「Looks」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Webber_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Forge Boarrior- "You don't look so tough!"Rhinocebro.pngRhinocebro- "Looks like a big bully!"Infernal Swineclops- "All that armor must be h

Wheeler_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

need to trap something good. Preferably a sandwich."Honey Poultice- "Looks like it will... work?"Healing_Salve.pngHealing Salve- "Take some

Maxwell_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

nforest Tree (stump)- "It's been chopped down."Sick Rainforest Tree- "Looks unwell."Cocooned_Tree.pngCocooned Tree- "Filthy creatures reside

Warly_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t smells wet."Bones- "Hmm, soup stock..."Touch_Stone.pngTouch Stone- "Looks like some sort of ritual stone."Obelisk (sane, up)- "It's tuggin

Walani_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

, but it's pretty fun."物壊すのって、「仕事」っつうより遊びな感じ~Pitchfork.pngPitchfork- "Looks like some kind of trident."海の神様が持ってる武器に似てるかも~Feather Pencil- "Li

Chess_Pieces - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

eference what they're familiar with.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Looks good to me.”–Woodie“How kitsch.”–MaxwellWigfrid_Portrait.png“'Tw

scriptversion1_1 - Leon the professional

The beginning is identical to the movie, so we considered useless reporting it here.It’s from Mathilda’s first rifle training sc

Warbucks_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ad about this gem!"Life_Giving_Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "Huzzah! Looks rather invulnerable!"Fire Staff- "Quite an incendiary instrument

Wortox_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ng with anticipation!"Ancient_Kiln_Build.pngAncient Kiln (finished)- "Looks like my treat is ready to eat!"Ancient Kiln (burnt)- "I don't un

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

They are in a luxury restaurant.Léon pours some champagne. Mathilda is happy. They drink. Mathilda drinks everything in one gulp, lik

Ocean_Fishes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

陸上ドロップFish Morsel.pngデバッグ用コード"oceanfish_small_1"“Looks like the runt of its school.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Just a d

Hallowed_Nights/Quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ake[]“I don't believe in the supernatural.”–WilsonWillow Portrait.png“Looks like firewood to me.”–Willow“Stab-stick is useless now.”–Wolfgan

Circuits - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherCircuits(回路)はDon't Starve Togetherに登場するWX-78専用のアイテムです。Survivor Items Filterから計15種類

Wigfrid_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "The lava crust is reförming."Lava Pit (out)- "Looks delicate."Maxwell%27s_Mosquito_Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap-

暗然たる影 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

暗然たる影任務の種類伝説 (イベント)イベント白雪に潜みし影・第二幕開始の場所モンド、ドラゴンスパイン前の任務次の任務氷雪の過去埋もれた秘密 報酬 キャラクター モラ 60,000 モラItem_Primogem.png 12

Lost_Relics - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

INITE JEST”–Wilba“Old Twirly Tail thing”–WormwoodWheeler_Portrait.png“Looks like something the pig history buffs would like.”–WheelerLost Id

Wagstaff_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

rcane technology."Abigail_build.pngMobs - Other[]Base Game[]Maxwell- "Looks like a man who could answer some of my quandaries."Pig_King.pngP

Grainy_Transmission - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

h on the storm, I should assist him.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Looks like you're doing somthin' important. How aboot I lend you a han

WX-78_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。I WIN. GOOD.“I SHALL DOMINATE ALL CREATURES”–WX-78このページはプレイヤーが

Woodlegs_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t."Obsidian Fire Pit (out)- "Th'fire has left."Tar_Lamp.pngTar Lamp- "Looks like a wee boat!"Buoyant Chiminea (upon being built)- "Prote'tio

Midsummer_Cawnival - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

it of seasoning.”–Warly“Thanks Tweeters!”–WormwoodWinona_Portrait.png“Looks like a bag of bird food.”–Winona“I'm sure they won't be offended

Giant_Crops - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherGiant Crops(巨大作物)は、農園で収穫できる巨大な農作物です。作物にストレスを与えないよう条件を満たしながら育てると発生します。ハンマーで破壊する事により

Skins - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together“Maybe I can be even more handsome!”–WilsonSkins(スキン)はDon't Starve Togetherにおけるシステ

Slingshot_Ammo - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherSlingshot Ammo(パチンコの弾)はDon't Starve Togetherにおけるウォルター限定のキャラクター専用アイテムです。Survivor It

Feather - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

irdy feather.”–Wurt, when examining a Jet Feather.Walter_Portrait.png“Looks like a black bird feather.”–Walter, when examining a Jet Feather

Royal_Tapestry - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

g×20 ×10 Beefalo Wool.png×15発生デバッグ用コード"mermthrone"Wilson_Portrait.png“Looks fit for a swamp king!”–Wilson“I shouldn't burn it... but I want

スタートレック:叛乱 - Memory Alpha wiki

現実世界(制作視点での記事)スタートレック:叛乱Star Trek: Insurrection公開日: 1998年12月11日←スタートレック映画全13作中9作目→←全エピソード通算729中546番目→Insurrection_poster.jpg脚本マイケル・ピラーストーリーリ

Blueprint - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

g!”–Wickerbottom, when examining a Rare Blueprint.Woodie_Portrait.png“Looks real complicated, that one.”–Woodie, when examining a Rare Bluep

Wall - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

.“Look good, florp!”–Wurt, Examining a stone wall.Walter_Portrait.png“Looks pretty sturdy.”–Walter, Examining a stone wall.“They make me fee

Year_of_the_Carrat - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

t_race_checkpoint"“You've made your point.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Looks perfectly flammable to me.”–Willow“Is point for checking.”–Wolfg

Dumbbells - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

be quite beneficial to one's health.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Looks pretty heavy, eh?”–Woodie“I have no interest in such things.”–Ma

Year_of_the_Catcoon - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

om ya?”–Willow, when examining a Catcoon Shrine.Wolfgang_Portrait.png“Looks like tiny kitty, but shiny.”–Wolfgang, when examining a Catcoon

2005冬コレクション - ラブandベリー Wiki

LoveDS"すみません!"このコレクションの記事は不完全です! それが完了したら私たちはあなたに通知します! 今のところは、当分の間、この記事をご覧ください: 2004秋冬コレクションBeriKimino"ハ~イわたし, ベリー!"もしあなたが公式なイギリス対応するものを捜して

Stone_Fruit - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherStone Fruit入手Stone_Fruit_Bush_Planted.png ×3スタック数40デバッグ用コード"rock_avocado_fruit"“I'

旅人/ボイス/英語 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

概要ストーリーボイス服装メディア日本語中国語英語韓国語目次1 物語1.1 モンド1.2 璃月1.3 稲妻2 戦闘3 注釈4 ナビゲーション物語[]モンド[]タイトル詳細AetherLumineAbout the Windmills(風車について…)Teleport_Waypoin

Moon_Rock_Idol - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

nrockidol"Wilson_Portrait.png“Huh. It looks kinda like a key.”–Wilson“Looks like a jerk.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Hehe. Is funny little

ベネット/ボイス/中国語 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

概要ストーリーボイス服装塵歌壺メディア日本語中国語英語韓国語Icon_Emoji_026_Qiqi_Secretly_observing.pngこの記事はあなたの編集を待っています!!編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!テンプレート:Meta/VO目次1

Birds - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Wheeler_Portrait.png“You think you could fly me out of here?”–Wheeler“Looks a bit flighty. Ha!”–WinonaWortox_Portrait.png“Clever trickster.”

Queen_of_Moon_Quay - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

to skewer the clouds!”–Warly“Metal trunk”–WormwoodWinona_Portrait.png“Looks shoddy, but it's stable somehow.”–Winona“Are these the pillars o

Fossils - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

talker"Wilson_Portrait.png“It's alive! Oh wait, no, it's not.”–Wilson“Looks passable.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Is look good! Mighty!”–Wo

Alarming_Clock - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherAlarming Clock"This clock strikes YOU."材料Time Pieces.png×3 ×4 Nightmare Fuel.png×8

Fish_Morsel - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

fishy.”–Wheeler, when examining a Fish Morsel.“You sure that's fish? Looks pretty shrimpy to me.”–Winona, when examining a Fish Morsel.Wort

Year_of_the_Bunnyman - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

look quite comfortable.”–Wickerbottom, when examining a Cozy Bunnyman“Looks like they're enjoyin' themselves.”–Woodie, when examining a Cozy

2005秋コレクション - ラブandベリー Wiki

LoveDS"すみません!"このコレクションの記事は不完全です! それが完了したら私たちはあなたに通知します! 今のところは、当分の間、この記事をご覧ください: 2004秋冬コレクション2005春夏コレクションBeriKimino"ハ~イわたし, ベリー!"もしあなたが公式なイギ

シーン03 - Leon the professional

LEON: [comes up the stairs; sees Mathilda's bleeding nose; looks around, reaches her his handkerchief][画像]MATHILDA:「Is life always this