



To unlock Marc as a playable character, along with her unit card and Hyper card as binder collectibles:

  • QP最終話、スグリ最終話、カイ最終話のいずれかをコンプリートした後、ショップで1200Stars Iconで購入。
  • セーブファイル作成時に、メインキャラクターとしてマールを選択する。
  • キャラクタークレートからランダムに受け取る。
  • DLC 12を所有する。

This character is unlocked by default in online games.

Unit Colors

NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
Orange IconOrange colorPurchase for 1500 in the Shop.
Blue_Icon.pngBlue color
Green color
Yellow_Icon.pngYellow color
Pink color
  • Receive as a random drop after finishing an online game.
  • During the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.
Purple_Icon.pngPurple colorPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after reaching Level 50.
Teal_Icon.pngTeal colorPurchase for 10000 in the Shop after reaching Level 25.
Black_Icon.pngBlack color
  • Receive as a random drop after finishing an online game.
  • During the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.
Halloween Outfit colorPurchase for 20000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after finishing 20 games as any character with the Black color equipped.
Silver colorPurchase for 40000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after reaching Level 75.
Red and Blue colorPurchase for 60000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after reaching Level 100.
Christmas Outfit color
School Outfit colorCurrently unavailable.

Hair Colors

NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
Hair Color 1_Icon.pngFinish 10 games as Marc, with the 10th game or any game after the 10th being online.
Hair Colors 3_Icon.png
  • Receive as a random drop after finishing an online game.
  • During the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.
Hair Colors 5_Icon.png7_Icon.png9_Icon.png11_Icon.png
  • Purchase for 75Oranges_Icon.pngOranges in the Shop.
  • Receive randomly from the Premium Crate.


NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
Santa HatPurchase for 5000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after giving out 10 cards with Present for You as Aru.
Brown_Antlers_Icon.pngBrown AntlersReceive as a random drop after finishing an online game as Marc.
Red AntlersReceive as a random drop after finishing an online game as Marc.
Red_Crown_Icon.pngRed CrownComplete all base-game campaigns and extra episodes on Normal difficulty or higher.
Purple CrownComplete all base-game campaigns and extra episodes on Extreme difficulty.
Jack_o%27Lantern_Icon.pngJack o'LanternPurchase for 20000 in the Shop after finishing 20 games as any character with the Black color equipped.
Halloween_Costume_%2716_Icon.pngHalloween Costume '16Receive randomly from the Mystery Bag.
Poppo MaskPurchase for 99999Stars_Icon.png in the Shop.
Halloween Costume '17Receive randomly from the Mystery Bag.
Reindeer_Kigurumi_Icon.pngReindeer KigurumiComplete Waruda Christmas Party on any difficulty.
Santa Scramble CostumePurchase for 50Christmas_Currency.pngChristmas Wreaths in the Shop.
Leo KigurumiCurrently unavailable.
Pigformation_Icon.pngPigformationCurrently unavailable.
RPG CostumePurchase for 5000Stars_Icon.png in the Shop after completing the retired Minions of the Master event campaign.
Festa JuninaCurrently unavailable.
Flower_Hairpin_Icon.pngFlower HairpinCurrently unavailable.
Cow KigurumiPurchase for 60Oranges_Icon.pngOranges in the Shop.
Tiger KigurumiPurchase for 80Oranges_Icon.pngOranges in the Shop.
NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
  • Receive as a random drop after finishing an online game.
  • During the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.
  • Receive randomly from the Mystery Bag.
  • During the Path to Secrets event, receive randomly from Cosmetic reward panels.


NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
Marc Pig CostumeCurrently unavailable.
MarcSwimsuitSelect.pngMarc Summer CostumeCurrently unavailable.


NameCurrent Unlock Conditions
Poses 3_Icon.png5_Icon.pngReceive randomly from the Regular Crate.
Voice PackOwn DLC 12Starter_Character_Voice_Pack.jpg.

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