「hesitates」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

シーン03 - Leon the professional

。Grocerry Shopping:「食糧品店」あるいは「食糧雑貨店」のことです。quarter:4オンス(4分の1ポンド)LEON: [hesitates, then nods]MATHILDA:[runs down the stairway, smiling again]L

小野塚小町 - 東方Project Wiki

mands those she guides to pay all the money they have, and anyone who hesitates to pay the full sum is dropped into the river midway through

シーン13 - Leon the professional

icemen]POLICEMAN:「What're you doing here? Get out, get out!」[Leon hesitates in front of a group of policemen blocking the way][Mathilda

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

this, maybe. He sits on the chair. Mathilda’s walkman is on. He hesitates, then eventually puts on the headphones. It’s a sweet,

間章 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

He asks if it was possible to change the past, but when the Traveler hesitates to answer, he had already gotten what he needed and heads in

The_Babysitter - Halopedia日本語版

Brien to take the shot, claiming he's the only one that can do it. He hesitates, then picks up the rifle and takes the shot, killing the Pro

シーン12 - Leon the professional

e, a way of knowing so he knows it's you?」前だとわかる暗号はあるのか?[Mathilda hesitates, then nods; knocks a wrong code - 321][he signals to his men

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