When accessed by Desmond Miles during his incarceration at Abstergo, he gained access to Warren Vidic's e-mails after stealing his access pen. The Templar's messages revealed more about Abstergo Industries, and the current condition of the world in 2012.
Lucy Stillman openly left her e-mail accessible to Desmond, all of which gave further insight on Abstergo.
The conference room also held a computer, usually for sending more confidential e-mails, as the room and terminal were both passcode protected. At one point, Alan Rikkin e-mailed Warren, telling him to check the priority updates on the secure terminal of the conference room.
From: | アラン・リッキン |
To: | ウォーレン・ヴィディック |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
アブスターゴのデータ・ダンプ・スキャナー は電子メールネットワークをサポートしていた. だいたいはユーザーにアンケートを送っていたが、例外的にエルディートからのメールが届く。
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the statement "I have Italian ancestors." by offering Abstergo a list of your documented genealogy.)
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the "INFLUENCE" question by saying that if they suspect you of being easily manipulated, then they are wrong.)
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the "INFLUENCE" question by saying that you generally get what you want from people.)
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the "INFLUENCE" question by saying that you are not good at manipulating people.)
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the "EMPATHY" question with "Whose side do you want me to take?")
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the question "What do you know about Erudito?" with "Erudito?". Erudito is pleased that you pretended not to know about him.)
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
From: | Abstergo Industries |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
(Note: The following message is sent after responding to the question "What do you know about Erudito?" with "I've already filed a full report on him.")
From: | Erudito |
To: | Abstergo recruit |
日付/時間: | {{{日時}}} |
件名: | {{{件名}}} |
{{{本文}}} |
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