
Tripwire_Alarm_Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Loot Tables/Genesis: Part 1/Missions/Who Hid the Squid?}}.
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Who Hid the Squid?


  • Players get rewarded with 1 item.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 200% - 200%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 49%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - with quality (Chance 2%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 467% - 767%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 70% - 70%


  • Players get rewarded with 2 items.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 200% - 200%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 49%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - with quality (Chance 2%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 467% - 767%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 70% - 70%


  • Players get rewarded with 4 items.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 200% - 200%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 49%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - with quality (Chance 2%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 467% - 767%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.Quantity scale: 100% - 100%Quality scale 70% - 70%

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