ⅺ theoritical challenges, why we able to observe - entropy wiki
observe (ⅰ) 🐁 1⃣ too tiny object to observe with 🔦 light " hisenberg uncertainty " 2⃣too tiny motion to observe with 🔦
observe (ⅰ) 🐁 1⃣ too tiny object to observe with 🔦 light " hisenberg uncertainty " 2⃣too tiny motion to observe with 🔦
wn, randomness of holygrail increase. uncertainty ~= randomness hisenberguncertainty =randomness of location ~= information entropy.
heat physics 3 Laws and Newton Leibniz 3 Law source: Newton, leibniz, Clausius,
🤝immigrant problem, how look from AI ? immigrant and autoroid ➀ " immigrant problem " become news in some country ② from AI, w
🏃to become young with physical method ➀ brain transplant surgery + clone is most easy way to become young. ( clone baby withou
(ofcource its not talking about observation's unevitable error(=hisenberg's uncertainty)) 9 copy food magic from jesus
💎 Object turn to Energy. so Energy turn to Object source: Albert Einstein,Stephen William H
🐦‍🔥no nuclear weapon treaty = company buy nuclear missile = war between company & country no effective nuclear weapon treaty=