「discovered」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ


she didn't return. While searching the letter without success, Bayek discovered Ruia's dead body. The Medjay informed Pelias and investigat

トゥヴォック - Memory Alpha wiki

reprise to defend The Doctor's rights as a sentient being when it was discovered that he officially had no legal rights. (VOY: Death Wish、Au

ベラナ・トレス - Memory Alpha wiki

n 12. (VOY: Someone to Watch Over Me)While exploring a nebula, Torres discovered that it was actually a living creature and that by entering

セクション31 - Memory Alpha wiki

ntil Phlox could develop a cure. Reed complied, but his tampering was discovered by Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol, and Reed wa

What_Do_You_Think_of_Roleplay? - B.F.D.I 日本語wiki

入れ替わってた・・・?Death協定が発見したのは TreeはTacosが発見したのは PuffballはRockyDotBEEP.png discovered Rocky was Basketball. discovered Basketball was Puffball.Lo

Cryptum - Halopedia日本語版

the powerful Prometheans.[2]History[]Djamonkin Crater[]A Cryptum was discovered in Djamonkin Crater on Erde-Tyrene by the young Forerunner

シンボル - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

d by Subject 16, Desmond's predecessor in the Abstergo Animus. 16 had discovered 'The Truth' during his prolonged Animus sessions, but he co

アニムス計画 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

case of the bleeding effect for most of his life.[7] Later on, he was discovered by a female Assassin by the name of Hannah Mueller, and aft

第三章 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ench. They then witness Azar and Setaria scolding Nilou; with nothing discovered, they sleep again and the same beep starts again. This time

Iris - Halopedia日本語版

with_AR_symbol.jpgLater, a Bungie.net user by the name of "crazyBoy3" discovered another section of Halo3.com (http://halo3.com/comic/) with

Fallout_Bible_0 - Fallout Wiki

V is enough to cause mutations, as the Enclave slaves mining Mariposa discovered. I imagine the shield between the vats and the control room