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  • このページでは、the original Falloutにおけるskillをすべて掲載しています。
    • このページで記載している内容は概略に過ぎません。詳細は、それぞれの記事を参照してください。
    • 他のFalloutゲームのskillについては、「Skill」を参照してください。
    • Falloutについては、「Portal:Fallout」を参照してください。






    特典とは異なり、スキルポイントは未使用のままで、後で費やされます。これは、ロックされたドアなど、さらなる進歩を妨げる未知のタイプのゲームのハードルが発生した場合に役立つ可能性があります。99 を超える未使用のスキル ポイントは失われます。

    Effect of stats on skills[]

    SPECIAL stats modify skills with a considerable bonus. The game keeps track of this bonus throughout the game, in real time. Any changes to stats, (e.g. chem effects, aftereffects and addiction effects) during the game add to or subtract from this modifier.

    Effect of difficulty settings on skills[]

    • Combat skills are unaffected by difficulty settings.
    • Active and passive skills are lowered by 10 (%) when the difficulty is changed from "normal" to "hard".
    • Active and passive skills are raised by 20 (%) when the difficulty is changed from "normal" to "easy".

    Maximizing skill point gain/cost ratio[]

    Reducing the base stat modifier of skills with chem effects, and/or by changing the difficulty to Hard, can reduce the cost of skill points if it lowers the skill below a skill cost threshold. For example, Science can be raised to 135% for only one skill point per % by lowering Intelligence to zero with Mentats' aftereffects or Psycho effects (there is a limit of two chems unless you save and reload, but that will doubtlessly be necessary in any case to avoid become Addicted), and raising the difficulty to "hard" before spending. It can be raised a further 20% if needed, afterwards, by setting the difficulty to "easy" (same goes for reading books). This also works for higher tiers of skill point cost.



    SkillDescriptionAssociated statAssociated skill bookInitial value
    小銃The use, care and general knowledge of small firearms. Pistols, SMGs and rifles.AgilityGuns and Bullets35% + (1% * AG)
    Big GunsThe operation and maintenance of really big guns. Miniguns, Rocket Launchers, Flamethrowers and such.Agility-10% + (1% * AG)
    Energy WeaponsThe care and feeding of energy-based weapons. How to arm and operate weapons that use laser or plasma technology.Agility-10% + (1% * AG)
    UnarmedA combination of martial arts, boxing and other hand-to-hand martial arts. Combat with your hands and feet.AgilityStrength-65% + (1% * ((AG + ST) / 2))
    Melee WeaponsUsing non-ranged weapons in hand-to-hand, or melee, combat. Knives, sledgehammers, spears, clubs and so on.StrengthAgility-55% + (1% * ((ST + AG) / 2))
    ThrowingThe skill of muscle-propelled ranged weapons. Throwing knives, spears and grenades.Agility-40% + (1% * AG)

    Active skills[]

    SkillDescriptionAssociated statAssociated skill bookInitial value
    First AidGeneral healing skill. Used to heal small cuts, abrasions and other minor ills. In game terms, the use of first aid can heal more hit points over time than just rest.IntelligencePerceptionFirst Aid Book30% + (1% * ((PE + IN) / 2))
    DoctorThe healing of major wounds and crippled limbs. Without this skill, it will take a much longer period of time to restore crippled limbs to use.IntelligencePerception-15% + (1% * ((PE + IN) / 2))
    SneakQuiet movement, and the ability to remain unnoticed. If successful, you will be much harder to locate. You cannot run and sneak at the same time.Agility-25% + (1% * AG)
    LockpickThe skill of opening locks without the proper key. The use of lockpicks or electronic lockpicks will greatly enhance this skill.AgilityPerception-20% + (1% * ((PE + AG) / 2))
    StealThe ability to make the things of others your own. Can be used to steal from people or places.Agility-20% + (1% * AG)
    TrapsThe finding and removal of traps. Also the setting of explosives for demolition purposes.AgilityPerception-20% + (1% * ((PE + AG) / 2))
    ScienceCovers a variety of hi-technology skills, such as computers, biology, physics and geology.IntelligenceBig Book of Science25% + (2% * IN)
    RepairThe practical application of the Science skill. The fixing of broken equipment, machinery and electronics.IntelligenceDean's Electronics20% + (1% * IN)

    Passive skills[]

    SkillDescriptionAssociated statAssociated skill bookInitial value
    SpeechThe ability to communicate in a practical and efficient manner. The skill of convincing others that your position is correct. The ability to lie and not get caught.Charisma-25% + (2% * CH)
    BarterTrading and trade-related tasks. The ability to get better prices for items you sell, and lower prices for items you buy.Charisma-20% + (2% * CH)
    GamblingThe knowledge and practical skills related to wagering. The skill at cards, dice and other games.Luck-20% + (3% * LK)
    OutdoorsmanPractical knowledge of the outdoors, and the ability to live off the land. The knowledge of plants and animals.EnduranceIntelligenceScout Handbook5% + (1% * ((IN + EN) / 2))
    Fallout /
    Fallout 2
    Small Guns · Big Guns · Energy Weapons · Unarmed · Melee Weapons · Throwing · First Aid · Doctor · Sneak · Lockpick · Steal · Traps · Science · Repair · Speech · Barter · Gambling · Outdoorsman
    Fallout 3Small Guns · Big Guns · Energy Weapons · Unarmed · Melee Weapons · Explosives · Medicine · Sneak · Lockpick · Science · Repair · Speech · Barter
    Fallout: New VegasGuns · Energy Weapons · Unarmed · Melee Weapons · Explosives · Medicine · Sneak · Lockpick · Science · Repair · Speech · Barter · Survival
    Fallout TacticsSmall Guns · Big Guns · Energy Weapons · Unarmed · Melee Weapons · Throwing · First Aid · Doctor · Sneak · Lockpick · Steal · Traps · Science · Repair · Pilot · Barter · Gambling · Outdoorsman · SpeechCut content
    Van BurenFirearms · Unarmed · Melee · Security · Sneak · Steal · Medic · Mechanics · Outdoorsman · Science · Barter · Persuasion · Deception
    J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPGFirearms · Unarmed · Melee · Medic · Sneak · Athletics · Security · Steal · Science · Academics · Mechanics · Pilot · Outdoorsman · Investigation · Persuasion · Deception

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