Level 75 |
暗黒魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 神聖魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 精霊魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 弱体魔法 | B+ | 5 | 109 | 256 | 強化魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 | 回復魔法 | D | 4 | 101 | 210 |
See Scholar Skill Caps for a by-level breakdown of weapon skill limits.
Artifact Equipment
Artifact Set | Level | Artifact |
46 | Klimaform (spell) | 52 | Scholar's Bracers | 54 | Scholar's Loafers | 56 | Scholar's Pants | 58 | Scholar's Gown | 60 | Scholar's Mortarboard |
| Artifact Set +1 | Level | Artifact |
74 | | 74 | | 74 | | 74 | | 74 | |
| Relic Set | Level | Relic |
70 | | 71 | | 72 | | 73 | | 74 | | 75 | | 75 | |
| Relic Set +1 | Level | Relic |
75 | | 75 | | 75 | | 75 | | 75 | |
Scholar Guides
- Scholars: Martial Magicians
- How-To Guide: Scholar
- Guide:Mastering Scholar
- Scholar/Equipment Guide
- Survival of the Wisest Limit Break 5
テンプレート:Job Notes
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